Homemade diets

Can Dogs Eat Cherimoya?

Alba Navas
By Alba Navas. September 11, 2024
Can Dogs Eat Cherimoya?

See files for Dogs

If you are thinking of offering fruit to your dog, it is essential that you first know which ones are beneficial and which can cause harm. Certain fruits may be potentially lethal due to the presence of compounds which are toxic for dogs. Others are harmful because they provide the wrong nutrition for the animal. Generally speaking, dogs should only eat any fruit in moderation due to the high quantities of sugars. However, some fruits are more beneficial than others.

Discover whether the custard apple is one of them as AnimalWised asks can dogs eat cherimoya? We look at the potential benefits or side effects of custard apple for dogs, as well as how to feed it as part of a balanced diet.

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  1. Can dogs eat cherimoya or not?
  2. Benefits of cheromoya for dogs
  3. How much cherimoya can I give my dog?
  4. How to give cherimoya to my dog
  5. Side effects of cherimoya for dogs
  6. Contraindications of cherimoya in dogs

Can dogs eat cherimoya or not?

Generally speaking, dogs can eat cherimoya. Also known as custard apple, cherimoya has a low protein content and is also a great source of fiber. In addition, it contains antioxidants, as well as a wide variety of vitamins and minerals that can be beneficial for dogs. The seeds and skin can be very toxic for them, so it is necessary to remove them completely. In this way, dogs can eat cherimoya if the right precautions are taken. These are not always simple to carry out, so custard apple is not necessarily the best type of fruit for dogs.

Can Dogs Eat Cherimoya? - Can dogs eat cherimoya or not?

Benefits of cheromoya for dogs

Although cherimoya is not one of the recommended fruits for dogs due to the risks associated with the peel and seeds, its pulp does have some nutritional properties. These can be beneficial if we are able to mitigate the risks we have mentioned. The main properties of cherimoya include:

  • Rich in vitamins and minerals: this fruit has vitamins A, C, K and B12, as well as minerals such as magnesium, potassium, calcium and phosphorus. All can contribute to the proper functioning of your dog's immune system and overall health.
  • High levels of fiber: this favors digestion and can help maintain a healthy digestive system.
  • Contains antioxidants: antioxidants fight free radicals to reduce the risk of chronic diseases and cancer.
  • Carbohydrates: cherimoya can provide energy to your dog due to its natural sugar content.

How much cherimoya can I give my dog?

It is important to give a dog only a small amount of custard apple. Although it can provide certain nutrients and benefits as described above, it is not one of the fruits recommended for these animals. It is best to offer it very occasionally and in small quantities. This could be beneficial if you offer a BARF or homemade diet.

You can offer a maximum of 100 g of cherimoya to your dog at any given time. Only do so sporadically and make sure you only offer them the pulp, otherwise you could cause damage to their body.

How to give cherimoya to my dog

To avoid any risk of poisoning or digestive problems due to the risk associated with the peel and seeds, it is necessary to make sure that these parts are removed completely. Only offer the flesh in small pieces and in small quantities, doing so only occasionally.

If your dog is on a natural diet such as the BARF diet for dogs, you can give them a small piece along with their normal meal. When offering this fruit to your dog, it is important to monitor how they react in case they show any symptoms of discomfort after eating it. Not all dogs assimilate it well.

Side effects of cherimoya for dogs

If you have decided to offer cherimoya to your dog under your own responsibility and with the advice and supervision of a veterinarian, you should know that it is not a completely safe fruit for dogs. This is as long as they do not ingest the seeds or the peel. If they were to eat the seeds or peel, these are the side effects that cherimoya can cause in dogs:

  • Vomiting and diarrhea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Neurological symptoms such as seizures
  • Apathy
  • Gastrointestinal obstruction
  • Allergic reactions

If your dog ingests the seeds or the peel, they will not be digested correctly. This means they could form a blockage in the digestive system. In addition, your dog could choke on them.

In case of poisoning, go to the veterinary center immediately. Discover other forbidden food for dogs with our related guide.

Can Dogs Eat Cherimoya? - Side effects of cherimoya for dogs

Contraindications of cherimoya in dogs

There are some contraindications that you should take into account when offering custard apple to your dog:

  • Ingesting the peel which is toxic for dogs. In sufficient quantities, this can be lethal, so it must be avoided at all cots. Ideally choose a different fruit for the dog to eat.
  • Even if you remove the peel and seeds, offering this fruit in large quantities can also be harmful to dogs. Doing so can cause vomiting and diarrhea, among other symptoms. It is best to offer it in small quantities.
  • It is best not to offer it to puppies as its high sugar content could be harmful to their gastrointestinal system.
  • Since it is not a fruit recommended for dogs, it is also a good idea to offer it very rarely or choose not to offer it at all to avoid the risks it may entail. It is better to choose other fruits that do not pose health risks for your friend. Here are some other examples of what to avoid with the fruits and vegetables forbidden for dogs.
  • Given the risks, it should not be offered to pregnant or lactating dogs.

If you have any doubts, you can ask a professional for advice on whether offering cherimoya to your dog is a good idea based on their conditions. In the video below, we see some of the fruits which are more beneficial for your dog, as long as they are included as part of a balanced diet that meets the dog's specific needs:

If you want to read similar articles to Can Dogs Eat Cherimoya?, we recommend you visit our Homemade diets category.

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Can Dogs Eat Cherimoya?