Parasitic diseases of Pets
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42 articles
Leishmaniasis in cats is a chronic disease caused by a protozoan parasite called Leishmania infantum. Although it is relatively rare in cats, it is a disease is considered to be emerging. It is also a type of zoonotic disease, meaning it can be transferred to humans. Although more commonly diagnosed in...
Seeing live worms in a dog's poop is the most comprehensive proof they have a worm infestation. You may see other symptoms before this happens since the dog may be experiencing serious gastrointestinal trouble, but it is also possible the concurrent symptoms are minimal. Regardless of the other symptoms,...
Toxocariasis is a parasitic disease caused by roundworms which can affect dogs and cats. In dogs, the roundworm species capable of causing infection are Toxocara canis and Toxascaris leonina. Although they are similar parasites, they behave differently in the body of dogs, which is why they cause slightly different...
When walking our dog in long grass, we often check for ticks afterwards. While the bites they cause on our canine's skin can be annoying, it is not the bite itself which causes concern. The worry is the pathogens which can be passed on via the tick's saliva. One such pathogen is bacteria from the genus...
When you take your new puppy home, the last thing you want is a major health issue. Unfortunately, puppies are more susceptible to some problems, such as parasites, than older dogs. There are several factors that can affect how long it takes a puppy to expel worms. The type of parasite is one of the most...
When we discuss parasites in dogs, many of us might first think of external parasites such as fleas and ticks. While we are aware of internal parasites, their interiority makes them less visible and it is only when symptoms develop are we aware of their presence. Even at this point, there are many symptoms...
Parasites are organisms that are able to colonize a host and feed at its expense. In the specific case of dogs, there are several parasitic agents that can cause disease. The symptoms associated with the presence of parasites in dogs vary greatly and depend mainly on the organs and tissues affected.
There are various types of hair loss in dogs which will present differently according to the underlying reason. Normal shedding happens at different times throughout the year, something which needs to be differentiated from alopecia as a clinical symptom. When the alopecia is due to a systemic disease, pathology...
Mites are small-bodied arthropods that can parasitize a variety of animal species, including guinea pigs. Mites can cause serious skin problems in your guinea pig, and they can infest guinea pigs of all ages and genders. In most cases, guinea pigs infested with parasites remain asymptomatic. Clinical signs...
Cuterebra is a type of fly that requires small warm-blooded animals such as rodents and rabbits to complete its life cycle. They are known as robust botflies, a group of parasitical flies which develop in the flesh of their host. Cats are often susceptible to Cuterebra parasitization due to their own...
Dermatologic pathologies are one of the main reasons for consultation in guinea pigs, with ectoparasites (external parasites) being the main cause of these pathologies. Guinea pigs are frequently infested with lice, which are ectoparasites. Generally, infested guinea pigs remain asymptomatic, although...
The parasites most associated with dogs are external parasites such as fleas and ticks. Many guardians will also have experiences with internal parasites, especially gastrointestinal parasites such as worms. Not everyone might be as aware of hemoparasites in dogs. These are microorganisms which are sufficiently...
Hookworms, similar to tapeworms and roundworms, are a group of blood-sucking parasites that can live in your cat's digestive system. They belong to the genus Ancylostoma. These parasites affect a wide variety of mammals, not only cats. They are known as ‘hook worms’ because of the hook-like mouth with which...
Skin diseases are one of the most common health problems of guinea pigs. Of these skin diseases, sarcoptic mange is perhaps the most prevalent. Since the symptoms can be similar, many people think of mange as a bacterial infection. It is actually an infestation by parasites. Regardless, the condition causes...
Has your rabbit been acting abnormally? Perhaps they've started scratching themselves more than often, or perhaps you've observed “moving dandruff” on their fur. Whatever it may be, you must be wondering how do I know if my rabbit has mites?
In this AnimalWised article, we'll be going through the symptoms,...
Coccidiosis in dogs is a disease caused by protozoan parasites called coccidia. It is characterized by the presence of diarrhea. This disease is especially serious when it affects puppies. Proper diagnosis and treatment, concluded by a veterinarian, is necessary.
In this AnimalWised article we are going...
We all may be aware that worms in cats are a fairly common type of parasite. Unfortunately, internal worms do not always show symptoms, especially during early stages of the infestation. We may not notice until we see white spots in their feces. However, not all worms are the same. A more obvious symptom and...
One of the most common cat ailments seen in veterinary clinics is a gastrointestinal problem. With symptoms ranging from very mild to life threatening, better understanding the causes of digestive diseases is essential to maintain cat health throughout their lives. Unfortunately, since the problem stems from an...
Worms are a relatively common problem in cats, especially in younger specimens. There are different types of worm infestations, but tapeworms are some of the most noticeable. The risk of contracting a worm infestation is much greater for outdoor cats as their environment provides more opportunities. However,...
Demodectic mange in dogs is the second most common type of canine mange. It is also known commonly as red mange due to the characteristic redness in the skin of dogs suffering from the disease. It is also sometimes known as hereditary scabies, but this is misleading. If the problem is not a genetic condition,...
In this AnimalWised article, we are going to talk about notoedric mange, a type of scabies caused by the Notoedres cati mite. This mite is a parasite and it's effect on its host can lead to intense itching and acute skin problems. When this host is your beloved cat, then you will want to know what you...
