Homemade diets

Can Dogs Eat Guava?

Marta SarasĂșa
By Marta SarasĂșa, Psychologist. July 25, 2024
Can Dogs Eat Guava?

See files for Dogs

Guava is a tropical fruit that is native to the Americas and comes from the tree of the same name. Ripe guava is characterized by having a partially rounded shape, similar to that of a pear or a lemon. Its skin color ranges between greenish and yellowish, but its flesh is a contrasting bright pink color. It has a large number of small, hard and orange seeds.

While guava is still relatively rare in countries outside the Americas and Asia, it is growing in popularity. This is both due to a demand for more exotic fruit, better trade operations and the fact that it is a delicious and nutritious fruit for human consumption. This does not mean it is necessarily has benefits for dogs. AnimalWised learns more by asking can dogs eat guava?

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  1. Is guava bad for dogs?
  2. Benefits of guava for dogs
  3. How much guava do I give my dog?
  4. How to feed guava to dogs
  5. Contraindications of guava for dogs

Is guava bad for dogs?

Dogs cannot eat certain fruits due to the presence of toxic compounds, even if they are not toxic for us. This is not the case for guava as it is not toxic for dogs. Fruit should never be the main part of a dog's diet, but it can be used as a rare treat since dogs often enjoy it. This is especially the case when it is summer and we chill the guava before we give it to a dog.

In addition to being a tasty treat, guava can have some nutritional benefit when used sparingly. When this is carried out properly, the dog can enjoy guava with no problem. However, too much guava or giving it to them in the incorrect manner can indeed be bad for the dog. This is why we detail the possible benefits of guava for dogs and how we can best provide it in their diet.

Benefits of guava for dogs

Guava contains a good amount of certain minerals that are necessary and beneficial to ensure the dog's good health. These include potassium, sodium and magnesium. The main benefit of this fruit lies in its large amount of vitamins, among which we highlight:

  • Vitamin A: this vitamin is involved in a large number of metabolic processes that are very important for the correct development of the dog. This is especially the case during early development and growth. It is also important for cellular, renal and reproductive health. In addition, it is also an antioxidant which very beneficial for eyesight and helps keep the immune system in good condition.
  • Vitamin C: similar to citrus fruit, guava has a lot of vitamin C. This acts as an antioxidant, promotes the proper functioning of the urinary system and has beneficial effects on the skin and hair. It also stimulates the production of collagen, essential for maintaining joints and healthy bones. Doing so can help prevent the development of joint diseases such as arthritis in dogs.
  • Vitamin K: the main function of vitamin K is to promote blood clotting. Having good levels of this vitamin is essential. Bleeding disorders can be associated with the long-term administration of certain drugs, intoxication, trauma and invasive surgeries. Vitamin K won't be a replacement treatment for these conditions, but it may help in a supplementary fashioned.

Discover more about providing dietary supplements to dogs with our article on glucosamine for dogs.

How much guava do I give my dog?

Despite its benefits, guava should always be provided to your dog with some caution. An excessive amount of this fruit could be counterproductive and dangerous for the dog.

In the event that the dog eats a homemade diet, guava can add some nutritional boost to ensure their meet their vitamin needs. It should only be given in limited amounts and other fruits should be provided at different times to better ensure a nutritional balance. This is especially so in small dogs. If you provide your dog a homemade diet and have any doubts, you should speak to your veterinarian. They can help to create a diet plan for your dog.

For dogs that consumer dry kibble or commercial wet food, guava can be given as a rare treat. This is often a good option for a reward during training and education.

Although it is consumed more like a vegetable, you can learn more about an exotic fruit for canines with our article on can dogs eat chayote?

How to feed guava to dogs

As guava is a food which can be given occasionally to a dog, we should ideally only offer it as a rare treat or snack. By giving it to them as a reward, you can help reinforce good behavior during training. In this way, it can be considered a sort of candy, rather than a staple food. The skin and seeds need to be removed as it is not good for their digestion. We explain more in the next section.

During the summer, a great idea can be to freeze pieces of guava to be given both as a treat and a way to cool dogs during hot weather. A similar idea is to incorporate it into homemade icepops for dogs. You can even use it when feeding a dog using a slow feeder. These are great accessories for dogs which eat too quickly, something we need to avoid if we give it to them cold. You can use the link below to purchase a slow feeder for your dog:

Can Dogs Eat Guava? - How to feed guava to dogs

Contraindications of guava for dogs

We have already affirmed that guava is a food that can only be given to dogs sparingly. The reason for this is that fruit contains a lot of sugars. Although there is a great nutritional benefit to fruit, dogs are mostly carnivores and need a lot of their nutrition from animal protein. Foods that are high in sugar such as fruits can upset their nutritional balance when given too much to the dog.

Excess carbohydrates and sugars can make your dog gain weight quickly. Additionally, constantly maintaining high glucose levels can end up causing more serious health problems such as diabetes or even eye disorders.

Guava seeds contain small levels of cyanide, as do the seeds of many other fruits. Although occasional consumption of seeds is not dangerous, an excessive amount of of guava in the dog's diet could end up causing gastrointestinal problems. Serious poisoning would be rare, but vomiting and diarrhea can occur as a result of eating too much fruit such as guava. This is especially important for small dogs, so we should be extra careful to remove the seeds before giving it to them as a reward or treat.

Now you know about the specifics of giving guava to dogs, you may want to know more about varying the canine diet. Learn more with our article on the best fruits and vegetables recommended for dogs.

If you want to read similar articles to Can Dogs Eat Guava?, we recommend you visit our Homemade diets category.

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Can Dogs Eat Guava?