Other animal health problems
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387 articles
A dog that suddenly stops moving is in trouble. While you may see they are still breathing, their lack of response means there is a serious problem with their organism which needs immediate veterinary attention. It is not common and some of the reasons why a dog stops moving are potentially fatal. You...
Any type of vomit in your cat is cause for concern, but guardians may be confused if their cat is throwing up water. There are many causes of throwing up a clear liquid, but if it is prolonged for more than 24 hours or is accompanied by other symptoms, it is important to seek veterinary advice. A cat...
Complications after neutering surgery are rare, but we need to be observant for any possible sign of a problem. Some symptoms are more obvious than others, such as bleeding from the incision wound. A dog not urinating after they have been neutered can be observed if they struggle or simply do not attempt...
While spaying is recommended by veterinarians for female dogs, there are many guardians who question whether it is best for their canine. Even if they do not want their dog to have puppies, some fear their dog may have negative repercussions. Especially if the dog is an adult, they will have developed...
Cats are naturally curious animals that often use their mouths to explore their environment. They are also known to eat parts of plants, especially types of grasses. Although the reasons for this behavior are poorly understood, it is believed they do so to help digestion. Unfortunately, there are plants which...
Spaying a dog is a form of neutering. This is permanent sterilization which prevents the dog from becoming pregnant with puppies. While there are some variations, the most common form of spaying is an ovariohysterectomy. During this procedure, the uterus and ovaries are removed. The benefits to the dog...
Mistaking a bloated belly in a cat for simply eating too much could be a costly mistake. Although gastrointestinal problems are a common cause of feline distended abdomen, there are many causes which can result in this symptom. Some causes can be easily treatable, others can be life threatening. For this...
When a cat has swollen and red gums, guardians often first notice it due to the cat's bad breath. This is because the inflammation is linked to bacteria in the mouth which is often accompanied by plaque and tartar buildup. While painful and stressful on their own, they can cause serious repercussions...
Finding a lump in your dog's mouth should be worrying to any guardian. While it suggests there may be the presence of a tumor, it is also possible they have serious periodontal problem such as an abscessed tooth. These are not only uncomfortable and sometimes very painful, they can threaten the dog's life....
Neutering is the permanent sterilization of a dog via the removal of their sex organs. In male dogs, castration is usually carried out. This is a relatively simple process during which the scrotum is incised and the testicles are removed. In female dogs, the most common procedure is an ovariohysterectomy,...
Is your dog constantly scratching, biting, and chewing at their fur? Itching is a symptom of an underlying issue, and understanding the cause is key to bringing relief to your pet. Dogs don't scratch themselves for no reason. It's a natural reaction to irritation or discomfort. When a dog is constantly...
Cats are known for being very hygienic animals, often cleaning parts which seem impossible to reach. While some have more difficulty than others, they can clean their behind by bending over and latching on to their legs. When we see a cat has stool on their butt after using the litter box, it might suggest...
Is your beloved senior dog panting more than usual? While panting is a normal way for dogs to regulate their body temperature, excessive panting in older dogs can sometimes be a sign of an underlying health issue. In any case, early detection and treatment of underlying health issues can significantly improve...
When a dog's penis sticks out, it is very noticeable. After emerging from the penile sheath (or foreskin), the hairless penis is striking due to its color. It is usually a bright red color due to the large amount of blood entering the penile tissue. Some dog guardians liken this to a lipstick emerging...
Dogs will often want to lick their owner's face, a behavior with an origin in their wild heritage. Puppies of wild canids would lick the snouts of adults as a way to stimulate regurgitation of food. Domestic dogs see us as their point of reference. Even if it is not for regurgitation, licking our face is...
Open wounds in dogs are a serious concern, especially due to the risk of secondary infection. Exposed tissues are very vulnerable to bacteria and other pathogens which can spread through their organism. This means even small wounds can develop into something more serious. Generally speaking, the deeper...
We expect a male cat will behave differently before and after neutering. This is due to testosterone, the main sex hormone in male cats. The neutering process is designed to prevent unwanted pregnancies, removing the testicles which are the main source of testosterone production in their body. While...
