Can Dogs Eat Chickpeas?
See files for Dogs
While we can enjoy them as part of a healthy diet, some may wonder if chickpeas are good for dogs. Dogs can eat chickpeas, but it is important to know that the canine diet is different to our own. If we do give chickpeas to our dog, we need to ensure we do so in such a way as to maintain their digestive and overall health. Also known as garbanzos, chickpeas can provide some nutritional benefit for dogs, but they should never be the main part of their diet. Not all chickpeas are the same, so we also need to be careful when providing them fresh or in a can. AnimalWised reveals all by asking can dogs eat chickpeas?
Are chickpeas good for dogs?
Chickpeas are not bad for dogs. They do not contain any toxic ingredients for canines and they can pack a nutritional punch. This does not mean they can be given to dogs in large amounts. Although they have adapted to include other types of food in their diet, dogs are carnivorous animals. They need protein and giving them too much food such as chickpeas can cause digestive stress. Over time, it can be very harmful.
It is true that chickpeas contain a good amount of protein, but dogs assimilate animal protein better than those from vegetable sources. While meat should take up a major part of their diet, legumes such as chickpeas should only be offered sporadically. They can be included as part of the recipe for commercial kibble, but this needs to be done in appropriate amounts. Always check the ingredient list when buying any commercial feeds.
Learn more about what is the best diet for dogs with our related guide.
Can dogs eat chickpeas from a can?
Chickpeas can be prepared in various ways, but they are usually sold in one of two formats. Dried chickpeas are uncooked and need to be hydrated before consumed. Canned or jarred chickpeas are precooked. When using canned chickpeas, you can eat them immediately or cook them as part of a larger recipe.
Dogs can eat canned chickpeas, but they shouldn't. The reason is that precooked chickpeas usually contain additives such as salt or stabilizers. In these cases, the chickpeas are fine, but the additives are not good for the dog. This is especially so if they are eaten in large quantities.
When giving chickpeas to your dog, it is best to use the dried variety. However, they cannot be given to the dog in their dried state. Firstly, they will be very hard to digest and can cause serious gastrointestinal upset, potentially even resulting in blockages. They can also cause a choking hazard or break a dog's tooth if they bite down hard enough. Soak the dried chickpeas overnight and cook them according to package instructions.
Learn about other foods which can be given to dogs with our article on can my dog eat sausages?
Benefits of chickpeas for dogs
Chickpeas are legumes packed with nutrients that offer health benefits for people. In this case, their weekly consumption is recommended. Dogs can also benefit from eating chickpeas and obtaining their nutrients, but this consumption should be moderate.
Although they contain beneficial nutrients, chickpeas can be heavy for the dog's body, especially due to their high fiber content. This fiber content helps reduce cholesterol, regulate blood sugar and prevent diabetes, as well as supporting intestinal transit. Other benefits include:
- Proteins and carbohydrates: the presence of these nutrients in chickpeas helps to prevent the glucose spikes produced by simple carbohydrates.
- Mineral and vitamin content: these nutrients are also considerable, providing vitamin C, vitamin B6, vitamin K, folic acid or vitamin B9, iron, manganese, copper, zinc and magnesium.
Amount of chickpeas for dogs
The amount of chickpeas a dog can eat should not exceed 5% of the daily calorie requirement. This varies for each dog depending on factors such as age, size, activity level and physiological state, among other variables. For example, depending on weight:
- Small dogs: should not eat more than 120 g
- Medium-sized dogs: no more than 300 g
- Large dogs: no more than 570 g
How to give chickpeas to dogs
The correct way to offer chickpeas to dogs is to cook them first, without adding seasonings such as spices or salt. As explained above, we should soak dried chickpeas and cook them. Avoid using canned chickpeas of chickpeas from a jar. We can give the dog chickpeas whole or broken down when used with other ingredients. These are the recommendations that you should keep in mind when giving chickpeas to a dog:
- Avoid canned or jarred chickpeas: they tend to contain a lot of salt and other additives.
- Do not give them raw: they are poorly digestible in that form.
- Do not feed hummus: hummus contains toxic ingredients such as onion and garlic which should never be given to a dog.
- Moderation: remember that chickpeas should not be consumed daily, but rather one to three times a week at most.
Learn more about the ingredients which can be toxic for canines with our article on forbidden food for dogs.
Side effects of chickpeas for dogs
Chickpeas should not cause any major problem for dogs. This is as long as they are eaten according to the recommendations detailed in this article. This means no additional harmful ingredients, cook the chickpeas and provide them in moderation. The main problems related to chickpeas and dogs is overconsumption. Due to their high fiber and protein content, it is easy for a dog to become gassy when eating too many chickpeas.
If they eat canned or jarred chickpeas, it is common for the dog to have increased thirst. This is due to the high salt content. If your dog eats too much chickpeas, their sodium levels can become too high. This can result in various problems, including neurological disorders and kidney failure.
Eating raw chickpeas often causes digestive problems in dogs. They are much less digestible and contain phytic acid and lectins, factors that hinder the absorption of nutrients and can be harmful.
Contraindications of chickpeas for dogs
Chickpeas can be a healthy food to add to a dog's diet. They can provide important benefits and nutrients for the body of our canine companions. However, the consumption of chickpeas can sometimes be contraindicated for some dogs, such as:
- Those who suffer from digestive problems or diarrhea. The fiber content could worsen their condition. If consumed raw, the risk is even greater for these dogs.
- They should also not be offered to dogs allergic to chickpeas or given in excess, as they can cause digestive problems.
- Eating canned or jarred chickpeas, as well as commercially produced hummus, is also contraindicated. As we have mentioned, these products contain additives such as salt or toxic ingredients such as garlic and onion. These can affect our dogs' red blood cells.
Now we know about whether a dog can eat chickpeas, we may want to know if other legumes are safe for canines. Learn more with our article on whether dogs can eat beans.
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