Animal gestation
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46 articles
Neutering a male dog via castration will prevent a them from being able to impregnate a female, but not immediately. Castration is a procedure which removes the testicles of a dog, the organs responsible for producing the male gamete, i.e. sperm. After sperm is produced, it will remain in the reproductive...
For those passionate about canine genetics and breeding, understanding dominant and recessive genes is essential. These fundamental principles govern how traits are inherited and expressed in dogs, shaping everything from their appearance to their health. By examining how dominant and recessive genes interact,...
The journey of pregnancy in dogs is an amazing process that spans approximately two months, or 63 days on average. During this period, the expectant mother's body undergoes a series of intricate transformations to support the growth and development of her litter. While many of these changes occur internally,...
A dog's pregnancy is a sensitive period, providing for both her own changing needs and those of her gestating puppies. Diet and nutrition is of particular importance. Without the correct nutrients, a pregnant dog can lose her puppies and even put her own life in danger. A balanced and nutrient-rich diet...
When a kitten in a cats litter has died, it is understandable for us to be upset at the loss of life. The average kitten litter is around 4-6 newborns, but there could be even more. Unfortunately, it is relatively common for a kitten to die during various stages of the 63-6y days of an average cat gestation....
Female dogs are only fertile for short periods throughout the year, but males can mate at almost any point. For this reason, there is a lot of competition between males for each female dog. While the males will fight it out, it is common for a female to mate with multiple partners when she is in the...
Wondering whether you should keep a puppy with their mother is an understandable predicament. If you have a dog that has just birthed some puppies, you will have seen the love and care with which she tends to her offspring. You have also invested practical and emotional energy in ensuring the mother and puppies...
Rabbits, members of the family Leporidae, are renowned for their graceful hopping and jumping abilities. Their gentle nature and adorable looks have made them popular pets worldwide. Whether you're considering adopting a rabbit or simply curious about these animals, you might have wondered about their reproductive...
The arrival of new life through the birth of puppies is an extraordinary and touching moment in a dog's life. Witnessing this natural process can be both awe-inspiring and heartwarming for pet owners. Mother dogs, however, undergo some behavioral changes after giving birth that can seem perplexing to...
If your pregnant dog is shaking, it is common to think of the possibility she is going into labor. How far along the dog is into her pregnancy will determine whether this is a joyful occasion or a serious cause for concern. A dog's pregnancy will last an average of around 9 weeks, although this will vary...
Breeding horses is a complex process that requires careful attention to detail and a deep understanding of equine reproductive physiology. One of the most common questions among horse breeders is how many times a mare needs to mate to become pregnant. While there is no one-size-fits-all answer to this...
Butterflies are among the most popular and appreciated invertebrates in the world. The delicate shape of their body and the variety of colors of their wings make these insects very eye-catching and curious animals, both for their morphology and for their life cycle. They begin their life as an egg, hatch...
A female dog that has just given birth to a litter of puppies requires a number of special attentions that we, as caregivers, need to know. There are some changes in her diet that we need to consider, especially because a lactating female dog needs a more nutrient dense diet than normal. What your female...
When we are caring for a pregnant dog, everything is building to the moment of delivery. We want both the mother dog and future puppies to be as safe and healthy as possible. Since a prolonged and/or difficult labor will threaten the health of both, we need to know as much as we can before the birth....
Given the speed and ease with which guinea pigs reproduce, it is not uncommon for owners to have doubts about whether or not their guinea pig has become pregnant. Whether you are breeding guinea pigs or you have unknowingly allowed your guinea pig to get pregnant, there are certain signs that indicate...
When caring for a pregnant dog, there are many factors to take into account. We want to do everything we can to ensure the health and well-being of both mother and puppies, so we need to look at all of their needs. This means providing them with the right diet, ensuring their environment is stress-free and...
We expect our pregnant dog to eat more since she has to provide enough nutrition not only for herself, but also her developing offspring. A dog pregnancy lasts around 65 days, a process which has various stages. The dog's appetite can fluctuate during these stages, resulting in her adjusting her food...
Before a dog gives birth, hygiene is an important consideration. We need to ensure the puppies are born in a safe environment and minimize the risk of infection. However, the birthing process can get messy. Afterwards, the amniotic sacs and placenta are usually eaten by the mother. She will also lick the...
Diet is an important part of any dog's care. When they are pregnant, we need to ensure the health of not only the mother, but any puppies she may be expecting. The right diet for a pregnant dog is not simply to do with how much they eat. We also need to be considerate of any specific nutritional benefits...
The birth of newborn puppies brings many emotions to human guardians. While we are overjoyed about these beautiful new lives, we also must feel the responsibility of their care. Fortunately for us, the mother is doing most of the hard work. Our job is to support her and provide the best possible environment...
Whether your dog's pregnancy was planned, you want to do everything you can to ensure it proceeds without problem. Ensuring the puppies are born happy and healthy is vital, but so too is safeguarding the well-being of the mother. In certain circumstances a ‘natural’ or unassisted birth is not possible....
The rise in popularity of the French Bulldog has been meteoric. While all Bulldog breeds have their charm, there is something about the French Bulldog which sets them apart. Perhaps it is their particularly adorable presence, with their bat-ears and doleful eyes. It could be that not only do they go from...
Did you know that rabbits reach sexual maturity just a few months after they are born? That's right, rabbits can mate after just 4 to 8 months of life. So if your pet rabbit has a mate, you may be surprised with a litter sooner than you expected. After all, we all know the phrase ‘breeding like rabbits’....
