Facts about the animal kingdom

How Do Dogs Apologize?

Marta SarasĂșa
By Marta SarasĂșa, Psychologist. Updated: July 10, 2024
How Do Dogs Apologize?

See files for Dogs

Ever notice your dog looking extra guilty after an "accident"? Do they truly understand what they did wrong, or is there something else going on? Many dog owners believe their furry friends are masters of apology, with those droopy ears and soulful eyes. But the truth is, canine communication works differently.

This AnimalWised article tackles dog body language, including the question: how do dogs apologize (if at all)? You'll learn why your dog acts "guilty" and how to better understand their emotions.

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  1. Do dogs know they have done something wrong?
  2. How do dogs apologize?
  3. How to train a dog to know what is right and wrong?

Do dogs know they have done something wrong?

Dogs don't come pre-programmed with our human sense of right and wrong. Behaviors we find frustrating, like chewing furniture or indoor "accidents," are natural instincts or ways they cope with their world.

When your dog engages in these behaviors, it's not intentional malice. It's often driven by instincts, boredom, stress, or a lack of training. That "guilty look" after a scolding? It's likely a reaction to your tone, body language, or past experiences with punishment, not true guilt about the act itself.

Scientists believe dogs may experience a simpler emotion related to guilt, like a sense of apprehension due to a perceived change in your mood. They excel at reading human emotions and may act submissively to appease you, not because they understand the action was "wrong."

The question of whether dogs possess a moral compass is a complex one that researchers are still exploring. Some studies suggest dogs may exhibit a sense of fairness, like refusing to work for unequal rewards compared to other dogs. However, more research is needed to definitively understand the extent of their moral reasoning.

Regardless of the debate, focusing on clear communication and positive reinforcement will strengthen your bond with your dog and encourage good behavior. By understanding their motivations and addressing unwanted behaviors in the moment, you can create a happy and well-adjusted dog.

How do dogs apologize?

When we see our dogs with lowered heads, tucked tails, or puppy-dog eyes, it's tempting to interpret it as an apology. However, these behaviors are more likely calming signals aimed at de-escalating a situation they perceive as tense.

Dogs are incredibly skilled at reading human emotions. They pick up on subtle cues like:

  • Body language: tense posture, crossed arms, or averted eyes.

  • Tone of voice: a stern or angry tone can trigger a calming response.

  • Facial expressions: a furrowed brow or pursed lips might signal displeasure.

  • Scent: even slight changes in our body chemistry can be detected by their powerful sense of smell.

Dogs are masters of nonverbal communication. They rely on a combination of body postures, facial expressions, and vocalizations to express their emotions, needs, and intentions.

Even if not directly scolded, your dog might sense tension from a raised voice while talking on the phone or frustration while cleaning up an "accident." To address this perceived threat, they might exhibit behaviors like:

  • Lowered head and body: signals submission and non-aggression.

  • Tail between legs: often combined with a wag, indicating appeasement rather than fear.

  • Lip smacking or yawning: can be calming signals to diffuse tension.

  • Sideways glance: a way to gauge your emotional state without direct eye contact, which can be perceived as a challenge.

  • Approaching and retreating: an attempt to assess the situation and appease you.

  • Lying on their back: ultimate submission posture, exposing their belly as a sign of trust.

While these behaviors might resemble an apology, it's important to remember that dogs don't possess the same cognitive abilities as humans. They likely don't understand the concept of right and wrong in the same way.

Instead, their focus is on restoring harmony in the relationship and appeasing their human companion. By recognizing these calming signals, you can better understand your dog's emotional state and respond appropriately.

Want to understand your happy pup even better? Discover their joyful body language here.

How Do Dogs Apologize? - How do dogs apologize?

How to train a dog to know what is right and wrong?

Even though dogs do not possess the same complex understanding of morality as humans do, but they are highly intelligent animals capable of learning and adapting to their environment. Teaching dogs appropriate behaviors involves positive reinforcement and clear communication rather than punishment or negative experiences.

Here are some key points to keep in mind when educating your dog:

  • Start early: begin training and socialization when your dog is a puppy. Puppies have a greater capacity for learning and behavior modification due to their immature nervous systems and high neuroplasticity.

  • Socialization and bonding: good socialization and building a healthy bond with your dog are essential for preventing behavioral problems. Proper socialization exposes your dog to various stimuli and environments, helping them become well-adjusted and confident.

  • Positive reinforcement: use positive reinforcement techniques to encourage desired behaviors in your dog. Rewarding good behavior with treats, praise, or playtime reinforces the behavior and strengthens the bond between you and your dog.

  • Avoid punishment: avoid using threats, physical punishment, or harsh training methods with your dog. Negative experiences can lead to fear, anxiety, and behavioral issues in dogs, impacting their well-being and trust in their owners.

  • Immediate feedback: provide immediate feedback when correcting undesirable behaviors. Dogs learn best when the consequences of their actions are clear and consistent. Address inappropriate behavior promptly and offer alternative behaviors that are rewarded to reinforce positive choices.

  • Consistency: be consistent in your training methods and expectations for your dog. Patience and understanding are key when working with dogs, as learning takes time and repetition.

By following these guidelines and building a positive and supportive relationship with your dog, you can effectively teach them appropriate behaviors and foster a harmonious living environment for both you and your canine companion.

Want to learn more about dog socialization? Check out the helpful video below.

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How Do Dogs Apologize?