Parasitic diseases of Farm animals
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4 articles

Controlling horse flies is a never-ending battle year after year, beginning with the rise in temperatures. Flies have directly obvious effects on horses: they can transmit diseases, cause allergic dermatitis, irritate mucous membranes and delay wound healing. In the eyes, they can cause irritation so severe...

There are a variety of external parasites that can infest chickens, including lice, a very common parasitic infection. Just like mites or fleas, these parasites feed externally on their host. If not detected in time, they can spread quickly and infest the entire flock. The damage they cause to the bird's...

In this AnimalWised article we are going to explain trichomoniasis in birds, the cause, symptoms and treatment.
We will pay special attention to the course of this disease in canaries and pigeons as they are very popular birds that can present different symptoms. This way, if you observe any of the symptoms...

The vast majority of species in the animal kingdom can be affected by parasites. Even parasites can have their own parasites, the latter known as hyperparasites. For an animal as large as a horse, there are various types of parasite which can cause infestation. Since a parasite is an organism which survives...