Siberian Husky
If you are thinking of adopting an adult or puppy Siberian Husky and need some information, in this breed card from AnimalWised we will detail everything you need to know about this type of dog. This card will include covering its character, behavior, relationship with other animals and the specific care it needs. This is a summary of everything you need to know before adopting this beautiful canine.
The Siberian husky was born to the "Chukchi" tribe originally from Chukotka in Russia. The tribe, which to this day still lives in cold and underpopulated environments, used the husky as; companion dogs, deer herders, sled drivers and even to keep children warm on freezing nights. They were later used with similar purposes in Alaska, USA.
The Siberian husky is a fantastic pet, popular for its beautiful complexion, tough body and wolf-like similarities. Keep reading and discover everything you need to know about the Siberian Husky.
- Asia
- Europe
- Russia
- Group V
- 5-14
- 14-18
- 18-22
- 22-27
- 27-31
- More than 31
- 2-7
- 7-22
- 22-55
- 55-100
- 100-220
- 8-10
- 10-12
- 12-14
- 15-20
- Low
- Meidum
- High
- Harness
Physical appearance
Huskies are strong and muscular dogs that can adapt to different climates by modifying their own fur according to the environment in which they live. It is for this reason that we must bear in mind the change of hair of the Siberian husky specifically noticeable in spring and autumn. It will be in this period that we must intensify the brushing of its medium lengthened hair.
The Siberian husky bears strong physical similarities to a wolf. They have white faces, framed by a red, brown, blond, gray or black crown, which will depend on the specific dog.They wear pointed ears of a triangular shape and some huskies may appear completely white.
As for the eyes, they are usually brown hazel or sky blue. This breed is also known to carry heterochromia, otherwise known as color mutation in the eyes. At the end of their spines we can find a thick tail that rolls over the back and falls when it is relaxed.
Character of a Siberian Husky
The Siberian husky is not only one of the most popular pet breeds because of its physical appearance, but it is also its character that makes this breed special. Siberian huskies are usually affectionate, playful and affable dogs that enjoy being part of the family.
The history of a husky is intertwined with daily routines of women and children, for this reason, you should not worry if your husky and child play together for long hours, as long as they are both well educated about each other. If you do not feel comfortable leaving your dog alone with your child we suggest training both of them to be respectful and careful with each other, and if at first you observe and mediate their relationship, that’s perfectly acceptable and even recommended.
This breed enjoys the company of other dogs inside and outside of the home. For that reason in order to avoid behavioral problems in the future, a husky puppy must always be trained and socialized. The socialization of this dog allows it to be able to communicate with other pets, people and objects without fear or aggression. It is very important that we dedicate time to developing its knowledge of the outside world in turn ensuring a social dog, without fears.
Huskies are normally very healthy dogs. However, common issues related to huskies have to do with their light eyes. They can be susceptible to cataracts, corneal dystrophy or progressive retinal atrophy. In addition, older huskies are known to suffer from cancer, elbow or hip dysplasia.
Caring for a Husky
The husky is a dog that requires a high dose of daily exercise.
- They are known as walking dogs, whom, if not under surveillance, are able to walk for hours forgetting where their homes are. For this reason we recommend using a chip and having an identification plate with your phone number on its collar.
- Like all dogs, your husky should have the basic elements as its disposal, such as; a bed, feeding and drinking trough, toys, teethers or prizes. This is everything it needs in order to feel like a member of the family.
- Husky feed must always be of high quality (like that of any other dog). You must look at the amount that the container recommends according to your dogs weight and follow indications appropriately. An excess of food could result in an overweight pet. However, if you notice the opposite, that your dog is too skinny, you should consult a veterinarian and look at options of administering vitamins that improve its health and appearance.
- Huskies must avoid long sun exposures in summer and must always have a bowl of clean water at it disposal.
- The care of the Siberian Husky’s mantle is very important. We recommend brushing your husky on a daily basis, paying attention during weather change and bathing it monthly (so as not to eliminate the natural protection layer of his skin).
Training and education of a Siberian Husky
Many people believe that to educate or train a dog is to teach him funny tricks, the truth is that it goes much further. We must educate our husky in training orders that are truly useful for his safety, such as teaching him to sit still or teach him to ‘‘come here’’.
Huskies are a docile breed. Not all huskies are equally smart or curious, they each have their own personalities. Being located at number 45 in the classification of Stanley Coren, we know that they need about 10 - 15 minutes of mental stimulation every day so that they remember all orders previously taught. Huskies respond wonderfully to positive reinforcement.
Huskies are currently considered more of companion dogs. However, they are still used for specific sports thanks to their resistance and excellent physical shape.
Extra Information
- They arrived in Alaska in 1905 and began participating in the 657 km All-Alaska Sweepstakes.
- The chukchi, tribe that gave them life, used to kill the females that did not show great vitality and only lived for reproduction. Some males, if not fit, were also killed. The elect, on the other hand, were treated exceptionally.
- In 1925 and at -30ºC, a Husky named Balto, along with his companions, carried a load of serum for 5 days to save a crowd from a diphtheria epidemic.
- It is one of the oldest dog breeds in the world.
- In some communities of Spain the Siberian Husky is considered PPP. For this reason, inform yourself correctly if you have a Husky. In some countries they require you to have liability insurance due to the possession of a potentially dangerous dog and you must use a muzzles in public spaces.