Animal viral diseases
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15 articles

Equine encephalitis is one of the most serious viral threats to both horses and humans. This disease, which spreads through mosquito bites, can progress from mild symptoms to severe neurological complications in just a matter of days. While there's no cure once infection takes hold, understanding this...

Parvovirus in dogs is a potentially fatal disease which is caused by a viral strain known as canine parvovirus (CPV). Commonly shortened to parvo, this is a highly contagious disease which can be contracted by any dog in the right circumstances. Puppies are particularly vulnerable to this disease since...

Rabies in rabbits is a deadly disease which is made all the more terrifying by being zoonotic. This means it is a disease which can spread between different species. While we may associate rabies with other mammals such as dogs, bats or wolves, it is possible for a rabbit to become infected by rabies. While...

Like humans, cats can suffer from infections caused by viruses. Viruses invade living, normal cells and use them to multiply and produce other viruses like themselves. This can kill, damage or mutate cells and make your cat sick. Different viruses attack different cells in the cat's body, such as the liver,...

Equine viral arteritis, also known as EVA, is a disease of horses caused by a virus of the species alphaarterivirus equid, an RNA virus. The virus that causes EVA was first isolated in 1953, but the disease has affected horses worldwide for centuries. In the United States, it has been more common in...

Canine distemper virus (CDV), also known as footpad disease, is a viral disease that can affect a variety of mammals and is one of the most serious diseases dogs can contract. It is characterized by symptoms such as nasal discharge, nervous tics and conjunctivitis. It is also an extremely contagious...

Petting our dog is an enjoyable activity which is healthy for us, for the dog and for our bond together. There are many places a dog may like to be petted and under the chin is one of the most common. If we are petting them on the neck and we find lumps, we might wonder can dogs get the mumps? Since mumps...

Similar to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), the feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) is a retrovirus which seriously compromises the immune system of cats. This means they are unable to respond appropriately to various pathogens and diseases. Even diseases which would otherwise not cause significant...

There is no simple answer to the question how long does a dog live with parvovirus? The reason is due to the many mitigating factors. Parvovirus is one of the most feared illnesses of dog guardians, especially those with puppies. It is the young which are usually most at risk. If untreated, this disease...

Leukemia in cats is one of the most frequent and severe viral diseases that affects the immune system, mainly in young cats. It is not transmissible to humans, but it is usually easily transmitted among cats living in feline collectives and feral cat colonies.
In order to demystify feline leukemia and know...

Feline parvovirus is the virus that causes feline panleukopenia. This disease is quite serious, and if left untreated it can end your cat's life in a short time. It can affect cats of all ages, and it's highly contagious.
It is important to know the symptoms, and it's even more important to protect...

Feline leukemia is a disease caused by feline leukemia virus (FeLV), which suppresses a cat's immune system. This virus directly target’s a cat’s white blood cells, resulting in a decrease of defenses. The feline leukemia virus puts a cat at a higher risk of contracting infections and additional complications.

Feline coronavirus is a disease that concerns many animal-companions. As such, it's very important to be properly informed of its transmission, the symptoms displayed by the animal and the required treatment in case of infection. With recent outbreaks of the human coronavirus Covid-19, these fears have...

Canine distemper referred to also ashard pad disease or distemper in dogs, is one of the most common and deadliest contagious diseases among dogs. Canine distemper affects a dog’s digestive tract and respiratory system. In more serious cases it can also affect a dog’s nervous system.
Distemper in dogs...

The canine parvovirus, or parvo, is a viral disease that mostly affects puppies, although it can affect any dog even if vaccinated. Many puppies have been victims of this highly contagious and lethal disease.
On many occasions and due to lack of information owners have misread the symptoms of parvo, leading...