Caring for a Prague Ratter

Animal file: Prague Ratter
If you are thinking about adopting a Prague Ratter - Pražský krysařík - and you have doubts about how to care for this rare and tiny breed, you've come to the right place.
Their small size and delicate appearance are characteristic of Prague Ratters. In terms of care, it is important to consider the temperament and behavior of this breed in order to understand what they are going to need on a daily basis.
Keep reading this AnimalWised article to find out all about caring for a Prague Ratter. Don't forget to comment if you want to share your experiences with other users!
Caring for a Prague Ratter's coat
Prague Ratters do not need too much care in terms of their coat. They have short and smooth fur, perfect to forget about brushing it regularly like other breeds require.
However, it is important to bathe them once a month. Still, don't bathe your Prague Ratter more often than that, because too much soap removes the natural protective layer on their dermis.
After bathing them, you will need to apply a pipette to their fur to deworm them externally.
It is also important to note that when it is extremely cold, you should wrap your Prague Ratter up because sometimes small dogs have a tendency to tremble. Old or young Prague Ratters will certainly need to stay warm against the cold.

Exercising and walking a Prague Ratter
Prague Ratters are particularly athletic and a really enjoy exercising and having fun. You should get used to walking it two or three times a day.
If your puppy is well socialized, it will be able to enjoy the company of other dogs at the dog park. This way, it will get the exercise it needs. You can also exercise with your dog and enjoy a wonderful jogging session together.

A Prague Ratter's diet
AnimalWised advises you to look in shops for dog food for small breeds, preferably of high quality. A good diet will have a direct impact on your Prague Ratter's fur, health and energy. Do not underestimate the importance of this.
You can occasionally combine ready-made dog food with wet food and snacks so that your dog gets pampered and it can enjoy a varied diet. Give your dog the right amount and always have fresh water available.

Education and training of Prague Ratters
Prague Ratters are especially intelligent and obedient. This is why you shouldn't hesitate to teach it all kinds of commands and tricks, always using positive reinforcement and never abusing the dog or using inappropriate tools.
We recommend teaching the essential basic commands for their safety:
- Stop
- Come
- Sit
- Lie down
- Heel
Finally it is highly important to socialize a Prague Ratter puppy. This will be essential if you want to have other pets or other animals walking alongside you to make it more fun. It will also be useful for preventing them from becoming fearful.

If you want to read similar articles to Caring for a Prague Ratter, we recommend you visit our Basic care category.