
Blanc de Hotot Rabbit

Updated: July 3, 2020
Blanc de Hotot Rabbit

The Blanc de Hotot Rabbit is a medium-sized and particularly cute rabbit. They are noted for having a pristine white coat with black markings around the eye, making them look almost as if they are wearing mascara. It makes their already large eyes even more expressive. As lovely as their appearance may be, their character is also remarkable. The Blanc de Hotot is a friendly, affectionate and very calm rabbit. They love company and the attention of their family, creating cherished moments at all times.

Do you want to know more about the Blanc de Hotot rabbit breed? At AnimalWised, we tell you the history, characteristics and care of the Blanc de Hotot rabbit. In doing so, we can bets provide for them and help them to have a long and happy life.

  • Europe
  • France
  1. Origin of the Blanc de Hotot rabbit
  2. Blanc de Hotot characteristics
  3. Blanc de Hotot character
  4. Caring for the Blanc de Hotot rabbit
  5. Blanc de Hotot rabbit health
  6. Adopting a Blanc de Hotot rabbit

Origin of the Blanc de Hotot rabbit

The Blanc de Hotot rabbit is a rabbit of fully French origin. They did not emerge spontaneously, but is the result of an extensive breeding program carried out by Eugenie Bernhard, with the first litter being born in 1902. The breed's name is taken from the region from which they were developed, namely Hotot-en-Auge. They share genetic history with breeds such as the Rhinelander rabbit, the Giant Flanders and the Vienna White rabbits.

It did not take long for this new rabbit breed to become popular. It was exported to other countries in Europe until they reached countries like the United States of America in 1920. However, the Blanc de Hotot was almost lost to history. They surprisingly did not gain much popularity in the US and in Europe, the ravages of the Second World War almost obliterated their population. Fortunately, some devoted Blanc de Hotot fans realised what was happening and saved them from extinction. By the 1960s and 70s, they became popular in the USA. They are currently recognized by breed standard organizations, but they are not as common a rabbit breed as others.

Blanc de Hotot characteristics

The standard Blanc de Hotot rabbit is relatively small sized, with females weighing between 3.6 - 4.5 kg and males a little heavier at 4.1 - 5 kg. Their life expectancy is relatively long for a rabbit at between 12 and 14 years of age, although there have even been reported cases of Blanc de Hotot rabbits living over 16 years of age.

Apart from their small to medium size, the most notable characteristic of the Blanc de Hotot is their coat. Their fur is completely white with black circles around the eyes which distinguish this breed. These striking markings must measure between 0.16 and 0.32 cm to be officially recognized as the breed standard. These black markings make it seem as if the rabbit is wearing elegant glasses or even makeup. It is a trait which has been passed down by other breeds such as the English Spot.

The rest of their coat is snowy white and of a medium length and high density. It is particularly smooth to the touch. Their body is compact and, despite being relatively small of stature, they have powerful limbs.

Blanc de Hotot colors

The only color accepted in the official breed standard of the Blanc de Hotot rabbit is pure white. This is of course, expect for the clean black lines which frame each eye.

Blanc de Hotot character

Blanc de Hotot are very loving and happy and loving rabbits. Their character is benevolent, making them one of the most recommended rabbit breeds to keep as pets. In addition to being calm and affectionate, their size makes them more suitable to apartment living. However, they will still need to be given plenty of time to walk around and exercise.

Their intelligence is noteworthy and they are a rabbit breed with a particular predisposition toward learning. This is so much the case that rabbit educators suggest the Blanc de Hotot breed is one of the most ideal candidates for rabbit training. They may not be able to perform tricks like a dog, but they can learn basic commands and even be potty trained inside the home. They can pick up these learned behaviors better than some other breeds.

Caring for the Blanc de Hotot rabbit

As with any companion animal, providing a nutritionally balanced diet is essential for their well-being. The Blanc de Hotot is known for being particularly prone to obesity, so we cannot allow them to overeat. Their diet should also be tailored to their specific needs. As with all rabbits, they should be provided with an unlimited supply of hay. Fruit and vegetables suitable for rabbits should be provided, but overconsumption strictly avoided.

Another aspect of a Blanc de Hotot rabbit's care is paying attention to the amount of rest they receive. Since they are a relatively small breed, their cage doe snot need to be as spacious as certain other rabbit breeds. The minimum dimensions must be 61 cm x 61 cm. It is important to keep hay, water and a place to nest for the bunny to sleep comfortably. As with all rabbits, the Blanc de Hotot will need space to exercise and explore, so they should not be caged for 24 hours at a time. Ideally, they should have a room dedicated to them where they are allowed to run around and play. However, they should always be supervised by their human guardians, in case there is an accident.

If you want to learn about looking after other rabbit breeds, take a look at our article on caring for the French Lop bunny.

Blanc de Hotot rabbit health

This breed of rabbit is not particularly delicate in terms of its health, so there are few diseases typical of the breed. Specifically, the most frequent problem is malocclusion. This is a condition that affects the oral health of the rabbit, something which can affect their general health is not treated promptly. It is caused by the top and bottom rows of teeth being misaligned. Chewing and gnawing toys, as well as plenty of fresh hay, are tools we can sue to avoid this problem in rabbits, a problem exacerbated by the fact all rabbits have teeth which never stop growing.

Another oral disease that affects the Blanc de Hotot is the appearance of abscesses. If your rabbit has an abscess, it is vital you take them to the veterinarian as soon as possible. They are very painful and will be first seen due to inflammation around the mouth.

Apart from being able to become ill from the aforementioned issues, there are numerous diseases common to all rabbit breeds. The Blanc de Hotot is no exception. It is important we keep them regular vaccinated, especially if they have contact with other rabbits. The two most common diseases veterinarians suggest rabbits be protected against are myxomatosis and viral hemorrhagic fever, both of which are potentially lethal.

Adopting a Blanc de Hotot rabbit

Although beautiful, friendly and much beloved by guardians lucky to spend their lives with a Blanc de Hotot, they are not a very common rabbit breed. For this reason finding a breeder with available Blanc de Hotot rabbits may not be an easy task. However, there are associations and breeder organizations which may be able to connect you with available Bland de Hotot breeders in the USA or other territories.

Of course, making the decision to adopt any animal into your family is never a small one. You will need to ensure you are able to provide for them adequately and fulfill the task of being a rabbit care giver. To help you hold up this responsibility, we share this article on tips for raising rabbits. This way, you can ensure you have the commitment required to look after the welfare of any rabbit.

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Blanc de Hotot Rabbit