Facts about the animal kingdom of Hamsters
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3 articles
Food shortages and low temperature pose two serious challenges for small rodents living in the wild. These two factors become more serious during winter. This is why we can observe many species hibernating through winter for survival.
However if you have a domestic hamster, you may be asking yourself whether...
Using a hamster wheel, also know as an exercise wheel, is many a hamster's favorite activity. Unless you have a silent hamster wheel, you can hear them rotating with gusto in the early hours of the morning. While every hamster is an individual, if your companion doesn't seem to want to use their wheel,...
Because of their adorable appearance and their restless nature, hamsters often attract attention and arouse a lot of curiosity, especially among children. However, it is very important to inform yourself about everything you need to know about hamsters before adopting one. Once all the important hamster...