After a cat gives birth, it is important to be mindful of a mother cat's behavior toward her kittens. Even with first-time mothers, her instincts will kick in and look after all of the kitten's needs. From the second they are born, the mother cat helps them to feed, defecate, stay warm and even move around....
Cats are reputed for their ability to produce quickly and at a young age. When it comes to having a cat, knowing your cat’s sexual cycle is key in understanding your animal better, and taking the necessary measures to avoid unwanted litters.
Keep reading here at AnimalWised for more about cat mating,...
In this AnimalWised article, we deal with a topic which has raised the concern of many dog guardians. The topic of dog breeding is important because a dog will follow their natural desires and try to breed given the chance. It is also a controversial one due to the problem populations of dogs caused...
Snakes have different ways of reproducing, depending on the species to which they belong. Some snakes are oviparous and others are viviparous. Are you wanting to expand your knowledge about snakes? If so, you’ve come to the right place!
For more about snake reproduction and fun snake facts, keep reading...
If you live with chickens or have found orphaned chicken eggs, you may be wondering, ‘‘How are chickens born?’’ The first thing you will need to do is verify that the eggs have in fact been fertilized. Once confirmed, there are a series of recommendations to take into account to ensure the proper development...
Frogs are amphibians that are present in various ecosystems all over planet earth. You can find most frog species near ponds and rivers. In fact, all frog species require an aquatic environment, specifically because this is where they carry out several of their life cycles. But how do frogs reproduce?
Due to a horse’s impressive beauty, elegance, intelligence and sensitivity, they have managed to adapt to diverse activities and sports. For these above mentioned reasons, their breeding is now widespread throughout the world. After centuries of coexistence, however, we still have so much to learn from...
There is a reason for the term ‘breeding like rabbits’. Their reputation for prolific reproduction is not unfounded. They mature sexually early compared to some other mammals, they are receptive to mating for long periods and their mating act itself is relatively quick. For some countries, this has become...
Knowing if our cat is pregnant can, at first, be slightly complicated. But there are several signs and symptoms which can tell you about cat pregnancy. It is important to remember that if your cat is pregnant, we recommend consulting a veterinarian in order to make sure your cat experiences a healthy...
The delivery process of a cat is a phase which can cause great agitation to feline caregivers. It is a process which occurs mostly internally for the cat. With the inability for cats to communicate verbally, it may be difficult for us to know how well the labor is going. This inadequate communication...
A guppy fish, also known as a millionfish or rainbow fish (Poecilia reticulata), is a species native to South America. Nowadays, however, you can find guppies all around the world. The reason for their popularity among aquarist fans is that they are very easy to care for. They are known to be able to...
Hamsters are an all time favorite rodent to have as a pet. If you have chosen to adopt a couple of hamsters, it is possible that your female might become pregnant. In this case, it will be essential to offer her the optimal conditions she needs for the development of her pregnancy and the growth of her...
Generally speaking, it is safe to deworm a pregnant dog. Deworming is a necessary protocol for any dog since it prevents common parasite infestations which can cause harm to both the dog themselves, as well as other animals and humans in the home. Protecting a pregnant dog from these problems also protects her...
In recent decades hamsters have become an increasingly popular pet, as much loved by adults as by children. This is in part due to their easy adaptation to environments, relatively simple care needs and, of course, the fact that they are adorable. Their care needs include maintaining a clean cage, providing...
Any responsible pet owner needs to be able to recognize the signs and symptoms of possible pregnancy in their dog. It is vital so you can be prepared to meet your own responsibility as a dog owner as well as help the dog with their responsbility as a mother. This will involve providing the essentials...
Due to the precocity of sexual maturity in guinea pigs, as well as the relative difficulty in determining their sex, it is not uncommon to adopt pregnant guinea pigs without being aware of it. That's why in this AnimalWised article, we're going to show you not only how to take care of a pregnant guinea pig,...
A cat's delivery is a moment of joy and excitement, because soon a few playful animals will come to the world and probably become great pets, always considering that labor has been sought, and not because of an accident. In order to avoid unwanted births, you should sterilize your cat.
In any case, although...
A healthy dog pregnancy will last around 63 days with different stages during this period. As a caregiver to the dog, we need to best ensure the mother dog's health and well-being. Doing so will give her gestating pups the best potential start in life. In this AnimalWised article we are going to tell...
As long as you take a responsible attitude towards the mother and her puppies, to witness the birth of a litter at home is an amazing and very formative event. However, before your dog gives birth to puppies, it is essential that you learn about pregnancy in dogs and the necessary care you must provide...
The English Bull Terrier or "Bully" is a unique and sweet-looking breed. Their affectionate, protective and loyal temperament have made them a very popular dog appreciated by millions of people worldwide.
If you are thinking about having Bull Terrier puppies, this article is the right one for you. We...
Turtles reproduce by internal fertilization, requiring a male and a female to do so. If you have a male and female tortoise at home, pregnancy is a real possibility. Similarly, if you have a female tortoise at home and they are exposed to a male for any length of time, pregnancy can occur. Tortoises are...
The average litter size of a Yorkshire Terrier is 1-5 puppies. This will depend on various factors related to the individual dog, but breed is a determining factor on how many puppies will be in a dog's litter. Regardless of the litter size, it is important that a pregnant dog be well cared for before,...
It can be worrying if the cat you have bred gives birth to a single one kitten litter. After all, cats are known as usually producing multiple kittens at a time. Does this concern you?
In this AnimalWised article we will go over the different reasons as to why has your cat only had one kitten. The truth...