
Can Betadine Be Used in Dogs?

María Besteiros
By María Besteiros, Veterinary assistant and groomer. August 16, 2022
Can Betadine Be Used in Dogs?

See files for Dogs

Povidone iodine, widely known by its brand name Betadine, was introduced to the market in 1955. Betadine is an essential product in every medicine cabinet in most households around the world. It is used to treat minor wounds and superficial cuts, as well as minor burns or abrasions. But have you ever wondered if you can use Betadine on dogs, or if it can have toxic effects or pose a risk to your pet?

In the following AnimalWised article, you will learn everything you need to know about the use of Betadine in dogs.

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  1. What is Betadine?
  2. Betadine use in dogs
  3. How to treat a dog with Betadine?
  4. Betadine poisoning in dogs

What is Betadine?

Betadine is the brand name for povidone-iodine. Povidone-iodine is a chemical complex of povidone, hydrogen iodide, and elemental iodine. It acts by releasing iodine, which leads to the death of a number of microorganisms. It has anti-inflammatory properties that favor the healing process, it is useful against germs and fungi, as well as in the disinfection of the skin before a blood collection or a surgical procedure. It is therefore a product with a wide spectrum of action.

Due to its slow absorption by soft tissue, povidone-iodine shows a longer lasting antiseptic effect than tincture of iodine, making it the first choice for prolonged surgery. It can also be used for gargling or as a rinse to relieve infections caused by mouth ulcers, herpes or bacterial infections of the throat and pharynx.

Betadine is available in a variety of formats. The most common is the liquid container for direct application. There are also gel forms, soap solutions, monodoses, and oral doses of betadine available, though these are rarely used in veterinary medicine.

Betadine use in dogs

Dogs are quite resilient creatures, but they are not immune to skin infections and bacteria. One important thing to always have on hand is a pet first aid kit with the necessary supplies. Bandages, gauze, and an antiseptic cleaning solution are just a few examples.

Betadine is a fantastic item for your pet fit aid kit. It is completely safe for dogs, even if they lick the injured area and swallow some Betadine. It is an excellent item for your medicine cabinet. Betadine is recommended for minor wounds or abrasions and superficial cuts or burns that can be treated at home.

Do not use Betadine on extensive or deep wounds, as in this case you should consult a veterinarian who may recommend other more appropriate medications. In the clinic, the veterinarian may also use Betadine to clean the area to be operated on.

If you want to learn more about the most indispensable things that should not be missing in any dog first aid kit, do not miss the following article on how to treat dog wounds at home.

Can Betadine Be Used in Dogs? - Betadine use in dogs

How to treat a dog with Betadine?

We can also use Betadine to treat minor injuries in dogs, since it can be used on them as well.

To apply Betadine to wounds in dogs, the injury must first be washed and dried. To do this, it is advisable to first trim the hair around the entire perimeter, including the hair that falls and rubs on the wound due to its length. This allows us to better define and observe the lesion, minimize contamination, maintain ventilation and promote healing.

The key to good healing is thorough cleansing of the wound. To achieve this, it is best to rinse it with plenty of water or, even better, with a physiological serum. In this way, we remove any remnants of pebbles, sand, or soil that may have adhered to the wound. Then we should carefully dry the wound with a clean gauze.

When using Betadine, you should pay attention to the following:

Since it is an extremely strong antiseptic, you must always dilute Betadine before using it. If you use it undiluted, you may damage the tissue. Betadine is usually a dark brown color, so you will need to dilute it until it is a weaker tea color. You can dilute Betadine with warm water until it is the color of iced tea. If it is too light, add more iodine. If it is too dark, add more water. If you are looking for a ratio, one part of it to 10 parts of water is a good guide.

To use Betadine on your dog, gently wipe the wound with a washcloth soaked in the Betadine solution. For minor wounds or skin infections, you can do this up to twice a day. It is advisable to perform this procedure with disposable gloves or at least with very clean hands.

The development of the wound must be carefully controlled, and if it worsens, smells bad, is purulent, inflamed, reddened, etc., we must go to the veterinarian. Also, as much as possible, the dog must be prevented from licking or nibbling on the wound, as this could infect the wound or delay healing.

Wounds in the mouth, mucous membranes, ears, and eyes cannot be treated with Betadine.

Soapy Betadine can also be used for baths. This type of Betadine may be used, for example, if the dog is suffering from pyoderma, a bacterial skin infection.

You can find out why your dog's wound is not healing properly in this other article, where we explain the reasons.

Can Betadine Be Used in Dogs? - How to treat a dog with Betadine?

Betadine poisoning in dogs

Since Betadine is normally used in such small amounts, poisoning is unlikely. But as mentioned earlier, while you can use Betadine on dogs, you must be careful with the concentration. Too high a concentration can cause skin irritation.

Betadine can be safely ingested by dogs, especially after it has been diluted. If the dog licks the wound after Betadine is applied, there should be no problems. It is important to notify the veterinarian as soon as possible if the dog has ingested large amounts of Betadine and shows signs of poisoning, such as vomiting or tremors.

If you want to know more about what to do in case of poisoning, please read the following article, where we explain the symptoms of dog poisoning and how to proceed.

This article is purely informative. AnimalWised does not have the authority to prescribe any veterinary treatment or create a diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian if they are suffering from any condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to Can Betadine Be Used in Dogs?, we recommend you visit our Medicine category.

  • Carlson and Giffin. (2002). Canine Veterinary Practice Manual . Madrid. Editorial el Drac.
  • Martorell, Bravo and Gonzalez. (2012). Important aspects in the treatment of deep pyoderma in the dog . Veterinary Portal.
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Can Betadine Be Used in Dogs?