Other health problems of Exotic birds
Learn more about other health problems of exotic birds by exploring our site and become a true expert on the animal kingdom. You'll find content created for the best professionals with pictures, videos and opinions.
3 articles

Although human beings can contract various diseases through birds, that does not mean that they cannot be kept as pets. The probability of contracting a zoonotic disease varies according to a space’s hygiene, our own body hygiene or the animal’s state of health. It is important to remember that regular visits...

Lovebirds are becoming more and more popular as household pets. Their rich color, beauty and "inseperable" nature make them as well loved as the canary once was.
But the arrival of any bird, exotic or not, puts us in front of new situations that we are sometimes not accustomed to face. Does your lovebird...

If this is the first time you have a zebra finch, you will probably be very surprised when you notice it has started to tear out its feathers. This type of behavior, which can be quite scary for new owners, may be due to several factors.
Are you wondering why does your zebra finch tear out its feathers?...