Animal eye care
Learn more about animal eye care by exploring our site and become a true expert on the animal kingdom. You'll find content created for the best professionals with pictures, videos and opinions.
4 articles
Chamomile, renowned for its healing properties, has long been used as a natural remedy for various health issues and skin disorders. Interestingly, its application has extended to the field of veterinary medicine, where it has become a popular method for addressing eye conditions in dogs. But what is the truth...
Dog’s eyes are a extremely delicate and sensitive. If your dog’s eyes look: dirty, present eye discharge or ulcers, appear itchy, you need to make sure that you address the situation. Taking care and cleaning out a dog’s eye boogers can be a tricky process, and therefore needs to be done with extreme...
The reasons a cat's third eyelid is showing can be benign, but it can also be a symptom of a serious disease. These can be bacterial infections or other diseases which affect the eye directly, but they can also be more systemic. Also known as the nictitating membrane, the third eyelid can appear in one...
Cats hate bathing and in fact, apart from certain breeds, they do not really need it because they can spend up to four hours a day preening themselves with their rough tongue. However, there is an area that cats cannot reach with their tongue to clean: the eyes.
The task we explain below will not be...