Beyond just a bathroom break, cat pee plays a big role in feline communication. They mark territory and send messages with their urine. But what happens when your cat's bathroom habits change? Strong odors, frequent urination, or blood in the pee can be cause for concern.
Is cat pee dangerous? This...
If your cat is vomiting undigested food, many of us would assume it is a sign of a digestive health problem. This can make us confused when we observe them acting normal afterwards with no other evident symptoms. If they are sufficiently unwell to throw up their food, we would expect them to have other...
Taking good care of your cat's teeth is important for their overall health and well-being. Gingivitis, an inflammation of the gums, is a common issue in cats that can lead to pain, discomfort, and other health problems if left untreated. But the good news is, there are plenty of things you can do to prevent...
When your cat suddenly snubs their food and water, it's natural to worry. We, as loving cat owners, are experts in their routines and habits. While cats are notorious for their discerning palates, a persistent lack of interest in eating or drinking demands attention. From picky palates to hidden health...
Bumblefoot, or pododermatitis as it's technically known, is a common and painful condition affecting birds' feet. Left unchecked, it can significantly impact their mobility and overall happiness. But fear not! Understanding the causes can empower you to create a healthy environment that minimizes the risk.
When a cat keeps humping our arm, it is easy to assume it is behavior related to sexual reproduction. This is why so many cat guardians can be confused when their neutered cat mounts their arm. When they do so, they often bite and give bunny kicks with their back legs. While it is possible humping behavior...
Feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) is a prevalent condition affecting cats, often characterized by recurrent urinary blockages. These blockages can be painful, distressing, and life-threatening. Perineal urethrostomy is a surgical procedure designed to address this issue by creating a wider opening...
Hypothyroidism in dogs is a common endocrine disorder characterized by the insufficient production of thyroid hormones. Addressing questions about the lifespan and management of hypothyroidism in dogs is essential for pet owners to understand the prognosis and make informed decisions about their dog's...
A dog twitches when they lie down due to tremors and muscle contractions. While this twitching can be a normal response to physical activity, it can also be a symptom of certain physiological or emotional pathologies. While we can recognize tremors or twitching easily in the dog, it is more difficult...
If you have seen a bump on your dog's belly button, it is important to consider the possibility of an umbilical hernia. A hernia is when tissue exist through an opening or cavity which normally contains it. An umbilical hernia occurs when the tissue involved is the belly button, known in veterinary medicine...
Appetite loss in guinea pigs is a sure sign there is something wrong either physically or mentally. Guinea pigs are constant grazers, meaning they will spend much of their day chewing on the abundant hay which should be provided to them. This hay is only one part of a balanced guinea pig diet, but it...
When a rabbit is pregnant, they will nest when they are about to enter labor. This nesting behavior is very important to offer both mother and her kits the security she needs to care for vulnerable offspring. Female rabbits will reach sexual maturity around 4 to 8 months of age, after which time they can...
Deciding when to euthanize a dog with kidney failure is one of the most heartbreaking and important decisions a dog guardian will need to make. There are many ways we can support a dog with kidney failure, but ensuring we diagnose the problem as early as possible is vital for prolonged life. Unfortunately,...
Has your dog ever let out a sudden yelp or cry of pain, leaving you perplexed and concerned? These unexpected vocalizations can be alarming, especially when there's no obvious cause for their distress. Sometimes, the cause of your dog's sudden yelp might be a chronic or progressive condition that has...
How a dog's limp manifests will depend on its underlying cause. While we may rightly associate limping with trauma, there are other causes of this issue in dogs. Sometimes it can cause the forelimb to be affected, but others affect the hind legs. Some will cause the dog to wobble when they walk, others...
If your dog keeps rubbing their face on the carpet, the reasons for the behavior will depend on the context. If they are happily rolling on the ground and having a good time, it will be in contrast to a dog which appears to be rubbing their nose in distress. A dog's nose is very sensitive, meaning they...
