Homemade Remedies for Intestinal Parasites in Dogs

Homemade Remedies for Intestinal Parasites in Dogs

If you cover all the basic needs of your dog, both physical and mental, you will help it enjoy a good quality of life as you enjoy your pet's company at its best for a longer time.

One of the conditions that your dog can suffer include intestinal parasites; treating it as soon as possible is very important, because some of these parasites can cause a zoonotic disease - meaning it can also affect humans. This AnimalWised article will tell you all about homemade remedies for intestinal parasites in dogs.

Intestinal parasites in dogs

There are five main types of parasites that can infest the intestinal tract of your dog:

  • Ancylostoma caninum
  • Toxocara canis
  • Trichuris vulpis
  • Dipylidum caninum
  • Echinococcus granulosus

These parasites are generally transmitted through fecal-oral contact, and infestation can produce the following symptoms in your dog:

  • Weight loss
  • Swollen abdomen
  • Discomfort in the anal area
  • Worms in the dog's feces
  • Blood in the dog's feces
  • Vomiting and diarrhea
  • Changes in the dog's coat

Homemade remedies for intestinal parasites in dogs

There are various natural resources available that can treat intestinal parasites in a completely natural and respectful way. Let's see what natural treatment options can be used:

  • Areca palm seeds: These seeds act as a potent antiparasitic and also effectively reduce symptoms of the infestation, which helps regulate the dog's nervous system. Treatment takes place over the course of 7 days. The dog is given 6 grams of seeds crushed and mixed in with the food every day. This translates as 3 doses of 2 grams.
  • Garlic: One of the most effective natural remedies against a multitude of disorders. In order to treat intestinal parasites in dogs naturally, you must crush garlic with cloves and mix it into the food.

    However, don't forget that garlic has a toxic component and can cause a severe type of anemia in dogs. In order for it to be toxic, your dog would have to consume a lot of garlic each day; if you include a single clove of garlic in its food, your dog will be fine.
  • Wormwood: Wormwood has anthelmintic properties, meaning that it favors the expulsion of the worms. In order to treat your dog, you must give it between 10 and 15 drops of liquid wormwood extract every 8 hours, mixed with food. This treatment should be carried out for one week.
  • Pumpkin seeds: Raw pumpkin seeds will help your dog expel intestinal parasites more easily. Your dog should be given a teaspoon of ground pumpkin seeds mixed in with food for every 4.5 kilos of its body weight. Continue with this remedy until there are no more symptoms of parasites.
  • Oregon grape: This is a herb that cannot be used in pregnant dogs or in dogs with liver disease; however, in other cases it acts as an outstanding antiparasitic. You should give 12 drops of liquid extract per 9 kilos body weight. Continue this remedy until there are no symptoms of parasitic infestation.
  • Gentian: Gentian purifies the blood and strengthens the digestive system. You must prepare an infusion, boiling a teaspoon of powdered root in a cup of water for 5 minutes. You should administer it twice a day for a week.

See your veterinarian

Before starting treatment using any of natural remedies that have been named above, it is important to go to the vet to confirm the diagnosis of intestinal parasites and to monitor the treatment. This is because even if these remedies are safe, they can interact with other drugs.

Similarly, the veterinarian will tell you how often you should deworm your dog. If it is an adult dog, deworming can take place every two, three or six months. It will all depend on the habitat of the dog and the individual risk of parasitism.

In order to prevent your dog from contracting intestinal parasites it is also important that you stimulate its immune system.

This article is purely informative. AnimalWised does not have the authority to prescribe any veterinary treatment or create a diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian if they are suffering from any condition or pain.

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