Infectious diseases of Cats
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11 articles

Abscesses in cats are painful accumulations of pus that result from bacterial infections. When an abscess forms, the body encapsulates the pus in connective tissue to contain the infection and prevent it from spreading. However, if bacteria or microorganisms escape into the bloodstream, it can pose a serious...

Feline Malassezia dermatitis occurs as a secondary effect of some pathological diseases, but can also be due to immunosuppressives, alterations to the skin or certain environmental conditions. This is a yeast-type fungus which occurs naturally as commensal flora in the skin and ear canals of cats. It also...

Feline cryptococcosis is the most common systemic fungal disease in cats. However, its infection incidence in the feline population is low, a seeming contradiction we will explain further. Cryptococcus fungi most frequently affect the nasal area, often resulting in an inflamed nose. Swelling of the...

Rabies is a disease that can affect all mammals, including humans. Although rabies is not a very common in cats, it is very dangerous, since it has no cure and results in the death of an animal. Does your cat often leave the house and is in contact with other animals? If so, rabies prevention is key!

If a cat is leaking brown fluid form their anus, it is most likely due to their anal glands. Although it will be coming from the anal area, it could be from these glands located just next to the anus itself. These anal glands serve very important purposes, including aiding in defecation and scent recognition....

Rabies is generally associated with dogs. We may fear stray dogs in case they are rabid, especially if they seem aggressive, but the same fear rarely occurs when encountering cats. However, in a 2008 study by the American CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention), it was shown that more rabies cases...

The normal body temperature in cats fluctuates between 38ºC and 39.5ºC (100.4ºF and 103.1ºF). When the internal body temperature of a cat exceeds this top parameter they have a fever. A cat will have a fever due to their health being impaired, usually due to their body fighting an infection of some sort....

Feline infectious rhinotracheitis is a very serious and highly contagious disease that affects a cat's respiratory system. This infection is caused by the Herpesvirus Feline 1 (HVF-1) virus and generally affects cats with a low immunity.
When the infection is acute, the prognosis is rather reserved....

Perianal fistulas in cats are a medical condition characterized by the formation of abnormal tunnels or tracts around the anal region. These fistulas can be quite painful and are often associated with other underlying health issues. While the exact prevalence of perianal fistulas in cats is not well-documented,...

If you have a cat, you will know that these pets are very special. To take care of your faithful companion it is important that you know which diseases they can suffer from. AIDS in cats is one of the diseases, along with feline leukemia, that is greatly affecting the cat population. However, even if you...

Toxoplasmosis is an infectious disease that can affect cats as well as dogs. The disease can be worrying if the cat's owner is pregnant; although it's difficult, the disease might be transmitted to the fetus. If someone at home is pregnant and you suspect your cat has toxoplasmosis, go to the doctor and the...