Cats with diabetes need to eat protein-rich food which avoids nutrients such as high-gycemic carbohydrates. Many of us will not associate diabetes with felines since they generally do not eat sugar. This is a common misconception with cats since diabetes is related to poor diet, especially when it is high...
If you see a lump on your dog's nipple area, it's important to consider the potential of breast cancer in dogs. There are other symptoms of canine mammary cancer, but a lump is one of the most common. This does not mean a lump in the nipple area will provide diagnosis of cancer. This is something which...
Accepting that dogs lick their anus is part of their responsibility of care. There are certain canine behaviors which may be unappealing to us, but which are necessary expressions of the dog's behavior. Keeping a clean anus is very important for dogs. Dogs in the wild do not have a human guardian to...
The spleen is not a vital organ in dogs, as is the case with humans. This does not mean it lacks importance. It acts as a blood filter and is very useful in a dog's immune response to various pathogens. It is not considered vital because the organism can keep living if it ceases to function. Dogs without...
Also known as hip luxation, hip dislocation in dogs is a disorder that is considered a veterinary emergency and requires immediate intervention. Most dogs that suffer a dislocated hip will know something is wrong, but they will not likely know the exact nature of the problem. This means they will try to...
Onions can pose a serious health risk to our canine companions, despite their appearance as a seemingly harmless vegetable. Even though onions add a rich flavor and aroma to dishes, their compounds are highly toxic to dogs. But what exactly happens when a dog consumes onions? Why is it that something so...
A dog is wobbly when they walk either because they have a mechanical issue with their legs or because there is a problem with their central nervous system. Obvious causes of wobbling in dogs include trauma which makes their limbs function improperly. However, there are also neurological conditions and...
Scurvy in guinea pigs is a disease which occurs due to a lack of vitamin C. Guinea pigs cannot synthesize their own vitamin C, so they need to obtain it through diet. If they do not receive enough through feeding, they can develop a vitamin C deficiency. For this reason, scurvy and vitamin C deficiency...
Intestinal lymphoma in cats is a malignant tumor originating from lymphocytes, which can affect both the small and large intestines. Its clinical presentation often resembles that of other digestive disorders, underscoring the importance of conducting a thorough differential diagnosis to distinguish it from...
Internal bleeding in dogs can be difficult to diagnose since the problem lies with tissues we cannot observe directly. Often the signs of the internal hemorrhage are systemic since the internal blood loss will affect the functioning of the dog's organism greatly. Although the direct cause of internal...
The reasons a dogs jaw is quivering are varied and greatly depend on the context of the behavior. For example, a quivering jaw for a moment is significantly different to prolonged trembling. For this reason, there are both completely benign reasons a dog's jaw is shaking and some very serious life threating...
Despite having a coat of hair, dogs will shiver when it is sufficiently cold. It is for this reason we often provide additional artificial coats when the temperatures drop. This does not explain why my dog is shivering, but it's not cold. In these cases, tremors and shakes can be due to various factors....
Excessive water consumption and frequent urination in dogs may be a sign of polyuria/polydipsia syndrome, which occurs when the normal control mechanisms for water intake and urine production are disrupted. In many cases, it can be an indication of an underlying health condition.
If you're wondering why...
Black wax in a cat's ear is due to the natural secretions being mixed with another substance. The wax itself won't be black, but these other substances cause the discoloration. Identifying the substance will help us to identify the underlying problem. There are certain pathologies and conditions to which...
A cat can start shaking for any number of reasons, many of which are pathological. The extent of the shaking is also important since there is a difference between a mild passing tremor and a consistent episode of shaking. Whatever the cause of the cat shaking, it is important to know that it is not normal....
As pet owners, we cherish the playful and energetic moments our dogs bring into our lives. However, there may be times when we notice a change in their usual lively demeanor. This may be due to a variety of factors, but one possible explanation is lethargy. Lethargy is a common condition in dogs, and it...
If a dog starts limping when they wake up, it can be easy to think they are merely stiff from rest. While this can be the case, especially with older dogs, it doesn't mean we should think a dog limping after sleeping is normal. On the contrary, it can be a sign of various ailments and illnesses, particularly...