Bacterial diseases of Pets
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22 articles

When our dog has external parasites such as fleas or ticks, we will eventually notice their infestation. We will see the dog scratch themselves more often and the parasites are visible to the naked eye. With internal parasites, their presence can be more difficult to detect. We might see some generalized...

Canine discospondylitis is a spinal disease consisting of an infection of the intervertebral disk and associated vertebrae, which may occur in more than one location of our dogs' spine. Most often, the disease is caused by bacteria, but it can also be caused by fungi. Diagnosis is usually made using...

Bad breath in dogs is a very common problem. We often make the mistake of thinking it is something normal and do nothing about it. However, bad breath in dogs is not only disgusting, it can also be a sign of a health problem. Bad breath in dogs is often simply dismissed as "dog breath", but in reality...

Also known as phlegmons, abscesses in a dog's gum are bacterial infections which have been allowed to progress until they become purulent. The gum can become infected for various reasons, but is often as a result of tooth decay. In this case, a dental abscess can enter the gum. Its appearance is usually...

We don't expect our dog's breath to smell particularly nice. The dog food which is so appetizing to canines is often quite unpleasant to us, for example. However, this does not mean it should smell rotten. If you notice your dog's breath is foul, you will need to take a look inside their mouth. When...

Our cats have teeth which may look very different to our own, but they are made from the same material and function in similar ways. As with humans, cats will lose their milk teeth when they mature. They are subject to deterioration and are affected by food, although in a different way to humans. Despite...

A dog's eyes can reveal much about their health. Like their coat, if their eyes show distress or a change in condition, it can intimate there is a problem somewhere else on their body. However, sometimes there is a problem with the eye itself, such as when they have cataracts or a corneal ulcer. When...

Dogs can contract Salmonella by ingesting contaminated food or water, as well as by contact with contaminated objects, raw food (especially meat) or infected animals. When this occurs, the dog may suffer gastroenteritis, diarrhea, vomiting and dehydration. In the most severe cases, it can be fatal....

Pyoderma in cats is an infectious skin disease caused by an increase in the multiplication of certain bacteria, especially Staphylococcus intermedius. This is a group of cocci found on the skin of our felines. This multiplication can be due to various causes and will result in lesions on the cat's skin such as...

It is not only humans who are affected my dental problems. Too many dog guardians forget this, neglecting their dental hygiene until it is too late. Without proper dental care, dogs are more likely to develop one of the most common dental diseases in dogs. When we see blood on our dog's blood and teeth,...

Our dogs have a habit of eating anything in sight. While their metabolism is strong and their sense of smell is unparalleled in domestic animals, it can happen they eat spoiled food. The result of eating spoiled food is food poisoning, something which can affect a dog in varying degrees. Some mild gastrointestinal...

Canine cystitis is one of the most common conditions faced by dogs. Often, the initial symptoms may lead you to believe that your dog is just misbehaving and you may not pay enough attention to what is really going on. To prevent your dog's discomfort worsening, and to be able to initiate the best course...

While the vast minority consider cows and sheep to be pets, the same can't be said for rabbits. Rabbits are still widely used as a food source, they are involved in scientific research and yet are a very common pet across the world. Whatever situation they find themselves in, if they are under the care...

Usually the precursor to feline infectious anemia (FIA), feline mycoplasma are parasitic cells which often go unnoticed in the individuals which carry them. They are bacteria which go under the classification Mycoplasma haemofelis and, despite their hidden nature, can manifest in severe anemia symptoms in...

Taluremia is a disease which is common in the wilds of Asia, Europe and North America. However, it is fortunately not one which is very common in domestic rabbits. This doesn't mean it is impossible for a rabbit to contract it, however. While uncommon, if a rabbit is infected there is a chance of fatality,...

Unfortunately, oral diseases in cats are more common than we'd like to be. This is especially so in older adult cats. The threat to their oral health can mean potential discomfort and infection, affecting their overall health more than we may think. While the food cats eat can give them a somewhat odorous...

Especially when temperatures rise, fungal infections in dogs can become more prevalent. This is because environmental conditions for a fungus can become more hospitable when there is more heat, humidity and other factors. This doesn't mean environment is the only factor. Hygiene, parasites, allergies...

Do you own a dog? Do you let them roam fields and forests on your walks? Do these walks usually end up with the appearance of ticks? Be careful and protect them against these ectoparasites. Ticks can transmit many diseases, even before you manage to remove them.
One of the most recently discovered tick-transmitted...

Does your dog have itchy ears and is shaking its head? Maybe you’ve also noticed that your dog has smelly ears? These symptoms can be a result of numerous disorders, but they are most typical of dog ear infections. This usually has a good prognosis, but it should be treated in time to prevent damage to...

Canine leptospirosis is an infectious bacterial disease caused by spirochaete bacteria of the Leptospira genus.
It mainly affects the dog's liver and kidneys. Leptospirosis and is also a zoonotic disease, meaning that it can be transmitted to humans and other mammals. Many wild animals are common carriers...

Canine pyometra is a type of uterine infection which is most commonly associated with dogs. Although the direct cause of the uterine infection is bacteria, pyometra is a result of structural and hormonal changes which occur in the uterus of the dog. These changes result in the uterine tissue becoming more...

Peritonitis in dogs is a disease that can become very serious, depending on the cause. For this reason, it has a difficult prognosis; its evolution and outcome are very hard to predict.
For this same reason, in this AnimalWised article we want to explain a little more about this disease, its symptoms and its...