Hairless cat breeds
There is a myth that hairless cat breeds are all hypoallergenic. Yes, hairless cat breeds have less hair than their long haired counterparts, but it is possible that a cat's skin will also lead to allergic reactions in humans. The problem is that the allergen is actually a protein which is commonly known as dander. Yes, cats without hair will not be able to spread this dander around as much, but they still have it. Some longhair cats don't produce much of this protein, some even less than their hairless cousins. However, it is true that generally, hairless cats are better for people with mild allergies.
More important is remembering that they need different care. They may not need to be brushed in the same way as other cats, but their lack of hair means they have other considerations. The main one is protecting their skin from the elements. Hairless cats may need to have a coat on when it is particularly cold. If it is summer, they will need some protection if they are going to spend any time in the sun. Read more to find out about completely hairless cats such as the Sphynx and other Rex breeds which have only a little hair in places.
More important is remembering that they need different care. They may not need to be brushed in the same way as other cats, but their lack of hair means they have other considerations. The main one is protecting their skin from the elements. Hairless cats may need to have a coat on when it is particularly cold. If it is summer, they will need some protection if they are going to spend any time in the sun. Read more to find out about completely hairless cats such as the Sphynx and other Rex breeds which have only a little hair in places.
5 breeds

The Peterbald is one of the so-called hairless cat breeds, although this is not always the case (see more below). They are essentially the ‘oriental version’ of the more common Sphynx cat breed, since they were created by crossing this breed with others. In addition to their striking appearance, these cats are...

The Don Sphynx cat is also known as the Donskoy cat. Its origins are found in Russia in the 1980s when a kitten was found which gradually lost her hair as she aged. The same thing happened to her ktitens. These cats were healthy, the only thing that had occurred was a dominant character mutation which...

The Ukrainian Levkoy cat is a breed of the 21st century, not yet very well known outside its place of origin and not recognized by the international cat federations. It is a breed of Ukrainian origin, created by crossing a Don Sphynx with a Scottish Fold. The result was a hairless kitten with ears folded forward.

The Elf Cat is a cross between the Sphynx Cat and the American Curl Cat. It is a hairless cat like the Sphynx, but has the characteristic ears of the American Curl, that is, they are curved backward. While it is true that these two characteristics of the elf cat require more thorough care to prevent disease...

The Kohana cat is a feline from Hawaii. It is not a differentiated breed in itself, but a mutation of the Sphynx cat breed. It is also a totally hairless cat breed as it lacks hair follicles. Temperamentally, it is an ideal cat for the home. They have a docile, endearing, affectionate and playful character...