Animal behavioral problems
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194 articles

Leaving your dog at home only to hear them barking as you close the door can be stressful for both you and your furry pet. Excessive barking when you're away often signals underlying issues like anxiety, boredom, or even health concerns. Understanding why your dog barks and addressing the root cause...

A dog who's been attacked can suffer more than just physical injuries; the emotional fallout can really affect their behavior and overall well-being.Helping your dog through this difficult time is essential for their recovery. Healing takes a careful mix of patience, understanding, and the right kind of help. As their...

When a cat bites another cat's neck, we might first think they are attacking the animal. While this is indeed possible, the reasons why a cat will bite the neck of another are not always negative. The impetus behind biting behavior in cats is dependent on context, with the age and sex of the cat being...

Cats are often thought of as aloof and independent, but anyone who’s shared a home with one knows they can be quite sensitive to changes around them. One question that often arises among cat owners is whether cats can feel jealousy. Like humans, cats have complex emotional needs, and shifts in attention,...

When a dog jumps up on us when they are excited, it can create a conflict. We love to see them happy and feel equally pleased that our beloved canine wants our attention, but the jumping itself can be unpleasant. Their paws can be dirty and stain our clothes. Their claws can be sharp and cause pain. If...

Cats are known for being independent, intelligent, and sometimes a bit mischievous, which can make disciplining them seem like a challenge. Unlike dogs, cats don’t respond well to the more traditional training methods, so understanding how to guide their behavior requires a different approach. Effective...

Cats should urinate in their litter box. These are specially designed receptables to mimic outdoor terrain where a cat would naturally relieve themselves and then bury their waste. While they will need some training to do so, it is also a behavior which comes naturally to them. Peeing outside of their...

Discovering cat urine on your floors, carpets, or furniture can be a frustrating and unpleasant experience. While it's natural to feel upset or frustrated, resorting to punishment is not the most effective or humane solution. Instead of focusing on punishment, it's essential to understand the underlying...

Dog aggression is a multifaceted issue that can be both troubling and challenging for pet owners. When a dog shows aggression towards specific individuals, it can lead to heightened fear, anxiety, and potential danger. Gaining insight into the root causes of this aggression is crucial for effectively addressing...

Has your dog suddenly become reluctant to go outside? This change in behavior can be concerning for any pet owner. Dogs may refuse to venture outdoors for a variety of reasons, ranging from fear and anxiety to physical discomfort. Understanding the root cause of your dog’s hesitation is crucial for finding...

Cats are animals that can be prone to anxiety. Since felines can be prey for numerous predators, they are very alert to their environment and are ready to flee at a moment's notice. While this is a normal and healthy response, some cats can have high levels of anxiety which cause problems in the domestic...

Dogs seem to have a predilection for sleeping on top of our clothes, something which can be frustrating. Whether it's because it leads to wrinkly sweatshirts or dog hair seemingly infused into the fabric, it is a behavior we may want to discourage. Whether they are clean or dirty clothes, it is a common behavior...

When dogs need something, they have a natural way of letting us know. This shouldn't surprise us, considering their social nature and ability to form deep emotional bonds with those around them. Some of the most common — and loud — ways dogs have of communicating with us are through barking. We can expect...

When a cat comes back from the veterinarian, it is common for them to be a little shaken up by the experience. The stimuli of the car ride, being in a waiting room with other animals and the physical manipulation can be very stressful. In the case of being spayed, their stress can be even more acute....

You may be aware that dogs will eat grass from time to time and throw up afterwards. It is a common behavior that can occur in healthy dogs, but it is poorly understood. Some animal behaviorists see it as a form of mild pica, where the eating of grass has no specific purpose. Others believe there are...

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a behavioral disorder which results in a dog carrying out repetitive behaviors which serve no meaningful purpose. These behaviors are known as stereotypies and they can manifest in almost infinite ways. It is not known the extent to which a dog is able to obsess. For...

