Cat breeds for hot climates
Not all cats can adapt to any temperature, this is why we offer you a complete list with the perfect cat breeds for a hot climate. Take a look at every fact sheet to discover how to care for them, their character, behavior, type of hair, feed and average weight.
4 breeds

The Egyptian mau is one of the most elegant cats that exist. Its history is linked to the dynasty of the pharaohs, a great empire that appreciated the figure of the cat as that of an almost divine being. The word "mau" is Egyptian, and means Egyptian cat. In ancient Egyptian civilization cats were revered...

The Burmese cat is not actually, as many people believe, a variant of Siamese cats. The Burmese cat breed dates back to the Middle Ages, although it didn’t reach the US and Europe until this last century.
For more about Burmese cats and their origin, character, physical characteristics and required care,...

The Sphynx is a very unique cat. It was the first cat without hair or apparent fur to be accepted as a breed. The sphynx has created an interesting dynamic in human society with its large group of likes and dislikes. Many people appreciate the cat for its different features and hairless skin, while others dislike...

The Peterbald is one of the so-called hairless cat breeds, although this is not always the case (see more below). They are essentially the ‘oriental version’ of the more common Sphynx cat breed, since they were created by crossing this breed with others. In addition to their striking appearance, these cats are...