The importance of deworming dogs both internally and externally is not only emphasized for hygienic and/or aesthetic reasons. Deworming our animals also plays an incredibly important role in avoiding parasites in dogs, such as ticks. Tick-borne disease in dogs can be incredibly dangerous and should...
Toxocara canis is one of the most common parasites in dogs. Referred to also as roundworm, this heminth parasite can affect all canidae species and humans alike. Toxocara canis is zooonosis, meaning that it can be transmitted from animals to humans. This is why it is incredibly important to follow your...
Mites are hematophagous ectoparasites, part of a subclass of tiny sized arachnids. They are ectoparasites because they live off of the outside of their host and are hematophagous because they feed on said host's blood for sustenance. They are recognized as one of the world's most common allergens, i.e....
Leishmaniasis in dogs is a diseases caused by a protozan parasite( Leishmania). This leishmania is transmitted by a mosquito that feeds on blood. You can give your dog a leishmania vaccine to prevent the appearance of leishmaniasis in dogs. However, if your dog is already suffering from this disease, you...
Rabbits are disease resistant to certain pathogens[1]. This doesn't mean they are immune to getting sick, but the process of domestication means they have a good chance at a healthy life when given the right care. Not a small part of providing the right care is the necessity of keeping an eye out in any...
When a dog ingests a snail, it can be difficult to know the dangers. Since they can be very adventurous when it comes to what they eat, dogs may find irresistible some things we find completely repugnant, including slugs and snails. While snails are a foodstuff eaten in many cultures around the world,...
Ticks are only trying to survive in their own way. Unfortunately, this way is often to attach themselves to the skin of animals and feed off the blood of other animals. This includes dogs as well as us humans. While any loss of blood is minimal, the tick themselves are vectors for certain diseases. One...
Maggots in dogs occur when a fly imbeds eggs into the skin of the animal which later develop into larvae. It is these larvae of various fly species which are known as maggots. When this occurs, it is known as canine myiasis. Various Diptera species can infest dogs with their larvae. While most do so...
Filariasis is a parasitic disease caused by the dirofilaria immitis, otherwise known as the heartworm. This condition is spread through a parasitic roundowrm that is shared through hosts, i.e. mosquitoes. Heartworm is incredibly dangerous, this is because the adult form of this parasite install themselves in...
Canine babesiosis or Babesia Canisis a severe parasitic disease transmitted through bites by infected an tick. Babesiosis can affect dogs of all breeds and ages. However, it is more common in dogs that have not received adequate preventive medicine. When not treated quickly, babesiosis in dogs can cause...
Intestinal parasitosis is probably one of the main reasons why we go to the veterinary practice with our cats, especially when we have just adopted a young kitten.
The presence of what we commonly know as worms in their feces is enough to diagnose their presence, but there are some less striking symptoms...
Also known as parasitic diarrhea, Giardia or Giardtiasis is an infection that can affect both humans and animals. It is caused by a parasite called Giardia duodenalis and, as you may have suspected, has diarrhea as one of its main symptoms. This parasite is pretty common in dogs around the World so,...
Parasites, both external and internal, are one of the main enemies when it comes to our pets' general welfare and health. But if we stop to think about how annoying it must be to have tiny beings proliferating in our ears or skin, we can understand how important it is to know everything about mites...
Owners or prospective dog owners will be interested to know everything about mange in dogs, its symptoms and treatment and even some home remedies. Scabies is a skin disease caused by several types of mites and can have serious consequences if not treated properly. It is found all over the planet and affects...
Mange or scabies is a skin disease caused by a microscopic ectoparasite. It can affect a wide range of animal species, including human beings, and is found worldwide. It is spread through direct contact, and produces a series of symptoms which make this an easily recognisable disease, and it normally has...
Do you want your dog to enjoy the best quality of life possible? Then you should know that giving your time and attention is essential to achieve this. Through thorough observation you can tell when your dog is not well or suffering from an infestation of parasites - which, can be very dangerous.
This is...
If your dog is constantly and excessively itching and they are restless, you should examine them immediately. Upon examination you may notice the presence of tiny, slow-moving, gray flat-shaped parasites. Yes, unfortunately dogs can get head lice.
First, you should know two things. These lice will not...
Nowadays the world of pets is very diverse, and increasing numbers of people are deciding to adopt animals that only decades before wouldn't have been seen as normal pets, like iguanas, snakes, ferrets or different rodents, including chinchillas.
Domestic chinchillas are rodents and, as can often happen...
It is very important to know about the external parasites that can affect your dog in order to quickly spot their appearance. Milder cases may involve discomfort and itching but, if the situation worsens, your best friend's life and health can be severely affected. Don't forget that if the infected dog...
Taking a cat into your home is a big responsibility. Even though you're dealing with a very independent and self-sufficient animal, as its owner you should still be able to meet all its requirements to keep it healthy.
It's necessary to regularly care for its health and follow the established vaccination...
Many people opt for birds when it comes to having an animal at home. There are many species of birds that you can adopt as pets, and canaries stand out as among the most charismatic and likable.
Canaries are cheerful animals, and they are easy to look after. However, they are also at risk of various...