Animal behavioral problems
195 articles

It is common to hear of terms such as ‘hyperattachement’ or ‘pathological dependency’ when we talk about dogs. In the domestic environment, human guardians are the canines reference figure on whom they most rely. Felines have always been seen as being much more independent, but this is not true. They...

There are many ostensibly odd behaviors cats make which have important reasons behind them. We may think a cat biting us is a sign of aggression, but it will depend on the context and how they bite. When a cat is hissing at us, batting at us with their paws and then bites us, we can assume this is problematic....

The reason why we neuter our cats is primarily for the benefit of both the individual cat and the larger feline population. In addition, there are certain benefits to us as cat guardians. Stopping spraying, marking and urinating outside of the litter box is one of the most practically beneficial in terms...

Dogs love couches, beds and other soft furniture for the same reason we do. They are comfortable places to rest. If we allow our dog on the furniture, there are few things as cozy as curling up on the couch with a beloved dog. This doesn't explain why some dogs will rub themselves excitedly against...

Although horses are great animals and it is inspiring to watch them gallop, there are some behaviors that are unpleasant to watch, such as eating their feces, which some horses practice. This behavior is not only unpleasant, but can also promote the development of diseases caused by intestinal parasites....

It has always been believed that rivalry between dogs and cats is a natural thing. Surely you have heard more than once the expression "they quarrel like cats and dogs" to describe two people who fight often. But is it true that these two animals hate each other? When two animals as different as dogs...

Recently adopted puppies or adult dogs may urinate after you scold them for inappropriate behavior, which can be surprising and distressing to their new owners. This behavior is called submissive urination and occurs when a dog pees in response to fear or anxiety. This is more common in puppies that...

Even though rabbits make fantastic pets, their behavior can sometimes be confusing to new owners. If you have ever had a rabbit as a pet at home, you have probably seen it running in circles around you, tracing a path between your legs. This behavior, also known as circling, is common in domestic rabbits.

Throwing a stick for a dog to retrieve must be one of the earliest games humans played with their canine counterparts. This is because dogs seem to have a natural fascination with wooden sticks and will often search them out on walks. It is common for them to chew on sticks seemingly to pass the time,...

Chasing a ball is one the favorite outdoor activities of dogs. Normally, it is a harmless game that allows them to have fun while exercising their body and senses. Many dog owners might notice their best friends are becoming increasingly obstinate. They never want to stop and seem almost addicted to...

Animals exhibit many behaviors which we know are related to their development. Sexual maturity is an important factor in how an animal behaves, especially since it can affect their hormone levels. One of these behaviors is mounting. As a male dog is reaching sexual maturity, they will start to undergo changes...

Domestication has made it necessary for dogs to adapt to the ways of human existence. Living inside a house is one of the most important adaptations a wild animal can make. To navigate this new environment, they have to interact with various objects humans take for granted. Their understanding of doors is just...

Anyone who has been fortunate enough to have lived with more than one cat will know that no two cats are the same. While there are general traits common to all felines, each one is an individual with their own personal behaviors and characteristics. They vary widely in their food preference, energy levels,...

Some guardians decide to neuter their dog as a means to resolve aggression issues. This aggression is often developed over time. Many of these guardians are surprised when the issues are not resolved after the procedure has been carried out. In fact, it is even possible for aggression to develop after...

Cars and vehicles are such a common part of our lives, we often forget we once had to learn how to cross a road. Road safety is important because our streets can be dangerous. When we look at these same streets form a dog's perspective, we might start to understand why they can be such intimidating spaces....

Cats are multifaceted animals which is part of the reason we love them so much. Their idiosyncratic behavior makes them cute, fascinating and confusing in various measures. However, some behaviors might seem funny to us, but there may be a more serious reason behind them. Others are a means of feline...

When your cat bites and scratches you, do you take it personally? Since our forms of communication with our cats are limited by our difference in species, it can be difficult to know what this behavior means. For many of us, the first thing we think might be they are angry or have a problem with us. At...

