Small Sized Dog Breeds - With Pictures
You may not think that a small sized dog breed would make a good guarddog, but this means you aren't looking at all the right breeds. There are some small dog breeds which are very protective and can be more athletic than you might think. Small or small to medium sized dog breeds can make great pets for all types of families. They are not just cute, but often smart and friendly. By listing their personality traits, care needs and other facts about small sized dog breeds, we can help you find a dog suitable for your family.
35 breeds

The Cardigan welsh corgi is a small dog that used to be used to help shepherds in Whales. This breed is a close relative to the Pembroke welsh corgi. This breed is very loyal to its family. They are very intelligent and easy to train.
If you want to know more about the Cardigan Welsh Corgi, take a look...

The Jack Russell Terrier breed was developed in the United Kingdom, and it descends from the dogs bred by the Reverend John Russell in the early 19th Century. Driven by his love of fox hunter and his devotion to terrier dogs, the reverend decided to cross different dogs: the result were this breed and the...

The Yorkshire terrier is a small dog or toy dog. If you are thinking of adopting one, it is very important that you first consider their characteristics and needs.
Knowing what food they need, the size they will reach as an adult or how to carry out their training are some of the basic things you should be clear...

The Havanese dog from the Bichon family, is an adorable small dog with long and soft hair. The origins of this breed lie between Spain and Italy but this breed eventually developed in Cuba where it coexisted with its aristocracy of the nineteenth century. It is a jovial, active and cheerful, dog, perfect...

The Belgian Griffon, the Griffon of Brussels and the Petit Brabançon are three very similar breeds of companion dogs. These three breeds share a similar history and come from the same place, the European city of Brussels, in Belgium. We could say that there are three breeds in one, since they only differ...

The Brussels griffon, the Belgian griffon and the petit brabançon, are companion dogs from the Belgian city of Brussels. It can be said that they are in fact three breeds in one, since they only differ by color and hair type.
In fact, although the International Cynological Federation (FCI) considers...

In this breed file we will speak about the Papillon dog, also known as the Continental Toy Spaniel. It is one of the most elegant dogs in the world and comes from France and Belgium.
Below we will detail some fundamental aspects that you should know if you are considering adopting one: the characteristics...

The West Highland White Terrier or Westy, is a small and friendly dog, but crude and brave at the same time. Developed as a hunter dog, nowadays they are one of the best pets in existence. This breed comes from Scotland, more specifically Argyll, and is characterized by their bright white hair. They appeared...

The miniature schnauzer or zwergschnauzer is a small, cheerful, loyal and bearded dog. Although its size does not exceed 35 centimeters it is a very brave and dynamic dog. It is the miniature version of the schnauzer.

Border terriers are lovely dogs. Its somewhat rustic appearance and excellent character make this terrier an ideal pet. If socialized correctly with the right amount of dedicated time, a border terrier will be obedient and easy to manage. A border terrier is usually very affectionate with children.

If you are thinking of adopting a shiba inu, whether a puppy or an adult and you need informed on the breed, you have came to the right place. This AnimalWised breed file will offer you all the information you need to know about this beautiful little Japanese dog. Including their character and necessary...

The smooth-haired fox terrier is an active and energetic dog. It is a hunter of small stature with enormous personality. This dog is considered to be a great pet. However, it is also a special dog that needs a lot of physical activity, therefore it is not suitable for any type of family.
This dog originated...

The origin of the Beagle dates back to around 5th century BC. When Xenophon, who in his Treatise on hunting with dogs, refers to a hound that might well be the first Beagle. The beagle was selectively bred to produce the tiny "pocket beagle" or "glove beagle", favored by royalty from as early as the 13th...

The pug, is a very specific dog. If there was a way to define it in two words we could say it's a bonsai mastiff. The breed's official motto multum in parvo (latin for: a lot in little: a lot of substance for such small space), certainly refers to great dog in a small body.
This breed needs to have...

The Scottish Terrier or Scottie is a small but solid and well-muscled dog breed: a very powerful dog in a small package. Their characteristic beard gives them a peculiar look and matches their elegant bearing.
In this AnimalWised file we will go over the main traits of the Scottish Terrier, including...

Coton de Tuléar is a beautiful Malagasy companion dog. Its main characteristic is its white, soft and cotton textured coat, hence its name. This breed can adapt to any situation. It is affectionate, sociable and ideal for families, as well as single or elderly people, provided they have the time that...

The Lhasa Apso, or lhaso apso, is a small dog that is characterized by its long and abundant coat. This little dog looks like a miniature version of the old English shepherd and is originally from Tibet. Although not very well known, the lhasa apso is a very popular dog in its own region and despite its tiny...

