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My Dog's Breath Smells Like Poop

Anaëlle Laurent
By Anaëlle Laurent. Updated: August 29, 2024
My Dog's Breath Smells Like Poop

See files for Dogs

As a pet companion, you must've already noticed that your dog's breath smells like poop sometimes. Their stinky breath can make it difficult to be so close to them when cuddling or playing. So, why does your dog's breath smell like poop? And how can you eliminate bad breath in your dog?

In this AnimalWised article, we are going to explain the cause of bad breath in dogs. We'll also tell you how to eliminate bad breath in your dog.

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  1. Why does my dog's breath smell like poop?
  2. How to eliminate bad breath in dogs
  3. Dog products for bad breath
  4. Dental Health in dogs
  5. How to prevent bad breath in dogs

Why does my dog's breath smell like poop?

Most dog companions tend to dismiss bad breath in dogs, however, there is usually a good reason behind why their breath smells like poop. Some causes are more serious than others. Nevertheless, we should address this issue as it is uncomfortable for us and could be a potential health issue for our dog. Take a look at the common causes of bad breath in dogs:

  • Dental issues: such as tooth decay, a mouth infection or gum problems. Learn more in our article about common dental disorders in dogs.
  • Lung bacteria: similar to when we have a cold. Congestion tends to make one's breath smell different.
  • Diabetes: if your dog has a sweet or fruity breath smell, this could be a sign that they have diabetes. Consult with your veterinarian as soon as possible.
  • Kidney disease: if your dog's breath smells like urine, they were probably drinking urine. This is a sign of kidney disease. Consult with your veterinarian.
  • Liver disease: if your dog's breath smells bad and they are also vomiting or they have yellow gums, this may be a sign that they have a liver disease, such as hepatitis in dogs. Just like a kidney disease, this is very serious and will need your veterinarian's attention.
  • Gastrointestinal problems: if your dog's bad breath is accompanied with a loss of appetite, vomiting or diarrhea, they may be experiencing some gastrointestinal problems, such as gastritis in dogs. It's important you seek your veterinarian help.
  • Dietary habits or problem: perhaps your dog has eaten a piece of meat that has gone bad. Your dog could've eaten actual poop. Dogs are known for enjoying to eat cat poop, but not only is this smelly, it's also highly unhygienic for your dog. To learn more about this, we encourage you to also read our article on why dogs eat poop.

How to eliminate bad breath in dogs

Now that you know the most common cases of why a dog's breath may smell like poop, it's time to see how to eliminate bad breath in dogs. Of course, if your dog is experiencing any other symptoms, it's best to take them to their veterinarian for a check-up. Some of these health issues are very serious and need to be diagnosed and treated as soon as possible.

On the other hand, if your dog has bad breath due to their dental hygiene or eating improper food, you can stop your dog's bad breath with some simple changes. First, you will want to make sure your dog has clean and fresh water everyday. You need to change their water each day to avoid bad breath and other health problems they could have by drinking dirty water. Your adult dog should not be drinking anything but water.

Next, we can adjust their diet. A fresh and natural canine diet should not leave your dog's breath smelling like poop. You may ask yourself, what exactly is a natural canine diet? Well, it mainly consists of protein and fat. The protein should have two or three types of protein from meat. For example: whole chicken, lamb, beef and fish. For fat sources, you can opt for chicken fat. Good fat sources can solute some of the most important vitamins a dog needs.

When it comes to carbs, it should be kept in a low amount as dogs thrive on meat. If you are cooking for your dog, then we recommend to include low amounts of whole carbs, such as sweet potatoes. Lastly, you can offer some fruits and vegetables that provide good vitamins and minerals to help your dog's over-all health. This can be tricky as there are many forbidden food for dogs, just make sure to inform yourself before giving them a new treat.

Lastly, to promote good breath smell in your dog, you can use ingredients such as mint, cilantro, sage and parsley. These aromatic plants will make their taste better and their breath smell good. Mint as been used for a very long time in dental products but it's also a great addition to a meal as it has a great and fresh taste. Cilantro is also very tasty and easy to find in your local supermarket. Sage is popular for its antiseptic properties. It's also effective in preventing bacteria build up inside the mouth. That's what makes it a great choice for preventing bad breath in dogs. Parsley is another easy to find aromatic plant that will add flavor to your dog's food while improving their digestion and helping keep their breath smelling fresh,

My Dog's Breath Smells Like Poop - How to eliminate bad breath in dogs

Dog products for bad breath

Another great way to eliminate bad breath in dogs is by using some canine products designed for their dental hygiene and good breath. This is a great and easy way to help the smell of your dog's breath. However, these products are not necessary when your dog is healthy and has a good diet. These are simply a nice addition if you wish to use them. These products include:

  • Dog chew stick toothbrush
  • Dental sticks for dogs
  • Dental care kit
  • Toothpaste for dogs
  • Breath sprays for dogs
  • Dog chew toys for dental hygiene

These chew toys make it easy to clean their teeth and prevent plaque formation as your dog will love to play with them. It's also easy to clean as most of them are dishwater safe. For the dental care kits and toothpaste for dogs, veterinarians recommend brushing their teeth regularly. However, consult your veterinarian before deciding on incorporating this routine and deciding on which product to use. Keep in mind that you must use toothpaste for dogs, never use human toothpaste. You'll also need a soft toothbrush for dogs or the rubber brushed you can put on your finger.

Consult your veterinarian or canine dental hygiene expert before choosing a product as different breeds of dogs will need different solutions.

Dental Health in dogs

Apart from a healthy diet for dental health, your dog will need to have regular check-ups with their local veterinarian every six months. This will help detect and diagnose any health problem that may arise and treat it as soon as possible. Some health issues occur very quickly and can become fatal if not checked on time. This is why it's recommended to take your dog to the vet every six months as a regular check-up.

Most of the time, bad breath in dogs occur due to tooth decay. To treat this, your canine professional will have it thoroughly cleaned while your dog is entirely under the influence of anesthesia. In some cases, it may involve tooth extraction. It's important you understand that bad breath in dogs is not normal and should be treated.

Once you have noticed your dog's stinky breath, try to observe their habits and whether they have any other symptoms. Then, call your veterinarian for a check-up. Make sure to tell them everything you have observed. They will run some examinations and organize the best treatment for the underlying cause of your dog's situation.

This may be something simply, such as changing their diet to a natural canine diet and avoiding sweet foods. They may even recommend a dental hygiene product for your dog. However, when accompanied by other symptoms, it may be more serious. Your veterinarian will determine exactly what the health issue is, but it can vary from diabetes to a liver disease.

My Dog's Breath Smells Like Poop - Dental Health in dogs

How to prevent bad breath in dogs

The best way to prevent bad breath in dogs is by brushing their teeth regularly, providing them with a rich and natural canine diet, providing them with chew toys and lastly, by bringing them to their veterinarian for their regular check-ups every 6 months.

The combination of these habits will not only prevent your dog from having bad breath but it will also promote their overall health and wellbeing. If you're worried about your dog's breath or health, it's best to consult your veterinarian as each dog is different. They will examine your dog's health and create a plan to have them in the best health possible.

This article is purely informative. AnimalWised does not have the authority to prescribe any veterinary treatment or create a diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian if they are suffering from any condition or pain.

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My Dog's Breath Smells Like Poop