All cat guardians will need to calm down their cat from time to time. They can get excited easily thanks to their drive to play, but we can get confused if they turn aggressive towards us. Even if we have a good relationship with our cat, it is not uncommon for them to scratch or bite us, seemingly...

If your dog is pacing and won't lie down, they are agitated for some reason. These reasons can be physical or psychological, as well as acute or chronic. If it is acute, it is likely the dog is restless because they are responding to some specific stimuli in their environment. If they are chronically...

Is your cat endearing and affectionate with you, but becomes either shy or even grumpy when other people are around? It is a myth that cats are completely independent. A healthy cat with their care needs met should form strong bonds with their human family. Some cats, however, have problems being sociable....

A common issue for many cat guardians is the risk of being disturbed while we sleep. Especially if we want to let our cats have free reign of the home, it is fairly common for our feline to wake us when we sleep. Many cats can be active throughout the night and, even if they have good intentions, they...

When a dog becomes destructive, there is an obvious problem for the household. Whether they destroy toys, sofa cushions or any other household item, the result can be stuffing or other parts of the object strewn across the home. Not only does this create a mess, but there is always the worry they will...

Does your dog lift their leg and pee inside the house? It could be on any surface, place or object. This means your pet wants to make its presence known and wants to mark its territory. While this may be perfectly normal dog behavior, it is also normal for you to get frustrated and want to change this habit....

From the moment you decide to adopt a pet, it is necessary everyone in the home knows what to expect. Unfortunately, with both puppies and children, it can be difficult for them to understand limits and boundaries. For this reason, it is very important we consider what to do with both parties when the puppy...

If you have two or more cats, it is not always easy to get them to share. Even if you share the food evenly, you may find one cat gets greedy and eats the food of another cat in the home. Since cats oftenself-regulate how much they eat, this can become a tricky problem and you don't want to end up with...

It is in a cat's nature to like heights. They love to climb up on furniture, curtains and even climb up walls. While this might be exploratory and fun for a cat, it can be disruptive and destructive for others in the home. Understanding why cats like to climb will help us to prevent them from climbing...

The noise of a rabbit chewing on their cage bars is common to most every rabbit guardian. It is a very common behavior which doesn't necessarily pose a threat to their health. However, as with practically any behavior in rabbits, if we see them enacting a habit compulsively, it may mean there is a problem....

It is all too easy for society to consign a dog to a label of ‘aggression’. This can often lead to dogs being taken away from families and even put to sleep. Many of these dogs could live a long and happy life with a loving family if they are provided with understanding and education. To help understand...

It may provide a laugh on YouTube videos, but when we come home and see our dog has strewn garbage all over the floor, it can be a real pain. Not only do we have to clean up a mess, but it also leaves us with a worrying doubt. Since the garbage contains spoiled food and inedible objects, we should wonder...

Walking our dog is not only important for exercise. It is a vital opportunity to meet and interact with other dogs and people. Proper socialization is necessary for young dogs to be able to interact in a healthy way later in life. Just as important is the fact that dogs enjoy being around others, it is often...

As Konrad Lorenz, an Austrian zoologist and ethologist, once said, aggression in itself is just one more drive that an individual presents and that helps him survive. However, when a dog is aggressive with another dog this creates a poor quality of life and stress for the dog. Consequently, it is considered...

We may have understanding of why a dog licks their own feet. Licking helps to keep clean their paws, one of the dirtiest parts of their body. This might lead some to feeling a little offended since dogs are also known to enjoy licking human feet. If we assume this means we have dirty feet, we need to...

There are many reasons we adopt a cat into our family. Reciprocating affection with a beautiful animal is just one of them. One of our favorite ways to show our love is to pick up the cat and hold them in our arms. It brings us closer literally and metaphorically. Some cats really love being cradled in...

