Intestinal problems

My Dog Has Mucus in Their Stool

Marta SarasĂșa
By Marta SarasĂșa, Psychologist. Updated: July 10, 2024
My Dog Has Mucus in Their Stool

See files for Dogs

Mucus in a dog's stool is a serious symptom which should never be ignored by guardians. Due to the passage through the gastrointestinal system, a thin film of mucus should be present on the exterior of the dog's feces. However, this film is not usually visible. When thick or viscous mucus is visible, this is abnormal and not related to gastrointestinal transit. It is a symptom of various diseases and health conditions, but it can also be as an indirect result of the care they are provided. Some of these might rectify themselves on their own, while others can seriously threaten the life of the dog.

At AnimalWised, we find out why my dog has mucus in their stool. In discovering the causes of mucousy poop in dogs, we can help you to know what to expect. Since this symptom is shared by various conditions, it will require a veterinarian to make a differential diagnosis.

  1. Gastroenteritis
  2. Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
  3. Parasitosis
  4. Food allergies
  5. liver problems
  6. Sudden dietary changes


One of the most common reasons why your dog may be excreting more mucus than normal is that he is suffering from gastroenteritis. This pathology is characterized by an inflammation of the mucous layer that lines the intestine. Gastroenteritis in dogs is often known as stomach flu. This is a misnomer since it is not caused by the influenza virus.

Although the cause is usually by a type of virus, gastroenteritis can be a result of various issues such as bacteria, parasites, toxic substances or spoiled foods. When this inflammation specifically affects the colon, it is known as colitis in dogs. In addition to the possibility of excreting mucus in their stool, dogs with gastroenteritis show other symptoms such as:

  • Diarrhea
  • Apathy
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Abdominal pain
  • Restlessness
  • Fever

The specific clinical signs will depend on the cause and its severity. Acute gastroenteritis in dogs is a very common reason for visiting the veterinarian and usually has a good prognosis. Its cause must be analyzed in depth and appropriate treatment provided.

Treatment of gastroenteritis in dogs

With cases of gastroenteritis, it is common for dogs to have diarrhea with mucus. In these cases, it may be enough to provide an altered diet for dogs with diarrhea. This is a soft diet which usually includes wet food and avoids dry kibble. This diet should be administered several times a day and in small quantities to ensure adequate digestion.

If the mucus persists or other symptoms such as vomiting or blood in the dog's stool appear, it is essential to take your dog to a veterinarian. Although most acute gastroenteritis resolves without problem, it is particularly dangerous for puppies, elderly dogs or any dog which is otherwise immunocompromised. The vet will carry out the appropriate diagnostic tests, including stool analysis. They can then prescribe the correct corresponding treatment.

My Dog Has Mucus in Their Stool - Gastroenteritis

Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)

Inflammatory bowel disease in dogs (often shortened to IBD) is a chronic pathology characterized by an accumulation of different types of inflammatory cells in the intestinal mucosa. As a chronic disorder, its consequences can affect the dog throughout their entire life. When an episode recurs, the inflammation of the intestine will result in various symptoms, including mucus in the dog's stool or almost liquid feces.

Although the exact cause of this type of enteropathy is not known, it is suspected to be linked to a hypersensitivity towards certain elements, such as bacteria in the intestinal flora or some food allergens. Despite its chronicity, inflammatory bowel disease can be treated so as to minimize their symptoms and avoid affecting their longevity.

Treatment of IBD in dogs

If your dog has recurrent periods of mucus in their stools, your veterinarian will perform a series of tests to determine the presence of IBD. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the treatment will depend on the severity of the condition. If the dog has not been treated for a long time, it is possible they have developed secondary issues such as ulcers or even neoplasms such as tumors. In these cases, surgical intervention may be require. General treatment usually includes fluid therapy, antibiotics, immunosuppressants and a special hypoallergenic diet.


Some parasites can cause digestive damage, with your dog having poop with mucus as a result. When this occurs, it can cause inflammation of various parts of the digestive system. In this way we can speak of the following types of gastrointestinal inflammation depending on where the parasite infestation is located:

  • Gastritis: inflammation of the stomach lining.
  • Gastroenteritis: inflammation of the stomach and intestine.
  • Colitis: inflammation of the large intestine (colon).

