Diets to lose weight

Homemade Dog Food for Weight Loss

Josie F. Turner
By Josie F. Turner, Journalist specialized in Animal Welfare. Updated: June 27, 2024
Homemade Dog Food for Weight Loss

See files for Dogs

An overweight or obese dog is at a higher risk of various canine pathologies. If they have been overweight for a prolonged period, it is possible they will have already developed problems which need to be managed partly by diet. These include kidney disorders, diabetes and hypothyroidism. Older dogs and the immunocompromised are particularly at risk. With these dogs, we will need to take them to a veterinarian for diagnosis and guidance on how to treat them. They may also require medications to manage any disorders.

At AnimalWised, we provide some low-fat recipes for homemade dog food for weight loss. These are not a replacement for veterinary treatment, but they can help an overweight dog to lose weight in a healthy way.

You may also be interested in: Homemade Food for Dogs
  1. Is your dog overweight?
  2. What is the best diet for an overweight dog?
  3. Homemade dog food for weight loss recipes
  4. Potato and beef stew
  5. Chicken with rice and vegetables
  6. Potatoes with white fish
  7. Ham and vegetables
  8. Pasta with tuna and tomato
  9. Mashed potatoes with salmon

Is your dog overweight?

Although chubby dogs can be inarguably adorable, it is paramount that we do not put aesthetic above health. Some dogs are more prone to obesity than others, but any dog can be overweight in the correct conditions. As their guardian, it is our responsibility to ensure they are fed and exercised appropriately according to their needs. Even if we do it out of love, overfeeding or giving them the wrong diet is a form of neglect.

To tell whether our dog is overweight, we can make an assessment of their physical body. Although it is best to confirm this assessment with the veterinarian, we can check the following to see if our dog is overweight or obese:

  • When our dog is overweight, we will notice that the ribs are difficult to palpate and that the waist is not visible to the naked eye. In a dog of normal weight, the ribs are palpable and we can see the waist without having to manipulate them. There may be some discrepancy for dogs with a lot of fur.
  • When a dog is obese, their ribs cannot be palpated and there is the presence of a prominent belly. At this point, we are likely seeing a dog with obesity. In this case, we will need to take them to a veterinarian who can advise us on the situation and health of our dog.

Although being overweight and obese poses a significant health risk to a dog, dogs that are too skinny will also face health problems. You can use our dog weight chart below to better determine whether your dog is of a healthy weight:

Homemade Dog Food for Weight Loss - Is your dog overweight?

What is the best diet for an overweight dog?

A dog's diet is of vital importance to their overall health. Although we may need veterinary medical treatment to manage symptoms of various weight-related health conditions, diet and exercise are at the forefront of managing an overweight dog's health. While a dog of a healthy weight may need to eat a certain diet, obese dogs will need a low-fat diet with less calories to help them lose weight in a healthy way.

Commercial dog foods are often sold which are specially formulated to feed dogs with obesity. These are reduced in calories and a good quality one will have quality ingredients. However, they do often tend to be a little more expensive than other dog foods. For this reason, some people may choose to provide a homemade diet for overweight dogs. These can also be costly, so you will need to assess your means.

Some people don't see money as an issue, but still prefer to choose a homemade diet for their obese dog because it gives them better control over the ingredients they use. Some may choose a raw food or BARF diet for dogs. This can be a good diet for overweight animals, but it also has risks such as bacterial infection from uncooked food. If you do choose this diet, it is imperative you speak to your veterinarian.

The low-fat recipes for overweight dogs we provide should involve cooked meat and other foods where necessary. This is important for determining the nutrients an overweight dog requires. The following is a breakdown of the nutritional requirements for overweight dogs:

Protein (25-30% of total daily diet)

These can include lean turkey or chicken, but they should be skinless and boneless. This is because the skin has a high-fat content. Fish is a great option, especially those with omega-3 fatty acids. These are healthy facts which can improve joints and bones. Beef can be provided, but it needs to be lean. Eggs cooked without butter or oil and low-fat dairy can be helpful in moderation.

Fat (10-15% of total daily diet)

This can include the aforementioned fish oil which is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Flaxseed oil and olive oil may also be useful.

Carbohydrates (50-55% of total daily diet)

These need to be in the form of complex carbohydrates. These include wholegrains such as brown rice or oatmeal. Simple sugars need to be avoided at all costs. This is not only for obesity, but due to their influence on related conditions such as diabetes mellitus in dogs. Vegetables should be included such as green beans, carrots, broccoli, spinach and other leafy greens. A small amount of fruit can be used as a rare treat.

