
How to Treat Intestinal Parasites in Dogs

María Besteiros
By María Besteiros, Expert veterinary assistant and canine/feline hairdresser.. Updated: September 27, 2020
How to Treat Intestinal Parasites in Dogs

See files for Dogs

Procox for dogs is a drug with antiparasitic effect that can be administered from two weeks of life. It acts against well-known internal parasites, such as nematodes and coccidia. It is especially noteworthy that it manages to destroy the resistant forms of coccidia, which reduces their load on the environment and, therefore, reduces the risk of new infestations.

In this article from Animal Expert we are going to explain what we should take into account when using this product, what is the recommended dose of procox for dogs and how to administer it.

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  1. What is procox for dogs?
  2. What is procox for dogs for?
  3. Procox dosage for dogs
  4. Contraindications of procox for dogs
  5. Side effects of procox in dogs

What is procox for dogs?

Procox is a medicine whose active ingredients are emodepside and toltrazuril. Emodepside is a semi-synthetic compound included in the group of depsipeptides. Toltrazuril is a triazinonic derivative.

Procox is specifically formulated for dogs and has antiparasitic action against nematodes and coccidia, both of which are relatively common internal parasites in dogs. Emodepside acts at the neuromuscular level and causes paralysis and death of nematodes. Toltrazuril kills coccidia parasites.

Procox for dogs is presented as a yellowish-white oral suspension that must be shaken before using and administered by syringe, directly into the dog's mouth. There are 7.5 or 20 ml presentations. Never self-medicate your dog, before choosing medicine to treat your dog's intestinal parasites you must consult your veterinarian.

How to Treat Intestinal Parasites in Dogs - What is procox for dogs?

What is procox for dogs for?

Procox is intended to treat intestinal parasites infections in dogs. This means the concurrence of more than one nematodes or coccidia parasite.

Procox is specifically active against nematode species such as Toxocara canis , at various stages of its life cycle, adult Uncinaria stenocephala and Ancylostoma caninum, also adults. As for coccidia, it fights the complex of Isospora ohioensis and Isospora canis. It acts both against the replication of isospores and against the diffusion of its oocysts, which are the forms that persist for long periods of time in the environment and are resistant to certain disinfectants. This way, infestations are reduced. This is why procox is especially recommended by veterinarians for dogs that live in groups.

If your dog already has symptoms of intestinal parasites, this product will not cure the damage the parasites have already caused, such as enteritis. Your veterinarian will need to examine, diagnose and find the correct treatment for your dog's health issues.

It's also important to prevent intestinal parasites. You can do this by cleaning up their feces as soon as possible and disinfecting the environment. You must also keep up with their regular check-ups, deworming schedule and vaccination schedule.

Procox dosage for dogs

Only the veterinarian can indicate the administration schedule, since it will depend on the circumstances of each dog's case. In general, a single dose is necessary. Therefore, the treatment should only be repeated if the veterinarian determines that the parasite infestation of nematodes with coccidia is still present after the first dosage. Only the veterinarian can determine this.

Only the veterinarian can indicate the administration schedule, since it will depend on the circumstances of each dog's case. In general, a single dose is necessary. Therefore, the treatment should only be repeated if the veterinarian determines that the parasite infestation of nematodes with coccidia is still present after the first dosage. Only the veterinarian can determine this.

As for the dosage, this is established based on the weight of the dog. Therefore, one of the things your veterinarian will do and then take into account when assessing the correct dosage for your dog is to weigh your dog. This way it will be effective and safe for your dog to take. The minimum dose recommended by the manufacturer is 0.5 ml per kg of dog weight . But, as always, it will be the vet who has the last word regarding the dosage. It is very important to treat all the dogs that live together, although not all have shown symptoms of parasitic infestation.

Contraindications of procox for dogs

Procox cannot be administered to puppies that are less than two weeks old or weigh less than 400 grams. Of course, it cannot be given to dogs that have manifested any allergic reaction to any of the active ingredients or the excipients that compose it. Keep in mind that one of these principles, emodepside, can be problematic if administered to collies or dogs of similar breeds. It seems that in these animals the margin of safety is lower. Procox is not recommended for puppies of these breeds, as there are insufficient studies to determine their tolerance.

In addition, dogs who are especially weakened or with severe damage to the kidney or liver, the veterinarian will have to assess the advantages and risks of administering procox. Also due to the lack of studies that support it, procox is not recommended for female dogs that are pregnant or lactating, at least during the first two weeks. Furthermore, emodepside can interact with other drugs. Therefore, it is not recommended to use it together with allopurinol for dogs, erythromycin, prednisolone, cyclosporine, or other drugs, as the result would be unknown.

This is why it's important to allow your veterinarian to examine your dog and determine the best treatment for their specific case.

How to Treat Intestinal Parasites in Dogs - Contraindications of procox for dogs

Side effects of procox in dogs

As for the side effects of procox in dogs, in general, it is a safe product. In some cases, after ingestion we could notice some slight digestive disturbances, such as vomiting or loose stools, which usually resolves soon.

Poisoning is unlikely to occur as procox safety levels are high. If this occurs, we would observe the dog experiencing certain symptoms related to the digestive system such as those produced as a side effect, that is, vomiting and decomposition. Of course, if you observe any abnormal behavior, it's best to consult your veterinarian.

This article is purely informative. AnimalWised does not have the authority to prescribe any veterinary treatment or create a diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian if they are suffering from any condition or pain.

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How to Treat Intestinal Parasites in Dogs