How to Train Your Schnauzer

Animal file: Standard schnauzer
If you are thinking of adopting a schnauzer or if you already have one living with you, it is vital to know everything about the breed. Their character, their qualities and the best way to educate them from an early age. Through this, you will achieve an adult that is a balanced, sociable and happy dog.
In this AnimalWised article we will give you several tips and tricks on how to train your schnauzer correctly. Despite their strong personality, it is easy to teach them the basics if we know how to do it. So, read on and you will get to know this breed better and enjoy their company to the fullest.
Characteristics of the schnauzer
This breed is native to Germany and there are several sizes, so we can encounter a miniature schnauzer, standard or giant.All of them are characterized by a coat with a softer inner layer and a rough outer of black and silver, 'salt and pepper', or black or white.In addition, something that distinguishes this breed easily is their very thick brows, beard and mustache.
The character of this breed stands out for their strong personality, their confidence, intelligence and their stubbornness. These are very active, curious, brave, and loyal dogs with a stable temperament. Therefore, we must have an authoritarian attitude with them, but never aggressive. Never yell or scold them. Positive reinforcement is much more effective, i.e. rewarding good and desired behaviors.
We must also know that they are very attached to their family, so it is very important that all members of the family share time with them. So much so that, in addition to defending theirs first of all, if they spend much time alone at home they can be destructive and even suffer separation anxiety.

The importance of socialization for schnauzers
To know how to educate a miniature, standard or giant schnauzer you must know the importance of good socialization. It is preferable that this occurs in the first few puppy months. This is when they can learn more things that will form their character. If you have an adult it is still possible to socialize them, especially with the help of an ethologist canine.
Like any other race, if they are not socialized, educated and trained correctly, they can become territorial, distrustful and even aggressive. Therefore, a proper socialization is vital from an early age, so that when they reach adults they are balanced and happy.
Thus, to socialize a puppy schnauzer properly we must keep in mind the following:
- Remember that they must be vaccinated in order to be in contact with others. In this way we will avoid bad puppy experiences that will only lead to an adult with problems with confidence.
- So your pup can begin to relate to other dogs it is a good idea to introduce them to dogs of a similar size and age. In a few days, then you can introduce them to older, larger dogs. To introduce animals of other species' you must follow the same guidelines.
- It is always better that these meetings take place in a neutral territory, where neither animals have already made it their territory. Look for nice and safe places like a dog park.
- In addition to accustoming the puppy to all types of pets and street noise, it is also vital that all members of the family are involved. Your dog must get to know each member well so later there are no problems of coexistence.

Setting norms and limits
To educate and train a schnauzer correctly it is very important that, from the moment they come into our home, we enforce rules and limits.
For this, it is vital that all who live with the animal agree on what things they can and cannot do, as well as the words that will be used to teach. This is crucial because if a person indicates an action or command with one word and another with a different word, the dog won't make the connection.
In addition, you will have to think about positive schedules and routines for your pet. You have to be consistent so that the dog can have balance. They also have to understand which areas of the house they are allowed to stay and in which they cannot. It is good to have fixed spaces in which they have water and food, bed, blankets and toys. By establishing rules and limits in a positive way, your pet will have the stability that they need and ultimately, be happy.
Correcting bad habits
Even if we comply with the above, especially if there are things that we have not helped to understand since puppy, it is possible that the dog develops some bad habits or behaviors. For example, they may constantly be begging for food while you eat, or pulling on the leash.
So, when your dog ignores you or does not comply with rules, correct the bad behavior with positive reinforcement. That is to say, you never quarrel, punish or strike, as all this is really not effective and can even worsen the behavior of your dog seriously.
To use positive reinforcement, just say a firm 'NO', without shouting. Or, for example, stop walking if the problem is that they are pulling excessively on the leash. Do not change your route! Every time they do things right you must reward or congratulate them - either with a treat, positive words or with a touch.

Basic commands for dogs
Teaching basic commands to a dog is a way for them to create a strong and positive bond with us and the whole family. It also makes them feel useful in the family, a fact that is very important for their development and balance.
As schnauzers are generally stubborn dogs and very alert to everything that happens around them, it is easy for them to get distracted. We must have patience when teaching a schnauzer.
So, if you ask yourself what to teach your schnauzer, the answer is that you have to start with the simplest and most basic things. For this reason, from puppy you must educate them to do their business outside the house. Start by indicating a place in the house where they can go when they need it. Then over time they will learn to go outside and not in the house.
During this time you can teach the basic commands for dogs which are vital if we want them to be balanced and happy. It is about learning to stand still, to sit, to lie down or to stretch, to come and to walk at your side. In addition, especially if we have a giant schnauzer, we must teach them not to jump and pounce on people.
Other commands for dogs
Once we have taught our pet all the basic commands and provided their necessary care, then we can move onto advanced commands. Such as, spinning around, giving their paw, rolling over or playing dead!
In order to follow all these on how to train a schnauzer you will have to rely on positive reinforcement and never scold or punish them. You will see that this way is much simpler and more effective. Besides avoiding many future problems, this will ensure your schnauzer is a happy, stable and balanced adult dog.

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