The parasites that most frequently cause these problems in dogs are some species of helminths, types of parsitic worm. These include the following species:

  • Whipworm (Trichuris trichiura)
  • Dog roundworm (Toxocara canis)
  • Flea tapeworm (Dipylidium caninum)

Giardiasis in dogs is a similar disease caused by intestinal parasites, this time in the form of the protozoa Giardia. This is relatively common in dogs and can also affect humans, especially children or immunosuppressed people. In these cases, we might see other symptoms such as white in the dog's poop caused by eggs of the parasite.

Treatment of intestinal parasites

The vast majority of parasitic infections can be prevented by applying a good antiparasitic prophylactic treatment, both internal and external. Your veterinarian will recommend the best product for your dog based on factors such as age, weight and location. Such preventive deworming treatment is necessary to protect dogs against various diseases.

If parasitosis has already occurred, you may find fecal worms or eggs in their stool, as well as mucus. This is often because the dog has interacted directly with the contaminated feces of another animal. It is recommended that you go to your veterinary clinic with a recent stool sample so that the professional can assess which parasite is causing the dog's mucousy poop. They can then prescribe the appropriate antiparasitic drug to kill them.

My Dog Has Mucus in Their Stool - Parasitosis

Food allergies

Food intolerances or allergies are a common cause of discomfort and problems in the digestive tract of dogs. The immune response of the dog can result in stools with green or yellowish mucus. As is the case with people, dogs can be allergic to various ingredients in their food such as cereals, chicken, eggs, fish, etc. Many allergic processes develop when the animal is still a puppy, while others can appear over time or even all of a sudden.

Treatment of food allergies in dogs

Allergies not only cause gastrointestinal symptoms, but they often affect other parts of their organism. Skin inflammation due to food allergies is common, often accompanied by peeling, intense itching and subsequent hair loss in the dog.

If you observe any of these symptoms in your dog, it is important to take them to the veterinarian. Various conditions can also cause canine dermatitis, so a differential diagnosis is necessary. When food allergy is suspected, your vet may recommend a trail and error process of an elimination diet. They may also prescribe an antihistamine for treatment of symptoms when an allergic episode occurs.

Learn more about the causes, symptoms and treatment of food allergies in dogs with our related guide.

My Dog Has Mucus in Their Stool - Food allergies

liver problems

If your dog has a lot of mucus in their poop which is noticeably yellow in color, it is possible they have liver damage. Various liver problems in dogs can cause this coloration of mucus, but we should also look at their gums, genitals and eyes to see if there is also any yellow discoloration. These are areas where liver disease might result in yellowish discoloration.

The presence of yellow color in the dog's mucous membranes is called jaundice and is a common symptom of a large number of pathologies. These are related to an alteration of the normal function of the liver. This is because the liver is unable to process normal levels of bilirubin in the body, resulting in accumulated excess.

Treatment of liver disease in dogs

To rule out liver disease, the veterinarian will perform a series of tests on your dog. They usually include a blood test, stool analysis and an ultrasound or abdominal x-ray. If they find any problem in this organ, the treatment will depend on its origin and severity. In most cases, the dog will need to take liver protectors and a special low-fat diet to prevent the liver from working too hard.

Sudden dietary changes

If you have been offering a specific type of food to your dog for a while, you may notice adverse symptoms if you suddenly change it to something else. This could be because you have changed dog food brand or even decided to provide a homemade diet for your dog. Common issues are an upset stomach with soft or mucousy stools.

In this case, the presence of mucus in your dog's poop does not necessarily mean they are allergic to some ingredient or that the new diet is of poorer quality. The latter can be possible, but often it is due to the optimal functioning of their intestinal flora being harmed by the change.

Treatment of dietary problems in dogs

These types of problems are easy to prevent by making a gradual change to the dog's diet. First of all, it is important that to ensure the diet you provide your dog is high quality and has good ingredients. It is advisable to avoid dog food that has a lot of filler or animal byproducts. Their diet should also be adapted to each individual dog, being specific to their age, weight, healthy status and any other pertinent factors.

In order to change the dog's diet gradually, you should start by adding a little of the new food to the old. Do not mix it up, but you can place it in the same bowl. Incrementally, add more of the new food and less of the old one. After about a week, your dog's system should have adapted and they can enjoy their new food on its own. If you are considering a BARF diet for your dog, speak to a veterinarian first to determine their specific nutritional needs.

If you have any doubt as to why your dog has mucus in their stool, you will need to speak to a veterinarian. They will carry out the correct diagnostic tests to determine the cause and subsequent treatment.

This article is purely informative. AnimalWised does not have the authority to prescribe any veterinary treatment or create a diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian if they are suffering from any condition or pain.

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My Dog Has Mucus in Their Stool