Fiber (5-10% of total daily diet)

While fiber is part of the complex carbohydrate group, it is important to mention it. Fiber helps intestinal transit and the dog's overall health. It can be found in appropriate grains and vegetables.

Ideally, your dog should eat 3 times a day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) in moderate quantities. Don't forget that it is equally important for your dog to take daily physical exercise. Walks in the open air are very important. We should encourage moderate exercise, but be aware that obesity can harm joints and bones, so we should never overdo it.

Elderly dogs often reduce exercise levels which makes them prone to obesity. Learn more about how to care for them with our senior dog complete care guide.

Homemade Dog Food for Weight Loss - What is the best diet for an overweight dog?

Homemade dog food for weight loss recipes

Now that we have a general guideline for feeding an overweight or obese dog, we may want to know some specific homemade recipes we can provide at home. These low-fat dog food recipes can help your dog to lose weight while still being appetizing and ensuring they have an overall good quality of life. You should still speak to your veterinarian before preparing a homemade diet for any dog.

Potato and beef stew

The first recipe for diets for overweight dogs is based on potatoes and beef. In order to prepare it, we will simply have to boil the potatoes, beef and carrot in the same pot, although we should ensure the cooking times are met. In the event that we want to make this homemade diet to lose weight for dogs tastier, we can add olive oil with a sprayer to add some healthy fat. Remember to use lean beef.

Learn more about the usage and benefits of olive oil for dogs in our related guide.

Homemade Dog Food for Weight Loss - Potato and beef stew

Chicken with rice and vegetables

The following homemade dog food for overweight dogs has protein, complex carbohydrates, vegetables and fiber. This provides a balanced diet and is low in fat, so it can help your dog lose weight in a healthy way. Cook the rice first, especially since brown rice takes longer to cook. Then add some combination of the following vegetables:

  • Spinach
  • Carrots
  • Tomato

At the same time, grill or boil some skinless and boneless chicken breast. Cut the chicken into cubes and mix with the rice and vegetables. Ensure the food has cooled to just above room temperature to avoid the dog burning themselves. Always avoid adding seasonings or spices. They are bad for the dog's health and unappetizing for them.

Learn more about feeding poultry to dogs with our article on whether chicken broth is good for dogs.

Potatoes with white fish

It is a very healthy dish nutritionally and very low in calories because we can prepare it in the oven without any added fat. We cut the potatoes into thin slices and put them in the oven (with a little water). Then, when there are approximately 15 minutes left until the potatoes are finished cooking, we add the skinless fish fillets on top. Add some cooked vegetables for more fiber.

Ham and vegetables

The ham you choose needs to be low in salt as this can dehydrate the dog and provide other problems. If you cannot find nay ham that is low in salt, you can choose some lean pork such as pork loin.

To start cooking this low-fat dog food recipe, simple boil the following vegetables in water:

  • Potatoes
  • Spinach
  • Carrot

Turn off the heat and add the spinach at the end as they only take seconds to cook. Once it is wilted, drain the water immediately. Next, chop the ham or pork and stir it through.

Pasta with tuna and tomato

The following recipe is a good treat meal for overweight dogs. However, it is not ideal for obese dogs. The pasta we use should be wholewheat pasta and be of good quality. The first thing we will have to do is chop a tomato and fry it with very little oil. Then we will boil the pasta and mix it with the tomato sauce. Finally we add canned tuna, but this tuna needs to be:

  • Natural
  • Without oil
  • Without salt

Learn more about feeding this dish to dogs with our article explaining whether dogs can eat pasta or noodles.

Homemade Dog Food for Weight Loss - Pasta with tuna and tomato

Mashed potatoes with salmon

With this recipe we will be able to include healthy fats in our dog's diet , which will not be harmful if consumed in moderation and there are of high quality. To prepare the mashed potatoes, boil them, drain them, add a little oil and mash. The best way to prepare salmon is as a fillet (without bones). Steam it or bake it en papillote so that it cooks in its own juices.

Learn more with our article asking can dogs eat salmon?

If you want to read similar articles to Homemade Dog Food for Weight Loss, we recommend you visit our Diets to lose weight category.