It can be difficult to tell if your dog has excessive thirst. Many dogs will naturally drink a lot of water or at least lap a lot out of their bowl. When we look at the context, it can help us to know whether their drinking habits are abnormal. If they are drinking a lot of water on a hot day or do so...

Let's face it, dogs are curious creatures. One minute they're chasing squirrels, the next, they're nose-deep in a patch of pebbles, completely entranced. This fascination with stones, while sometimes perplexing, is a common canine quirk. But, what drives this rock obsession? Is it a primal urge for prehistoric...

A rabbit digging on the floor can seem like an odd behavior since there is nowhere for them to go. The reasons for this behavior are to do with their natural bunny instinct. Rabbits in the wild dig burrows to live underground, allowing them better protecting from both predators and the elements. Larger...

Various studies have suggested that Chihuahuas show more aggressive traits that other dogs more commonly associated with aggression, such as the Pitbull. Despite these apparent aggressive tendencies, they are not considered potentially dangerous dogs, a categorization which can have legal repercussions...

In spite of the fact that dogs are usually celebrated as loyal companions to humans, some dogs may display aggression towards their guardians or caregivers. This issue shouldn't be underestimated, as it can harm both the dog and the person involved. Understanding the causes of this aggression, which can...

Witnessing our dogs thoroughly enjoy playtime, particularly during their youthful years when they possess boundless energy, brings us immense joy. However, there may be instances when we observe peculiar behaviors in our beloved canines that raise concerns, particularly if they seem linked to complex...

Parrots throwing food to the floor is a common behavior among pet birds, but its ubiquity doesn't mean it is well understood. Although endlessly fascinating subjects for ornithologists and guardians alike, much of parrot behavior is still a mystery to us. This doesn't mean we should stop trying to understand...

When your dog barks at other dogs, it can be frustrating and stressful for both you and your pet. Dog barking is a normal behavior, but it can become a problem when it occurs excessively or inappropriately. Understanding why your dog is barking at other dogs and how to address the behavior can improve...

In movies, when someone is trying to break into a old warehouse or similar restricted area, it is common to see a scene where they encounter vicious guard dogs. This dog will be portrayed one of only a few breeds, one of which is often the Doberman Pinscher. Certain dog breeds will gain public visibility...

It is common for cats to become scared at a loud noise, especially if they are not expecting it. For some, this may mean climbing up the curtains or retreating to their safest hiding spot. The hair dryer provides a particularly fearful stimuli since its noise can fill up a room. Some cats will have no problem...

Introducing a new dog to a household can be a big adjustment for both the new dog and the existing dog, and it can often take some time for them to get used to each other's presence. Dogs are social animals and like any other social animal, they have the potential to engage in conflict and aggression....

Just as with human beings, some dogs are more vocal than others. We may have a very chatty friend who can talk competitively. It is only natural we have some dogs that do the same. While breed and genetics will be a factor, there are many other reasons some dogs bark more than others. It is also important...

Generally speaking, it is not a cause for concern if a dog is shy of new things. However, when a dog's behavior becomes excessively fearful, it usually indicates low self-confidence, which should not go unnoticed by its caretakers. This behavioral problem not only shortens the life expectancy of dogs...

It is common for many of us to assume a cat biting a guardian is a sign of aggression. As with all feline communication, we need to look at the context of the situation to understand what they are trying to say with their actions. The reasons a cat bites our hand or any part of our body will depend...

Some of us see a dog licking someone's face as a beautiful expression of love for our canine best friends. Others see it as a fast track to intestinal parasites. Whatever we think of this behavior, it is more important to understand what the dog means to convey with it. Since dogs use their body language...

We may be aware that cats have different vocalizations, but each sound they make can have more than one interpretation. For example, meowing can mean they are petitioning for something they want, but it may equally be a simply expression of affection. With purring, we usually think of it as a sign of...

When we adopt a cat into our home, we will need to expect a certain amount of disruption. Our couch arms will become scratching posts, anything not glued down is at risk of a swipe and we are likely going to find hairs in places we didn't know could get hairs. When they are being litter trained, we can...

