Over 200 Dog Names Beginning With B
See files for Dogs
Did you know that all of the letters in the alphabet hold some sort of power within symbolism? The letter B, for example, is known to represent and resonates with the idea of relationships, devotion and the home[1]. With this in mind, naming your dog after the letter B, can signify the devotion and love which a dog radiates inside of a home.
Discover our list of over 200 dog names with the letter B (for both male and female), right here at AnimalWised.
Unique B names for dogs
When choosing the perfect dog name, there are some things which you should take into consideration. Learning a name can be difficult, which is why we offer these formulated tips to help your dog internalize and learn its new name correctly:
- Opt for a shorter name of one or two syllables, which tend to be easier for dogs to remember.
- It’s been proven that dogs respond more positively to names that include the vowels a,e and i.
- Choose and easy-to-pronounce name.
- Avoid colloquialisms when naming your dog, as it can be confusing. For example, do you mean beans to cook or bean your dog?
We recommend that you avoid renaming your dog. Therefore, be sure that you are 100% happy with the name that you will teach your dog from when it is young.
Are you looking the perfect dog names that start with b? If so, let’s get started! But first, if you’ve just adopted a dog, we recommend reading our article where we discuss what do dogs need to be happy and healthy.
Dog names beginning with B: male
Socializing your new dog correctly is as important as choosing the perfect unique dog name. Remember that if a dog is not socialized correctly, the risk of developing behavioral problems increases. With this in mind, let’s take a look at these dog names that start with B, for your new male dog:
- Babe
- Babel
- Babko
- Babu
- Back
- Backer
- Backy
- Baco
- Bacon
- Bacus
- Bad
- Baddy
- Bader
- Bady
- Bado
- Baileys
- Bairon
- Balar
- Baltasar
- Baloo
- Balto
- Bali
- Bambi
- Bambu
- Bang
- Bani
- Bao
- Barak
- Barba
- Barney
- Barro
- Bart
- Barton
- Bas
- Basset
- Basil
- Basto
- Bastor
- Bax
- Baxter
- Bay
- Bayo
- Bazo
- Bear
- Beatle
- Beatus
- Bebo
- Beck
- Beebop
- Beeper
- Beethoven
- Belano
- Belix
- Bell
- Belle
- Bello
- Belton
- Belvo
- Ben
- Benar
- Benco
- Bender
- Bengala
- Beni
- Benito
- Benji
- Benson
- Berry
- Berto
- Betin
- Best
- Bestia
- Bey
- Bianco
- Bibo
- Bicho
- Big
- Bigger
- Biggy
- Bigotes
- Bike
- Bilbo
- Bill
- Billy
- Bimbo
- Binco
- Bingo
- Birko
- Black
- Blade
- Blake
- Blanco
- Blas
- Blaster
- Blau
- Blazer
- Blay
- Bley
- Blitz
- Blond
- Blue
- Bob
- Bobo
- Boby
- Bogart
- Bogo
- Bogus
- Boing
- Bold
- Bolero
- Bolfo
- Boli
- Bollito
- Bollo
- Bolt
- Bolto
- Bolton
- Bondo
- Bones
- Bonfire
- Bongo
- Bonito
- Bono
- Bonus
- Bonzo
- Boober
- Boogie
- Boom
- Boomer
- Boris
- Boro
- Born
- Borny
- Bolty
- Bou
- Bowie
- Box
- Boxer
- Braco
- Brad
- Brady
- Brake
- Brand
- Brando
- Bravos
- Bray
- Bremen
- Breton
- Brocker
- Bronso
- Brot
- Brook
- Brown
- Bru
- Bruc
- Bruno
- Brut
- Bruto
- Brutus
- Bryan
- Bubba
- Bucho
- Buck
- Bud
- Buddy
- Bully
- Bufo
- Bunder
- Bunny
- Burbon
- Burns
- Buru
- Buster
- Buss
- Bussy
- Buzz
- Byron
- Byte
Still haven’t found the perfect dog name for your pup? Don’t worry, our options are endless!
Dog names beginning with B: female
Once your puppy has been correctly socialized, you can begin to it some basic commands. Basic dog orders allow both a guardian and a dog the opportunity to enjoy a happier and healthier life together. In addition, don’t forget to offer your new pup both mental and physical stimulation, as well as a high-quality diet and required veterinary care.
Now, if your new dog is female, you’ll love this list of dog names that start with b:
- Baba
- Babi
- Baby
- Bagheera
- Baisha
- Bala
- Balita
- Bama
- Bambina
- Banda
- Bandana
- Bandida
- Banguie
- Barbie
- Bareta
- Bartola
- Bastet
- Beauty
- Beba
- Baby
- Becky
- Beffa
- Bego
- Beidi
- Beka
- Belchi
- Belda
- Belfy
- Belinda
- Belka
- Bella
- Bellatrix
- Bellota
- Belly
- Bemsi
- Berta
- Bessy
- Besty
- Beta
- Beth
- Betsy
- Bety
- Beyonce
- Bianca
- Bibi
- Bielka
- Bijou
- Bika
- Bilma
- Bilka
- Bimba
- Bini
- Birra
- Blacky
- Blair
- Blanca
- Blanki
- Blanquita
- Blondie
- Bo
- Boa
- Boira
- Bola
- Bolla
- Bonbon
- Bondi
- Bonda
- Bondad
- Bonita
- Bonnie
- Bonka
- Bonnie
- Boopsy
- Bora
- Borlita
- Bosnia
- Boti
- Boxy
- Branca
- Brandy
- Brave
- Breisa
- Brenda
- Brichell
- Brida
- Brie
- Brienne
- Brigitte
- Brinky
- Brisa
- Brisca
- Brisna
- Brit
- Britney
- Britty
- Brix
- Brixie
- Brownie
- Bruy
- Bruni
- Brumo
- Bruna
- Bruta
- Buba
- Buda
- Buffy
- Buk
- Bully
- Bulma
- Buma
- Burra
- Butterfly
For more, you’ll love our list of dog names starting with S.
Pet names that start with B
Although we’ve separated this above lists between male and female, most of the names can actually be used for either sex. When choosing a unique dog name, we recommend taking your dog’s physical and personal characteristics into consideration and have fun!
If you’ve chosen a name from our list of dog names beginning with b, share it with us in the comments section below! And if you’d still like to look at some more great dog names, we suggest taking a look at these following articles:
- Happy dog names - male and female.
- Funny names for dogs.
If you want to read similar articles to Over 200 Dog Names Beginning With B, we recommend you visit our Names category.
1. Tebersoky, A., Martínez Olivé, C. El nombre de las letras. Lectura y vida.
2. Wiley, R.W., Wilson, C., & Rapp, B. (2016). The effects of alphabet and expertise on letter perception. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 42(8), 1186-1203.