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What did you think of this article?
We have a chihuahua mix and he is overweight. We have tried most of the diet dry food and he has not lost weight so I decided to make homemade food. I mix ground lamb and ground turkey with a little bit of brown rice and mixed vegetables (carrots, green beans and sweet potatoes). I give him 1/2 a cup morning and evening but I am not sure if that is the right amount to give him, any suggestions? Thank you.
Administrador AnimalWised
Hi Elaine,

We can't say because weight is an important factor, as are others. However, we do provide a general guide in this article:

Hope this helps!
Louise Midkiff
I cook chicken soup for my chihuahua/corgi mix who is ten years old and waddles when he walks. He WILL NOT eat dry dog food, so I get it to mix in with his chicken soup hoping the nutrient will be better. He does not lose weight.
Administrador AnimalWised
Do you make the chicken soup with no salt, fat or other ingredients which can promote obesity in dogs?
Would it be okay to use coconut oil for my 6 yr overweight German

Shepherd if I use the homemade diet of potatoes and beef stew? She needs to lose 20-25 pounds.
Administrador AnimalWised

Coconut oil is very high in fat and calories, best to choose a better neutral oil suitable for dogs. In fact, boiling will be even better.
Linda Lopez
My 5-year old Golden Retriever needs to lose weight. He weighs 110 pounds and needs to lose 20 pounds. How much should I feed him each meal; using the beef stew or chicken and rice meals above
Glenn Powell

I'm an Old Senior, TEO (male canine I don't like the word dog) I want to make his food (diet that is) I'm not much of a cook but i'd like to try a recipe or two shown above. Never done this before so I don't know about measurements of the ingredients, you know, a cup of this a teaspoon of that , cooking times, etc.

My TEO is suppose to weigh around 15 - 16 lbs, but he's almost 25 lbs
which is all my fault, I feel so bad. UNLIKE other recipes I've seen on the Internet they have a lot of ingredients in them and yours don't I like that it makes it easier for me but there are a few ingredients that may be beneficial for Teo?

I hope you don't mind advising me whether I need them in his food, if not great I have trouble getting around. One is coconut oil, another is cottage cheese... speaking of 'CHEESE' I made A BIG MISTAKE of putting cheese in TEO's food a while back I didn't think he would like it that much, I have to put cheese in most of his food now!

I buy Cracker Barrel Swiss cheese ( I don't use a whole slice which is) 70 Calories, Fat 6 g, Cholesterol 20 mg, Sodium 45 mg. I thought I should mention this in case it's OK to still use it, if not, that's OK too. I can just see myself making this and he won't eat it?

I was thinking I could make a weeks supply so I would just double or
triple it right? Oh' I almost forgot, most of these types of recipes call for weighing his food... I have an older style food scale (non digital) I
was wondering how accurate it would have to be to way his food?

I hope I haven't gone too much over the limit for long messages? I do apologize for this being so long...

Thank you so much for your time...
Best Regards,

Administrador AnimalWised
Hello Glenn,

Thank you so much for your comment and please don't apologize, we're very happy to help if we can help.

Coconut oil can be healthy for dogs in small doses, but for an obese dog, it is likely added calories which will not be particularly helpful. Unfortunately, although it is TEO's favorite, cheese will not be great for his weight issue either. We suggest removing the cheese from his diet, perhaps only using it as a very occasional treat. If he refuses to eat at all, then providing a healthier low fat cheese alternative is recommended and might convince him to eat the otherwise healthy meal.

If you want to make a bigger batch, please go ahead. Dogs have incredible smell receptors. However, while some may be picky about what they eat, most will happily scarf down a lot of food we humans would find unappetising. For humans, creating a delicate flavor profile with a strict recipe is important. This is not so much the case with dogs.

If you use the percentage guidelines written at the top of the article, you should be absolutely fine to estimate how much of each ingredient to put in. It does not have to be exactly accurate, so don't worry so much about the scale. Just use it as a rule of thumb.

Here is another recipe with a video you might want to try. It is a healthy alternative which might be good to get you started:

Good luck with TEO's weight loss, we hope he feels better soon and please feel free to update us on his progress!
Do these ingredients have to be fresh or can some of them be canned? If so, which ones? Thanks.
Administrador AnimalWised
Hi Raquel,

As far as we know the ingredients can be canned, it won't make a difference between this and fresh ingredients (perhaps less nutritional value). However, you will need to ensure there are no additives or preservatives used in the production of canned foods which could damage your dog's health. For example, many canned vegetables have added sugar which you will not want to give to your dog, especially an overweight one.
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Homemade Dog Food for Weight Loss