Large cat brees
Did you know that the world’s biggest cat, according to the Guinness Book of World Records measured up to 48.5 inches long? There are some cat breeds that are larger than others. Some large cat breeds include the Norwegian forest cat and Maine Coon. If you want to find out more about some of the largest cat breeds, take a look at our breed files here at AnimalWised!
Now that you know the largest cat breeds, if there is one that specifically stands out, keep reading. Here at AnimalWised we always recommend finding out everything you can about a cat breed before adopting. Browse our breed files to find out more about a all of the large cat breeds, including their specific care, diet, training and all about their character!
Now that you know the largest cat breeds, if there is one that specifically stands out, keep reading. Here at AnimalWised we always recommend finding out everything you can about a cat breed before adopting. Browse our breed files to find out more about a all of the large cat breeds, including their specific care, diet, training and all about their character!
9 breeds

The Bengal cat is a hybrid breed of cat, a cross between a Domestic cat (Felis catus) and a leopard cat (Prionailurus bengalensis). The leopard cat is a small wild cat native to Asia, which leads many to wonder if the Bengal cat is also wild. Actually, they are one of the most loving, affectionate and friendly...

With it’s characteristic fluffy and cottony coat, captivating look and sociable character, it’s no surprise that the Turkish Van cat breed is so widely desired. Whether you’ve just adopted a Turkish Van or are thinking of adopting one, this article is for you!
For more about the origin, care, character,...

The Ashera cat is undoubtedly a very popular cat, either due to their slender and beautiful figure, their quiet and silent character or the exorbitant price of those who created them. Indeed, the Ashera cat is a feline developed in an American laboratory, a hybrid between different species.
In this...

The Norwegian Forest cat, or ‘Wegie’ for short, is a domestic cat that hails from Northern Europe and is one of the most popular pets in Sweden, Iceland, France and of course, Norway. They are highly adaptable to cold climates because of their beautiful, abundant coat made up of water-shedding hair and a...

The Kurilian Bobtail cat originated less than 200 years ago on the Russian Kuril Islands. It is possibly a cross between Japanese bobtail cats and other native breeds, specifically the Siberian cat breed. They are friendly, active and very intelligent cats. They tolerate changes and people of all ages...

The Toyger is a young domestic cat breed developed in the late 80s. They capture a tiger look while completely being a domestic cat. This is where they get their name “Toyger” (toy tiger). These designer cats were obtained after a breeding program that started with a shorthaired Tabby and a big-boned...

As one of the oldest cat breeds in the world, the Chartreux has an uncertain origin. What we do know is that they have a shared history with important historical figures such as Carthusian monks and revered French leader Charles de Gaulle. Whatever the exact origin of these felines, they are unquestionably...

The Maine coon cat stands out for being a large, robust and docile feline. However, due to its peculiarities in terms of characteristics, personality and the specific care that it needs, it is essential to do some research before adopting this cat. Known as the "gentle giant" cat, this feline is among the most...

The Ragdoll was born in 1960 in California, USA but was not recognized until ten years later. The cross was made by an angora cat and a sacred male of Burma. Today it is one of the most prized breeds in North America.