Diet problems

Forbidden Food for Hamsters

Josie F. Turner
By Josie F. Turner, Journalist specialized in Animal Welfare. Updated: September 2, 2024
Forbidden Food for Hamsters

See files for Hamsters

If you have decided to welcome a hamster into your home it is very important that you know its dietary requirements so that it doesn't suffer from nutritional deficiencies. First and foremost, fiber and protein form the basis of a hamster's diet.

Therefore, you also need to know what are the forbidden foods for hamsters. These are not only foods which may be difficult to digest; some foods can also cause gastro-intestinal disorders which may lead to a greater predisposition to various diseases. Stay at AnimalWised to get informed about what these forbidden foods are.

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Dietary requirements of hamsters: What you should know

You will find a wide variety of hamster food in shops, which will be classified according to breed and therefore suit their specific needs. If you investigate further, you will notice that your hamster requires:

  • Cereals
  • Fruit and vegetables
  • Meat or insects

Does your hamster have the perfect diet? These three elements are essential and should be given in proportion to their physical needs. It is very likely that your hamster will eat everything you give it, but that does not mean it is healthy.

An excessive serving of vegetables, for example, can cause diarrhea. A protein and fiber-based diet is provided by commercial food, but you must be especially careful to provide fresh fruit and vegetables as well.

Don't give your hamster food for humans, because it contains high levels of salt and fat which your small pet cannot tolerate and will be very harmful. Do not feed your hamster chocolate, sugar or seasoned vegetables, for instance.

You should know that it is important to remove any leftover fruit and vegetables from your hamster's food bowl. If you don't, they could accumulate germs and all kinds of bacteria which will then end up in your hamster's stomach.

Forbidden Food for Hamsters - Dietary requirements of hamsters: What you should know

Forbidden fruit and vegetables for your hamster

It is true that hamsters can tolerate countless kinds of fruit, but they should always be provided in moderation. Some kinds, however, are not suitable for this rodent's digestion:

  • Avocados: They contain too much fat.
  • Oranges and lemons: They cause extreme acidity.

It is also important to remove any seeds or pips from the fruit.

Vegetables are another type of food your hamster can digest without difficulty, and there is a wide variety of options that you can feed it. However, not all vegetables or leaves are suitable for a hamster's diet:

  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Parsley
  • Celery
  • Oregano
  • Basil
  • Radishes
  • Raw beans

Their digestive system is weaker than that of humans. For that reason, if you can't remember the forbidden foods for hamsters, think about the foods that take a toll on the digestion system of human beings like onion and garlic and simply don't feed these to your hamster.

Food such as grapes, carrots or beetroot should be provided once or twice a week and always in small quantities.

Forbidden Food for Hamsters - Forbidden fruit and vegetables for your hamster

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Hamsters are rodents that are very popular as pets. These small, furry critters are loved by kids as well as adults, for their antics. Apart from that, hamsters are not fussy, and are easy to take care of. This does not mean that you are free from your responsibilities towards your pet.

Hamster Diet

Hamsters feed on a wide variety of food, like grains, nuts, fruits, vegetables, cereals, and biscuits. The list can be endless, as these critters like to stuff their mouth with anything and everything that come in their way. In their natural habitat, hamsters feed on nuts, grains, bits of fruits and vegetables laying on the ground, etc. They may also consume small insects, like crickets and fruit flies. Even though hamsters like to eat different types of food, some of them can be harmful for these animals. Consumption of certain things may make the animal sick, and in some cases, may even cause death. So, a basic idea about the diet of hamsters, will be beneficial if you plan to keep these animals as pets.

Even though they are omnivores, hamsters tend to be more on the vegetarian side. However, you must give them foods rich in protein too. The following are some of the best foods that are safe for hamsters.
As hamsters need protein for a healthy growth, you can provide them with cheese (especially cottage cheese), boiled or scrambled eggs, meal worms, crickets, grasshoppers, cooked poultry or beef (without fat), muesli, seeds and nuts, cooked rice, and bread soaked in milk.
Hamsters eat fruits, like seedless apples, pitted peaches and plums, lychees, raspberries, seedless grapes, strawberries, bananas, cranberries, blackberries, and raisins.
Vegetables are also among the favorite foods for hamsters. You can give them vegetables, like turnip, carrots, cabbage, broccoli, cucumbers, celery, cauliflower, clover, spinach, sweet corn, green beans, cooked beans, sweet corn, water cress, zucchini, and asparagus.
The favorite foods of hamsters include, cheese, cooked beans, cucumbers, apples, carrots, leafy vegetables, toasted bread, dog biscuits, rice, etc.
While Roborovskis love Chinese cabbage, birdseed, and sweet corn, Syrian hamsters like a wide range of fruits, vegetables, and grains. So, choice of food may vary with the type of hamster.
A healthy and well-balanced hamster mix can take care of most of the nutritional requirements of these animals. You can provide other food items as occasional treats.
Whenever you introduce a food to your hamster, you have to start with very small amounts. This applies to all fruits, vegetables, and other food items. Otherwise too, treats should not be given in large quantities.
While the food items mentioned above are safe for hamsters, there are certain foods that can make the animal sick. Hamsters should not be fed with almonds, rhubarb, raw potatoes, onion, garlic, chocolate, raw beans, raw kidney beans, foods with whole oats, eggplant, apple seeds, canned foods, citrus fruits, tomatoes, and watermelon. As these animals are nocturnal, feed them in the evening. Never use plastic bowls for feeding. Apart from the right food, make sure to provide them with fresh water and a spacious and clean home.
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Forbidden Food for Hamsters