
French Dog Names - Male And Female

Ameera Mills
By Ameera Mills. Updated: May 30, 2024
French Dog Names - Male And Female

See files for Dogs

Adopting a dog is a very important decision that should not be taken lightly. A puppy, an adult dog and even an elderly dog all fill the home with a very special kind of joy and love. However, one must never forget about the responsibility that comes when choosing to adopt a dog. With the help of the 5 freedoms of animal welfare, making sure you dog receives all of the care, love and freedom that they need will be easier than expected!

One of the most exciting parts when it comes to adopting a dog is giving it an appropriate and unique dog name. We suggest combining both its physical and personal characteristics in order to find the most suitable name for your new pup! To help you, here at AnimalWised we’ve listed our OVER 100 french dog names for both female and male dogs for you to choose from.

You may also be interested in: Strong Dog Names - Male and Female
  1. French dog names: choosing the perfect name
  2. French dog names: male
  3. French dog names: female
  4. French dog names with meaning
  5. Sweet french dog names

French dog names: choosing the perfect name

When it comes to choosing the perfect name for your dog, the most important thing is to have fun! Take your dog’s physical appearance and characteristic features into account. Before presenting you with a list of the best french dog names, we have some tips we recommend taking into consideration when naming your new pup:

  • Opt for short names of one or two syllables. These will be easier for your dog to remember.
  • It has been proven that dogs have a more positive response to names that include the vowels, a, e and i.
  • Avoid choosing a name and then using a nickname, as this will confuse your dog.
  • Choose a name that is easy to pronounce.
  • Avoid colloquialisms when naming your dog. In addition, we recommend avoiding naming your dog after a family member or close friend to avoid confusion.

We recommend that you AVOID renaming your dog. Therefore, it’s important that you are 100% happy with the name you will teach your pup from when it is young.

If you’ve just adopted a puppy, you may find these following articles useful:

French dog names: male

And now, to start of our list, let’s begin with our best french dog names male:

  • Aelig
  • Alain
  • Alban
  • Alexis
  • Aketus
  • Amadeu
  • Amour
  • Ange
  • Anne
  • Argent
  • Arthour
  • Aubry
  • Baguette
  • Baron
  • Baudelaire
  • Bizet
  • Nijou
  • Bleau
  • Brioche
  • Briziu
  • Brunu
  • Calistu
  • César
  • Cher
  • Chien
  • Cygne
  • Cyril
  • Denis
  • Diable
  • Didier
  • Drapeau
  • Eloi
  • Enfant
  • Eric
  • Espoir
  • Evodiu
  • Fédor
  • Félix
  • Gavinu
  • Gérard
  • Geremia
  • Glace
  • Gnaziu
  • Gris
  • Henri
  • Herbert
  • Isaia
  • Jacques
  • Joli
  • Léo
  • Loïc
  • Louis
  • Loup
  • Marcel
  • Matisse
  • Matthieu
  • Monsieur
  • Noël
  • Nougat
  • Olivier
  • Omer
  • Onix
  • Paradis
  • Paul
  • Petit
  • Pierre
  • Piquant
  • Pomme
  • Quentin
  • Rinatu
  • Roco
  • Roi
  • Roméo
  • Serge
  • Simon
  • Sympa
  • Térence
  • Thierry
  • Tropez
  • Tristan
  • Victor
  • Vitu
  • Yann
  • Yvan
  • Zaccaria

Haven’t found an appropriate name for your pup? Don’t worry, we have some more options for you! Take a look at our article names for male dogs.

French dog names: female

And now, you will love these sweet french dog names for female dogs:

  • Alena
  • Adèle
  • Aimée
  • Albina
  • Ambre
  • Anaïs
  • Annie
  • Audrey
  • Azhura
  • Awen
  • Béa
  • Blanche
  • Camille
  • Candide
  • Célie
  • Chérie
  • Chiffon
  • Cléa
  • Dahlia
  • Doris
  • Douce
  • Edith
  • Elisée
  • Élodie
  • Épice
  • Étoile
  • Eve
  • Evisa
  • Fleur
  • Florie
  • Gaëlle
  • Gilda
  • Gisèle
  • Harpe
  • Harmonie
  • Ida
  • Irenea
  • Jade
  • Jolie
  • Léa
  • Lena
  • Lesia
  • Lia
  • Lise
  • Loïs
  • Lou
  • Lucie
  • Magali
  • Maude
  • Minou
  • Morgane
  • Neige
  • Nicole
  • Nina
  • Nuage
  • Odette
  • Odile
  • Olivia
  • Orlanda
  • Orsula
  • Pauline
  • Perrine
  • Petite
  • Plume
  • Prune
  • Raissa
  • Reine
  • Rita
  • Rose
  • Salomé
  • Sephora
  • Serena
  • Sophie
  • Thalie
  • Théa
  • Zita
  • Vanille
  • Yvette
  • Zoé

And if you are still looking for some more ideas, we recommend reading our article funny names for dogs.

French Dog Names - Male And Female - French dog names: female

French dog names with meaning

And for more cute french dog names, keep reading below:

  • Fille (girl)
  • Gai (happy)
  • Fidele (loyal)
  • Etoile (star)
  • Coque (shell)
  • Bijou (jewell)
  • Cafe (coffee)
  • Lolo (milk)
  • Hardi (bold)
  • Beau (handsome)
  • Noir (black in color)
  • Lune (moon)
  • Nuit (night)
  • Ami (friend)
  • Miel (honey)
  • Vin (wine)
  • Ici (here)

Sweet french dog names

Haven’t found the perfect name in our common French dog names list? Don’t fret, our options are endless! Take a look at:

And if you have found the perfect french dog name from this list, please share it in our comments section below!

If you want to read similar articles to French Dog Names - Male And Female, we recommend you visit our Names category.

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French Dog Names - Male And Female