What Is the Best Meat for Dogs?

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As carnivorous animals, dogs need animal protein in the form of meat to gain their necessary nutrients. Although they have adapted to include some plant-based foods into their diet, there are essential nutrients which can only be found in animal protein or synthesized from animal protein. For this reason, commercial dog food products are mostly based on protein from various animals. They may be supplemented with synthesized amino acids such as taurine, compounds found naturally in various types of meat. In order to provide the healthiest meals possible, many of us have considered making homemade food for our dogs. AnimalWised helps us know what to consider by asking what is the best meat for dogs?
What meat is good for dogs?
Meat is the term used to refer to animal tissue which is consumed as food. In the wild, dogs will hunt and kill various animals for consumption of their food. Not all of these are commonly purchased by humans, although this will depend on where you source the product. Generally speaking, the different types of meat fall into the following categories:
- Red meat: as the name suggests, they have a reddish or pinkish color when raw. They are richer in iron and saturated fatty acids. An example of red meat is beef.
- White or lean meat: they are whitish before cooking and less fatty. In this group we find chicken, turkey and rabbit. Pork and lamb meat can be considered red or white depending on the part of the body or the age of the animal.
Some define meat as only being from warm-blooded animals, but others include the flesh of any animal. For this reason, we should consider the types of fish consumed for their meat:
- Blue fish: these are the fattiest and include salmon, tuna or sardines.
- White fish: the least fatty. Examples include monkfish, hake and cod.
As with meat, the type of fish can be distinguished by their color, although the meat won't necessarily be blue or white. For example, salmon has a very distinct orange color. Learn more with our article asking whether dogs can eat salmon.
There is a third group of fish known as semi-fatty fish. This is considered an intermediate category in which fish can have different levels of fat in their body, depending on the time of year. This group includes sea bass and sea bream.
Generally speaking, dogs can eat all types of meat as long as it is not spoiled. There are certain fish which contain high levels of mercury or other toxic compounds which should be avoided. A good rule of thumb is that if we humans can eat a type of meat, dogs can also eat it. This does not apply to all foods, as there are other types of foods which are forbidden for dogs, but which we can enjoy.
What is the best meat for dogs?
Of all the meats for dogs that we have reviewed, choosing one or another will depend on the animal's preferences and characteristics. For example, an animal with obesity problems or a sedentary lifestyle should opt for leaner meats rather than fatty ones.
What we should always consider is the quality and origin of the chosen piece of meat. Too many of us think we can give food which is spoiled to dogs, but this can cause gastrointestinal problems. The way we offer the meat is important. For example, we cannot give them meat which is cooked in a recipe with other ingredients such as salt, cream or artificial preservatives.
If we want to choose the best meat for our dog, choose one which is of good quality, cooked well and which doesn't have any seasoning. While dogs need animal protein in their diet, they should have other nutrients. Eating meat should be part of a well-balanced diet for dogs which is adjusted according to their specific needs.
Some dogs may have diseases which prohibit certain foods. This is because the nutrients they provide can exacerbate their symptoms. An example is a dog with kidney disease since they should generally avoid high levels of red meat. This is another reason it is important to consult a veterinarian before starting a dog on a homemade diet.
Learn what foods dogs with kidney disease should eat in our related guide.

How to feed meat to a dog
Beyond the selection of a quality meat, the way in which meat is offered to the dog is important. We need to prepare it properly according to cooking guidelines for each type of meat we offer the dog. However, there are different methods of preparing meat for dogs:
- Home cooking: there is the option of buying and cooking meat at home. This requires a considerable investment of time and money. We must be guided by a nutrition expert to prepare complete and balanced dishes for dogs.
- Raw: in recent years, the so-called BARF diet for dogs has become popular. It is based on offering dogs raw food. If you are hesitating between cooked or raw meat for dogs, you should know that BARF is a controversial option. Proponents suggest it provides the best levels of nutrition, but this is not proven. It also has a greater risk of transmitting pathogens such as bacteria or parasites.
- Vacuum cooking: low-temperature cooking customized for each dog with the ease of buying a ready-to-eat dish. They usually come frozen and can be cooked in a process known as sous-vide. This can be a laborious process, but it can cook the food perfectly.
- Dehydrated food: ingredients are dehydrated to remove moisture. They are offered to the dog after adding water or as a dried snack.
- Wet food: these are usually provided in cans or sachets. They are precooked and contain ingredients which are safe for dogs, although they can be of varying quality. Some may be supplemented with extra taurine for dogs or other forms of nutrient enrichment.
- Kibble: this traditional food option has evolved over the years. They are specially formulated for different types of dog according to factors such as age and health status. They usually contain a high level of animal protein, but we always need to check the ingredient list to ensure it is suitable for our dog. Learn about when to add water to dry dog food in our related guide.
- Treats: meat can be an excellent reward for dogs. It should be subtracted from the daily calorie intake of the animal. As always, look for options that are as natural as possible.
How to cook meat for dogs
We have pointed out that raw meat may not be the best option for dogs. For this reason, the recommendation is to cook it. If we decide to prepare it at home, we can boil it, bake it, grill it, boil it or even microwave it. The cooking time will depend on the amount and type of meat selected, but it is always important to cook it as is.
In principle, we should not add fats, salt, sugars, spicy condiments or any additives. These are not recommended ingredients for dogs and may even be harmful to them. For example garlic and onion are from the allium family of foods and are toxic to dogs. You may be able to add something like a little olive oil to aid digestion, but you should consult with the veterinarian or canine nutrition expert beforehand.
How to dehydrate meat for dogs
We have seen that meat can be a good reward for dogs. There are different options of premade meat treats available on the market, but we can make our own natural snack at home. To dehydrate the meat, we must choose a piece with the minimum amount of fat and cut it into very thin slices. We can achieve dehydration with a dehydrator or with the oven. In the first case, we will follow the manufacturer's instructions.
If you use the oven, you should place the meat on a baking tray on baking paper and put it in the oven at a low temperature for the amount of hours necessary to remove as much water as possible. We cannot give an exact time, since it will depend on each meat and the temperature we set. The lower the temperature, the more hours will be necessary and vice versa.

How much meat is best for dogs?
The amount we should give our dog will depend on its characteristics. We need to determine the nutritional needs of our dog and assess the nutritional value of the type of meat we choose.
For this reason, it is impossible to give a single daily amount that is the same for all dogs. If we opt for commercial food options, each manufacturer will indicate the approximate amounts for our dog. If we choose to cook at home, it is essential that we have the guidance of a canine nutritionist. They will be best able to ensure that the quantities and ingredients are those that provide the dog with all the nutrients they need for their well-being.
As a general overview, we provide an article explaining what to look for in dog food.

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