Infectious diseases of Wildlife
Learn more about infectious diseases of wildlife by exploring our site and become a true expert on the animal kingdom. You'll find content created for the best professionals with pictures, videos and opinions.
3 articles

Salmonellosis in pigeons, also known as paratyphosis, is an infection caused by the bacterium Salmonella typhimurium. This particular disease primarily affects pigeons that are immunocompromised, often leading to a variable clinical presentation depending on the affected organ. It is important to note...

In October 2022, a virus was reported to be emerging among local pigeon populations of the United Kingdom. It was particularly notable for its symptoms which appeared to turn the pigeons into zombies. These headlines alarmed many readers, leading to various questions about its symptoms, contagion and other...

Black and brown bats are dangerous to humans and pets, because everything from their droppings to their bite is infectious and can lead to diseases. Although it is rare to be attacked by a bat, when it happens you'll notice their very small but razor-sharp teeth. After being bitten by a bat, there is a risk...