While many of us think that breed is the most important determinant in a cat's personality, experience and environment are much more influential. The cat's socialization is of particular importance, with the period of 2 to 7 weeks of age being incredibly impactful on their adult personality. This determines...

Some people love to see a cat resting on the back of their couch. They look adorable in repose and they are close enough to keep us company. However, a cat's nature can often lead them to causing damage to the furniture with scratching, kneading the fabric of leaving their fur everywhere. While we may...

Cats are very clean animals that easily learn to use the litter box from a young age. That's why a cat pooping on the bed will surprise their companions.
In this AnimalWised article we're going to explain why your cat is pooping on your bed and the main causes and solutions to this behavioural problem....

There are so many factors which influence a cat's personality. Many of these most cutely affect them when they are young. This is the reason we see some kittens be shy and fearful, while others are curious and adventurous. But nothing is written stone. As cats develop and age physically, their experiences...

While dogs will lick you as a sign of love and affection, a dog that won't stop licking you all of a sudden might have an ulterior motive. Even when the purpose is affection, it can be a sign the dog is insecure and needs more reassurance than normal. Such insecurity can stem from various factors in their...

Dogs communicate with us in many ways, one of them is by whining or crying. This behaviour usually indicates that something is wrong. However, what does it mean when a dog cries and whines at night? And, what can you do to help?
In this AnimalWised article we're going to go through the different reasons...

Is your cat hissing and attacking your dog? Getting a cat and a dog to be friends can be tricky at first, but it isn't impossible. In this AnimalWised article, we're going to explain what you can do to help if your cat hates your dog.

Dogs communicate in many ways, dog wagging, whining, barking and even growling. These behaviours have different meaning as they try to communicate their different emotions to their caregiver.
In this AnimalWised article we're going to talk about why your dog is growling at you, the meaning and how to stop...

You may have observed your cat hiding, freezing at a certain spot or scrambling around to escape a certain situation. These are all common signs that your cat is feeling scared. So, what can you do as their caregiver to make them calm down and feel safe again?
In this AnimalWised article we're going to...

Thunder storms can be scary for anyone. It's raining but every now and then we hear a loud sound of thunder and sometimes we can really feel it too. For dogs, this sensation is even stronger as they are very sensitive to sounds and even the static buildup in their environment.
If your dog is scared...

Having your cat meow at night isn't uncommon, however it can be very troublesome for caregivers that need a good night sleep. There's a number of reasons why your cat won't stop meowing at night. Thankfully, there are also a number of solutions.
In this AnimalWised article we're going to explain the reasons...

It can often happen that some of us decide to adopt a dog as a precursor to having a larger family. Although having a dog is a rewarding experience in itself, some may see it as helpful preparation for the responsibility of having a child. However, they may not always think of how the dynamic might change once...

Cats can also be very affectionate, but they're known for being very playful. This is usually one of our favourite things about adopting a cat. However, if our cat suddenly stops playing, it's understandable that we begin to worry.
In this AnimalWised article, we're going to explain why your cat won't...

One of the most troublesome behavior that a dog can do is urinating where they shouldn't. This situation is usually quite stressful for many companions. However, there are ways to train your dog to stop urinating at home.
In this AnimalWised article we're going to explain why you're dog may be urinating...

If you decide to adopt a bird as a pet, you will need to except some level of noise. Parrots in particular are vociferous animals. They will create levels of background noise as they try to communicate with others in their environment. Even birds which live alone will call to birds a distance away or...

Dog bite levels can cause varying degrees of damage to a person or animal. Our puppies will often nip at us playfully as they are exploring their environment and testing their boundaries. This is a normal part of canine development and something we often find amusing. Compare this to a vicious attack...

Dogs defecate. It is a fact of dog nature and something we need to be very considerate of as a canine guardian. Since humans have domesticated dogs, the responsibility of cleaning up their feces is firmly on us. Picking up their poop is not always the most pleasant part of caring for dogs, but it has various...