Leptospirosis in Cats - Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Leptospirosis in Cats - Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Your cat’s health is of the utmost important, therefore, we always recommend being informed about all of the potential diseases or infections that cats can catch. Leptospirosis in cats is a bacterial infection caused by a subspecies of the leptospira interrogans. This infection perforates a cat’s skin and can then spread through to the rest of the body. If not treated or diagnosed in time, this cat infection can be fatal.

Leptospirosis in cats is not very common, however, because it is such a dangerous infection, knowing how to recognize it is important. For more about this zoonotice disease, keep reading here at AnimalWised to find out everything you need to know about diagnosis, symptoms and treatment of leptospirosis in cats.

Leptospirosis infection in cats

Leptospirosis in cats is a contagious zoonotic disease, which means that it can be transmitted to humans. This bacterium is widespread throughout the world, infecting cats, dogs, farm animals and other pets.

This bacterium can survive on land and water for weeks without a host. Although present all over the world, leptospirosis is more common in areas of high and humid temperature, where both wet and dry weather favor it.

Leptospirosis in cats is not very common. For this reasons, studies about this bacterial infection are not prevalent. Keep reading for more about the diagnosis, symptoms and treatment of this bacterial infection in cats.

Leptospirosis in cats: transmission

Cats can contract leptospirosis through: direct contact with another animal or a surface whereby the bacterium is nesting. In this sense, leptospirosis in cats is transmitted through:

  • Access to backwaters.
  • Contact with pets in street situations.
  • Contact with farm animals.
  • Contact with rodents or wild birds.
  • Drinking water from natural sources such as rivers or lakes.
  • Contact with urine of an infected animal.
  • Contact with food or water containers where another infected animal has been fed.
  • Eating meat from a sick animal.
  • Being bitten by an infected animal.
  • A mother, if infected, can transmit leptospirosis to her puppies.

If your cat is infected with the bacterium leptospirosis, it can come into contact with a cat’s mucous membranes of the cat. From here the bacteria can migrate through to the rest of the body, where the infection will manifest.

While on the topic of zoonotic diseases in cats, we recommend reading up about toxoplasmosis in cats.

Leptospirosis in cats: symptoms

Because these symptom types are quite common, feline leptospirosis can be confused with many other diseases. This is why laboratory tests are required in order to diagnose this infection correctly. Symptoms of Leptospirosis in cats include:

  • Tremors.
  • High fever.
  • Body numbness.
  • Jaundice in cats.
  • Excessive thirst.
  • Increased urination.
  • Cat vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Dehydration in cats.
  • Breathing problems in cats.
  • Accumulation of fluid in respiratory organs.

Due to a lack of studies and information about this cat disease, it’s still difficult to pinpoint the different stages of its development. However, what we do know is that some cats experience mild leptospirosis and can recover quickly. In other, however, it can be fatal if not diagnosed in time. This is predominantly the case when its evolution causes severe intestinal and kidney problems. For more, we recommend reading our articles about:

  • Polycystic kidney disease in cats.
  • Intestinal parasite in cats.

Leptospirosis in cats: diagnosis

Only a veterinarian is able to diagnose leptospirosis in cats, differentiating it from other common cat diseases. Not only will this leptospirosis diagnoses require a complete physical examination, but blood tests may also be performed. If the bacteria has spread excessively, radiographs and bacteria cultures such as urinalysis and urine tests may also be necessary.

Remember that because this disease is zoonotic, extra caution needs to be taken when handling an infected cat.

Leptospirosis in cats: treatment

Are you wondering, ‘How to treat leptospirosis in cats?’’ Leptospirosis treatment in cats requires keeping the cat stable and preventing aggravation of the disease. A veterinarian will most likely prescribe antibiotics, in addition to liquid therapy. Both can be administered either at home or at the veterinary clinic.

If the disease has spread excessively, hospitalization may be requires to treat damage to various vital organs, such as the lungs, kidneys and liver.

This article is purely informative. AnimalWised does not have the authority to prescribe any veterinary treatment or create a diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian if they are suffering from any condition or pain.

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