Homemade diets

Can Dogs Have Sunflower Seeds?

María Besteiros
By María Besteiros, Expert veterinary assistant and canine/feline hairdresser.. July 21, 2024
Can Dogs Have Sunflower Seeds?

See files for Dogs

Ensuring our dog receives a proper diet means avoiding the wrong food as much as it does providing the right food. Many of the foods we enjoy are simply not suitable for our canines. This could be due to providing the wrong kind of nutrition, but it can also be due to potential toxicity. For example, grapes are a food which are very nutritious for us, but which are highly toxic to dogs. Dogs are known for enjoying animal protein, but we don't associated them with seeds and nuts. For this reason, many guardians wonder can dogs have sunflower seeds?

At AnimalWised, we see that dogs can have sunflower seeds. They are not toxic and they can even provide some nutrition. However, this only occurs when the sunflower seeds are prepared correctly. We explain how to give sunflower seeds to a dog to ensure they receive the optimal benefit without and negative side effects.

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  1. Can dogs eat sunflower seeds?
  2. Can dogs eat pumpkin seeds?
  3. Benefits of sunflower seeds for dogs
  4. How to give sunflower seeds to a dog
  5. Contraindications of sunflower seeds for dogs

Can dogs eat sunflower seeds?

Yes, dogs can eat sunflower seeds. Giving sunflower seeds to a dog correctly won't cause them any harm as they do not contain compounds which are considered toxic to dogs. In fact, sunflower seeds can actually be a healthy food for dogs. As seeds of the adult plant, sunflower seeds are packed with concentrated nutritional benefit. Specifically, the nutritional profile of sunflower seeds is as follows:

  • Proteins
  • Carbohydrates
  • Fiber
  • Minerals (e.g. phosphorus, selenium, iron and magnesium)
  • Vitamins (e.g. E and group B)
  • Healthy fats

The healthy fats are of particular importance when feeding sunflower seeds to dogs. These include polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as linoleic acid.

Given the high level of nutrients, sunflower seeds can be beneficial for dogs. We can incorporate them into their diet without any problem, as long as we give them in an adequate amount. Sunflower, seeds cannot be the basis of the dog's diet. This species must consume a mostly carnivorous diet, with a higher percentage of protein coming from animal tissue.

In a healthy dog diet, meat or fish can be accompanied by other ingredients, such as vegetables, fruits or seeds. The amount of each foodstuff provided is important. If we were to feed a dog seeds disproportionately, they would stop ingesting the nutrients essential for their health. This would result in a nutritional imbalance which can have very serious repercussions on their health.

Can dogs eat sunflower seeds with salt?

Dogs should never be given salted foods. Dogs do need some level of sodium in their diet, but this is attained through their regular foods. Salted foods provide too great a sodium content which can lead to very serious health problems such as hypertension or kidney damage.

Can dogs eat pumpkin seeds?

Pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds are often found together in seed mixes. For this reason, many people wonder whether their dogs can eat pumpkin seeds as well. Since they don't have any compounds toxic for dogs, pumpkin seeds are safe for dogs to eat. They have a very similar nutritional profile to sunflower seeds, containing:

  • Proteins
  • Healthy fats
  • Minerals (e.g. phosphorus, magnesium, zinc and potassium)
  • Vitamins (e.g. B group, E and K.
  • Fiber

The benefits of pumpkins seeds for dogs are similar to those of sunflower seeds. There is even some evidence to support their use as an antiparasitic agent. Although the evidence is not yet conclusive, some studies have suggested it may have some action as an anthelmintic, drugs used against parasitic worms[1].

Benefits of sunflower seeds for dogs

One of the main benefits of sunflower seeds is as a source of energy. This is thanks to their unsaturated fat content. Healthy fatty acids, vitamins and minerals are also able to provide positive effects for the dog's health. In general, we can say the benefits of sunflower seeds for dogs include the following:

  • Strengthening of the immune system
  • Caring for the skin and coat, especially helpful for dogs with dermatological problems
  • Protection of the urinary system
  • Promotion good digestive transit thanks to their high-fiber content
  • Acting as antioxidants, helping to combat free radicals and fight against aging

We might also consider the potential effect against internal parasites in dogs that is attributed to pumpkin seeds. However, this does not mean we can use them as a deworming agent if our dog has worms. We need to speak to a veterinarian for suitable treatment.

Learn more about what dogs can and cannot eat with our article on whether dogs can eat lima beans.

How to give sunflower seeds to a dog

As we have mentioned, sunflower seeds can complement the dog's diet or be given occasionally as a treat. When given as a reward, we can offer a small amount of seeds 1-2 times a week. If we feed our dog a homemade diet, we should speak to a canine nutrition expert to determine how much sunflower seeds can be incorporated into their meals.

The recommended number of sunflower seeds to give to a dog depends largely on their size:

  • Larger dogs: half a tablespoon.
  • Medium dogs: approximately a quarter of a tablespoon.
  • Small dogs: a pinch can be incorporated into their diet.

It is important to remember that sunflower seeds have a casing. These hard shells are not harmful to the dog in terms of content. If a dog was to eat them, there is no chance of poisoning. However, they are not easily digested by the dog. This can provide gastrointestinal problems, especially when eaten in large amounts. Once peeled, the sunflower seeds can be given to the dog directly, but they are best when crushed beforehand.

Some guardians may even wish to soak the sunflower seeds in water for a few hours before feeding them to the dog. This means they can be digested more easily and their nutrients better assimilated. The seeds can be added to recipes for treats for dogs or even in homemade dog food recipes. However, cooking can make them lose some nutritional benefit.

Contraindications of sunflower seeds for dogs

Sunflower seeds can be offered to all dogs that don't have an allergy to them. We need to first give them only small amounts and observe for any negative reaction. If we do not see any reaction 24-48 hours after giving them the seeds, we can assume they are safe to eat. With this in mind, the following contraindications of sunflower seeds for dogs include the following:

  • Dogs that have become ill after eating them before.
  • Dogs with a delicate digestive system. Their high-fiber content can influence intestinal transit and increase the likelihood of causing diarrhea.
  • Due to their calorie and fat content, we should not give sunflower seeds to dogs that are overweight, obese, have a tendency to gain weight or are following a weight loss diet.

Offering a few sunflower seeds to dogs from time to time will not cause any problems, but we must avoid excessive consumption. Not doing so could cause digestive disorders. If you notice any discomfort that we can relate to the ingestion of seeds, we must observe the evolution of the animal. If it does not subside, worsens or the dog is especially vulnerable, you should contact the veterinarian. This is especially so in puppies and elderly dogs.

Learn more about food intolerance symptoms in dogs with our related guide.

If you want to read similar articles to Can Dogs Have Sunflower Seeds?, we recommend you visit our Homemade diets category.


1. Alhawiti, A. O., Toulah, F. H., & Wakid, M. H. (2019). Anthelmintic Potential of Cucurbita pepo Seeds on Hymenolepis nana. Acta parasitologica, 64(2), 276–281.

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Can Dogs Have Sunflower Seeds?