Hindi Names for Female Cats - With Meanings

See files for Cats
Hindi is a language that belongs to the Indo-Aryan family, and it is the most widely spoken official language of India. Hindi is spoken as a first language by 425 million people, and it is also a second language for 120 million more people.
As the owner, you have the responsibility of caring for and training your cat; choosing the right name for your pet is one of the earliest and most important choices you will have to make. If you live in India, you may want to give a meaningful name to your female cat that everybody understands. If you live somewhere else, you may want to give a unique name with a beautiful sound to your cat, and a Hindi name is perfect for that purpose.
Stay with us at AnimalWised to find the best Hindi names for female cats, together with their meanings.
What is Hindi and how did it evolve?
Literary Hindi was influenced by the ancient language of Sanskrit. Nowadays a classical language, Sanskrit was spoken during the Vedic age in India, from about 1500 to 500 BCE. Hindi is deeply influenced by this ancient language, often regarded as the mother of all languages. Hindi is written in the Devanagari script.
The standard form of Hindi is the dialect called Khari Boli found in northern and eastern Delhi. Another dialect of Hindi is Braj Bhasha, along with Awadhi, Bagheli, Bhojpuri, Bundeli, Haryanvi and Marwari.
Modern Hindi has evolved with the interaction of Khari Boli with northern influences. Hindi evolved as linguistic devices and media grew, and the language developed a rich lexicon and flexible syntactic devices.
The Hindi belt stretches from northern India to the state of Madhya Pradesh. The verbal inflection of Hindi is similar to other regional languages. While present and future indicative forms are completely conjugated, other tenses are indicated with the aid of perfective and imperfective participles in addition with the auxiliary verbs.

What's in a name?
Cats are precious animals, and if you are looking for the perfect Hindi name for your female cat, we have a rich selection for you to choose from.
Consider Abha / आभा which means shining or light imbued. If your cat has a mischievous personality consider Aditi / अदिती which means free or boundless. Have a beautiful, green-eyed Persian cat? Then consider naming her Aishwariya / ऐश्वर्या) which is Hindi for wealth.

Naming your cat
Another great name for your cat is Akanksha / आकाङ्क्षा) which stands for desire or wish. Amla / अमला which is Hindi for clean and pure works well too. If your cat is an immeasurable source of support and love for you, the perfect name for her is Amita / अमिता which means infinite or measurable. Your cat can be the perfect source of joy for you, so consider naming her Amrita / अमृता or the nectar Gods drink to attain immortality.
The perfect names
A great name for your happy cat is Ananda /आनन्दा which means happiness. If she is light as air, consider the name Anila / अनिला which means air or wind. Other wonderful names are Anjali /অঞ্জলি meaning offering, or Anoushka / अनुष्का meaning one who fulfills dreams and aspirations. If your cat has cute markings, or is a tortoiseshell cat, you can even name her Ankita / अंकिता which is the perfect Hindi name meaning marked.

Feline monikers for Your cat
If your cat has an easy-going personality, consider naming her Bala /बल, another word for “young.” If she's got a fierce temperament, the name Chanda /चण्डा meaning bright is perfect for her. Is your cat a good guardian? Then name her Chetana / चेतना which means alert. Does she have a shiny and ebullient personality? Then name her Deepti / दीप्ति or Deepali / दीपाली which stands for light in Hindi.

Naming your cat: Some pointers
Consider your cat a gift from God? Then don't hesitate to name her Divya / दिव्या which means divine in Hindi. Opt for names like Ila /इला which stands for earth or Jaya / जया which stands for victory. If she's a pure black cat, you can play on the name and call her Kala / कला which stands for attributes. If your cat is a dreamy one, choose Kalpana / कल्पना which stands for fantasy.

Making a wise choice for a cat who knows it all
If she's a real wise old cat, select Manisha / मनीषा, Hindi for wisdom. If she brings spring back into your days, name her after this season as Vasanta / वसन्ता.
When it comes to choosing the right name, be wise yourself too. Remember that the name should fit your cat and reflect her personality best.

Have you found the perfect Hindi name for your female cat? Do you have any more ideas? Tell us in the comments section!
If you're still looking for the perfect name for a female kitten, take a look at our other lists:
- Irish names for cats
- Classic Russian names for cats
- Japanese names for female cats
- Names for black cats: Spooky, unique and cute names

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