Dachshunds are famous and charismatic dogs which originate from Germany. In English dachshund means ‘‘badger dog’’. This name makes reference to the original function of this as dog a badger hunter. Dachshunds are also known in German as as teckel or dackel.
In this AnimalWised article we will tell you...

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is one of the most popular dog breeds in the world. Their adorable appearance and the fact that they are Queen Elizabeth II's favorite dogs have turned these hard-working herding dogs into canine royalty. Although their cute looks may make you believe they are easy-going family dogs,...

The Italian greyhound is the smallest of all greyhounds, and one of the oldest companion dogs.
Although occasionally used for hunting small animals, its main use was always as a companion dog. It was also used (and is still used) in dog races, but never as much as its older relative, the greyhound.

The Norfolk terrier is a small, friendly and very active dog. This breed is a hunter by nature. The Norfolk terrier is a close relative of the Norwich terrier. This breed used to be a worker dog but is now known as an excellent companion dog.

The Pekingese is a small dog with a flat nose and lion-like appearance. They were, at one time, sacred animals and part of Asian royalty. Currently, they are very popular animals all over the world and their soft mantle invites you to a never-ending caress.
If you are thinking about adopting a Pekingese dog,...

Don't let their size fool you, the Lancashire Heeler is one big ball of energy. Known in the past for being herd and cattle dogs, they are extremely active and intelligent, which makes them a great companion for a family with children that love to take long walks and runs to spend time together. This British...

Bred in the 19th century to catch rats and mice on farms and other commercial properties, the Manchester Terrier is a relentless hunter. They have a lot of energy and are very brave, but also have an affable character and become close to their human family, including the little ones. If you like small...

The Miniature Pinscher, also known as Min Pin, is a small breed of dog of the pinscher type from Germany. The Miniature Pinscher has a predominant and strong character. Although they are very affectionate and sociable with their companion and their family, they're not as friendly when encountering a stranger.

The Icelandic Sheepdog is a breed of dog native to Iceland, where it is considered a popular national symbol. Due to its hardiness, agility and intelligence, it has been used to herd cattle and sheep throughout history. However, in addition to its role as a shepherd and protector of the herds, it is...

The Shetland Sheepdog, affectionately known as the Sheltie, is a small, but elegant dog breed. Similar in appearance to a rough Collie, their small size doesn't prevent them from being a tireless worker. Currently the Shetland sheepdog is more commonly found as a companion animal due to their beauty and...

The Australian Terrier is a small robust dog, similar to the Yorkshire terrier. This dog comes from the Australian island of Tasmania. They are very determined but also much more calm than other terrier dogs.
In this AnimalWised breed sheet we're going to talk about the Australian Terrier, their characteristics,...

Dandie Dinmont Terriers are cute, small and friendly dogs. They're part of the Terrier family as they are a mix from the Bedlington Terrier and Skye Terrier. If you're thinking of adopting one of these dogs, you've come to the perfect place!
In this AnimalWised breed sheet, we're going to tell you...

What do you get when you cross a Yorkshire Terrier with a Chihuahua? You get this adorable dog breed called Chorkie. They are not only small and cute dogs but also very easy to care for.
Are you thinking of adopting a Chorkie? Read this AnimalWised breed sheet to learn about this breed. We'll go through...

The English Springer Spaniel dog is a smart and active dog from the Spaniel family. These dogs are perfect for active families that live in a house or large apartment. English Springer Spaniels will be very loyal and affectionate with their families. If you're thinking about adopting an English Springer...

The Skye terrier is a very striking dog. They're small, with an elongated body and a lush, long coat. This dog is one of the least common of terriers and undoubtedly one of the most elegant breeds of dog. Their most notable feature are their long ears covered in long smooth straight hair. In the past,...

Originally from Central Africa, the Basenji is one of the oldest extant dog breeds. They are intelligent dogs with a balanced temperament. They also have two peculiar characteristics: they never bark and the females get into heat only once a year. Although they don't bark, this does not mean that the Basenji...

Elegant and colorful, the Chinese Crested Dog comes in two varieties: Hairless and Powderpuff. They usually appear in the same litter. Hairless dogs only have a crest of silky fur on the head and patches of fur on the feet and tail. Powderpuff dogs have fur all over their body. Their hair is known for being...

The Shih Tzu is one of the most sociable and playful company dogs. That coupled with its beautiful coat and sweet appearance explains why it is one of the most preferred breeds today. These dogs are affectionate and intelligent, and need constant attention from their owners. It is not recommended that...