Neutering your cat provides many benefits. Not only does it prevent unwanted pregnancies, but the procedure safeguards both male and female cats from certain health issues. Behavioral problems are also avoided, especially those related to reproductive behaviors. While both male and female cats will...

When dogs are in the wild, they have to compete with rival packs over various resources. This can be seen in competition over food, especially during times of scarcity. Domestic dogs which live in homes with their guardians do not have the same competition. Their basic needs are covered, including having...

Dogs use their mouths similarly to how we often use our hands. With an inability to manipulate their environment well with their paws, they use their mouths to explore their environment. For this reason, it is common to see them nibbling on almost anything that cross their path. There is a difference...

Dogs will bite for various reasons, but there is an important distinction to make when determining the cause. Firstly, we have to look at whether the dog has recently been adopted or if they have lived with you for a long time. We also need to look at whether the dog was provoked or if the bite came out of...

When we see the many unsavory places our dog likes to put their tongue, having our hands licked is not always the most pleasant sensation. Some of us find it unhygienic, while others will happily let them lap away to their heart's content. The act of a dog licking our hands is not wrong in and of itself,...

Age affects dogs in various ways, both physically and emotionally. For many of us, the tired old dog is a cliché. Once a canine reaches a certain stage, they will spend all their time lazing around the home and often sleeping for longer periods. Once a dog reaches an advanced age, they will start to sleep...

When we adopt a dog into the family, especially if they are a puppy, we need to expect a certain level of pee. Before they are toilet trained, young dogs will urinate around the home indiscriminately. Sometimes that means while we are playing with them on our lap, on our couch or simply when we are standing...

Our dogs use their mouths to interact with their environment and communicate with those within it. While they use vocalizations to communicate their emotions, wants and intentions, they can also use it in other ways. If a dog bites us when we pet them, it is easy to think they are simply aggressive. Often...

Cats are generally calm animals, but they are also very territorial and do not hesitate to use their claws or teeth when they feel it necessary to defend themselves, protect their property or secure their territory. Even between cats living in the same household, conflicts can occur because of differences...

While recording it can make good social media fodder, having your cat round around the house like crazy is often disruptive. They can knock over items, disturb our sleep or generally cause a stressful atmosphere. More importantly, it can make us worry about the wellbeing of our cat. These sudden attacks...

Not all dogs have the same sensitivity to noise. Some can sleep through a storm and others will become agitated at the smallest sound. Their reaction will depend on various factors, but there are some sounds which are more likely to disturb their peace than others. Especially in built-up urban areas,...

When you go for a walk with your dog, their safety is of the utmost importance. This doesn't only mean keeping them safe from traffic or other dangers they may encounter. It also requires us to curtail their behavior if it puts them in jeopardy. One of the most common issues is when our dog encounters...

Cats don't tend to have the same gluttonous reputation of dogs. Although it will all depend on the individual animal, they will often be satisfied with their regular diet. They will meow when it is time to be fed and can come running at the sound of a rustling treat packet, but they will also leave food in...

Any aggressive behavior in a dog needs to be looked at in context. We need to look at the events which have led up to the aggression, the well-being of the dog, their usual personality and any pertinent information which can help us understand the reason for this behavior. Dogs can vocalize through barking and...

When dogs fight, it is not necessarily to do harm, but only to ensure dominance. Whatever the cause, it is always very unpleasant to witness a fight between two or more dogs, especially if your beloved dog is one of the participants. The best way to solve the problem in such cases is to learn to read...

Although domestication has led to companion dogs having a greater sense of security than their wild counterparts, it is important their retain the ability to be scared. When a dangerous or threatening situation arises, dogs use their natural instincts to protect themselves on both physiological and psychological...

It is common to hear of terms such as ‘hyperattachement’ or ‘pathological dependency’ when we talk about dogs. In the domestic environment, human guardians are the canines reference figure on whom they most rely. Felines have always been seen as being much more independent, but this is not true. They...