Homemade diets

Are Blueberries Safe for Dogs?

Cristina Pascual
By Cristina Pascual, Veterinaria. February 1, 2024
Are Blueberries Safe for Dogs?

See files for Dogs

Humans adore blueberries - their sweet, juicy burst and packed nutrition are hard to resist. But can our beloved pets share this love? After all, there are several berries that are toxic to dogs and can cause serious illness or even death if ingested. Before sharing your snack, let's explore the potential perks and the possible pitfalls. Understanding the benefits and risks is crucial to ensure your pooch enjoys a healthy and happy treat time.

This AnimalWised article delves into the world of blueberries for dogs, exploring whether they're safe, delicious, and even beneficial for your furry friend.

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  1. Are blueberries good for dogs?
  2. Benefits of blueberries for dogs
  3. How do I feed my dog blueberries?
  4. How many blueberries can I give my dog?
  5. Contraindications of blueberries in dogs

Are blueberries good for dogs?

Yes, blueberries are generally safe for dogs to eat. In fact, they are a healthy treat that can provide your dog with various health benefits.

Blueberries are low-calorie berries that serve as a good source of fiber, vitamins, and antioxidant compounds for dogs. Importantly, they lack any known substance that is toxic to dogs, making them a safe and suitable fruit for canine consumption.

As with other fruits suitable for dogs, it is advisable to offer blueberries in moderation. Using them as a treat or reward can be a great strategy, allowing dogs to enjoy both the flavor and nutritional benefits without overindulgence.

Benefits of blueberries for dogs

Blueberries are a nutritional powerhouse packed with antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber, offering a myriad of health benefits for dogs. Incorporating blueberries into your dog's diet can be advantageous in several ways:

  • Blueberries, rich in antioxidants like vitamin C, vitamin E, and anthocyanins, combat harmful free radicals, safeguarding your dog's cells from oxidative damage and promoting overall health and longevity.

  • The essential nutrients in blueberries, including vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc, play a crucial role in strengthening your dog's immune system, aiding in the fight against infections and supporting overall resilience.

  • Blueberries may contribute to improved cognitive function and memory, thanks to their anthocyanin content, which has been linked to enhanced brain health in both humans and canines.

  • Blueberries, being a good source of fiber, promote a healthy digestive system by adding bulk to stool, facilitating regular bowel movements, and preventing constipation and diarrhea.

  • With relatively low calories and fat content, blueberries serve as a nutritious and satisfying treat for dogs on a diet or aiming to maintain a healthy weight.

  • Blueberries may help protect against heart disease by reducing inflammation and supporting healthy cholesterol levels.

  • Blueberries contribute to improved athletic performance by providing energy and supporting muscle function.

  • Blueberries' vitamin C content promotes healthy skin and coat, contributing to a shiny and radiant appearance.

Curious about other canine-approved berries? Dive into the world of blackberries and their benefits.

How do I feed my dog blueberries?

Blueberries can be a healthy and delightful treat for your dog, but it's important to know how to offer them safely and in moderation. Here are some tips:

  • Introduce blueberries gradually, starting with small amounts to avoid digestive issues.

  • Monitor your dog for any allergic reactions like vomiting, diarrhea, or itching.

  • Always remove the stems and leaves as they can pose choking hazards.

  • You can hand-feed or scatter them on the ground for a fun foraging experience.

Additionally, you can mash or blend the blueberries and mix them with their regular kibble or wet food, which can add variety and flavor to their meals. As always, start with a small amount and gradually increase if your dog enjoys it.

You can also offer your dog blueberries as a refreshing treat during the summer. To do this, simply wash and freeze the blueberries. Be mindful of overconsumption, especially for smaller dogs, as frozen berries can be harder to digest.

Remember, moderation is key! If you notice any signs of digestive upset like vomiting, diarrhea, or lack of appetite, contact your veterinarian right away.

Interested in learning about other safe fruits and vegetables for dogs? Read our article on recommended fruits and vegetables for dogs.

How many blueberries can I give my dog?

The safe amount of blueberries to give your dog depends on their size and overall health. As a general rule, no more than 10 blueberries per day is recommended for most dogs.

  • Toy dog - under 4.5 kg (10 pounds): 5–6 blueberries
  • Small dog - 4.5-11.3 kg (10-25 pounds): 6–8 blueberries
  • Medium dog - 11.8-20.4 kg (26-45 pounds): 9–12 blueberries
  • Large dog - 20.9-34 kg (46-75 pounds): 12–15 blueberries
  • Giant dog - over 34 kg (75 pounds): 15–20 blueberries

It is important to start by giving your dog a small amount of blueberries and monitor them for any signs of digestive upset. If your dog does not experience any problems, you can gradually increase the amount they eat.

Contraindications of blueberries in dogs

While blueberries can be included in the diet of many dogs and offer various health benefits, there are situations in which their contribution may not be recommended. Here are some scenarios:

  • Dogs with food allergies often need to adhere to a strict diet based on hydrolyzed proteins. Introducing new foods, including blueberries, can be counterproductive for dogs with food allergies.

  • Dogs with chronic gastrointestinal pathologies, such as chronic gastritis or inflammatory bowel disease, may have sensitive digestive systems. In such cases, introducing new foods, even seemingly innocuous ones like blueberries, might not be advisable without consulting a veterinarian.

  • Dogs with food intolerance or those with a digestive system that is particularly sensitive to changes may not tolerate new foods well. It's important to consider the individual dog's digestive health and any history of sensitivity before introducing blueberries or any other new food.

In these situations, consulting with a veterinarian is crucial to determine whether incorporating blueberries into the dog's diet is appropriate and safe. The individual health condition, dietary requirements, and specific needs of each dog should be taken into consideration to ensure their well-being.

To learn about additional fruits and vegetables that can be harmful to dogs, we recommend reading our article on forbidden fruits and vegetables for dogs.

If you want to read similar articles to Are Blueberries Safe for Dogs?, we recommend you visit our Homemade diets category.

  • Chou, H.I., Chen, K.S., Wang, H.C., Lee, W.M. (2016). Effects of cranberry extract on prevention of urinary tract infection in dogs and on adhesion of Escherichia coli to Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. American Journal of Veterinary Research; 77(4):421-7
  • European Federation of Pet Food Manufacturers. (2017). Nutritional Guides for Complete and Complementary Dog Foods
  • Spanish Nutrition Foundation. (2018). Fruits and vegetables . Available at: https://www.fen.org.es/storage/app/media/imgPublicaciones/informe_frutas_y_hortalizas_fen_2018-v1.pdf
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Are Blueberries Safe for Dogs?