Facts about the animal kingdom

How far can a Kangaroo Jump?

Josie F. Turner
By Josie F. Turner, Journalist specialized in Animal Welfare. Updated: July 14, 2020
How far can a Kangaroo Jump?

The kangaroo is the best known out of all marsupials. You may recognize this very special animal as they have become the emblem of Australia, their land of origin. Kangaroos are known for the features that make them stand out from most other species. For example, kangaroos have a pouch that transports and nourishes their young, something unique to marsupials. These animals also have a powerful musculoskeletal system through which they can achieve great speed and length while jumping.

You've surely wondered at some point how far can a kangaroo jump? This AnimalWised article will clear up any doubts.

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  1. The musculoskeletal system of the kangaroo
  2. How fast can kangaroos run?
  3. How long can kangaroos jump?
  4. How high can a kangaroo jump?
  5. Do you want to know more about Kangaroos?

The musculoskeletal system of the kangaroo

The kangaroo is an animal of large proportions, and one of the few that only moves by jumping. This should not be surprising considering its anatomy, which has evolved perfectly for this method of movement. They

This marsupial has very strong and well-developed hind legs, especially when compared to the small size of its front legs. The feet are so large in order to produce the momentum of the jump. Its long, muscular tail is also essential for giving the kangaroo the balance it needs during the jump.

The kangaroo achieves its jumps by moving both of their hind legs at the same time. The incredible strength of their muscles launches them both high up in the air and far across, although there are different factors in this type of movement.

Before we look at how far can a kangaroo jump, we need to look at our definition. A kangaroo cana jump forward or up in the air. For this reason, we need to look at how high can a kangaroo jump and how much length they can achieve using these powerful legs.

How fast can kangaroos run?

If you have every done the long jump in athletics, you will know that you will need a lot of speed to get a good height and length. The same goes for kangaroos which will be able to get much more height and length from a running jump than from a standing jump.

The most comfortable speed for the kangaroo when hopping is about 20-25 kilometers/hour (13 to 16 miles/hour). However they are capable of speeds of up to 70 kmph (44 m/mph).

Kangaroos can keep a speed of 40 kmph (24/mph) for up to 2 km (1 mile and a half), but they are unable to go such a distance at higher speeds. Eventually they will tire out if they travel too fast, so they have to even out their speed.

Although jumping like that may seem like a great effort for the kangaroo, it is the way of travelling that saves them more energy as compared to any other means of movement. In fact, kangaroos cannot walk well, and when it travels at low speeds they use their tail as a tripod, along with their front two legs. This makes them look as if they are crawling sometimes.

How far can a Kangaroo Jump? - How fast can kangaroos run?

How long can kangaroos jump?

The kangaroo moves forward a distance of 2 meters (6'6'') with each standing jump. This means they do not have any run up and will not have momentum on their side in increase their jump length. However, when fleeing from a predator on flat ground without any obstacles, a single jump is able to cover a distance of 9 meters (almost 30 feet).

This is an incredible feat and has been witnessed in the wild. The momentum of the kangaroo¡s speed mean their hop is very long and can practically sail through the air.

How high can a kangaroo jump?

Kangaroo jumps can reach a height of 3 meters (9'10''), resulting in a sight like no other. Those who have been fortunate enough to observe this animal in its natural habitat are left amazed. Again, this will depend on the speed at which the kangaroo is jumping.

From an almost standing position, a kangaroo can jump between 1.2 and 1.8 m (4' - 6'). This means they can easily hop many fences and partitions. However, they can gain greater height when they have a run up.

How far can a Kangaroo Jump? - How high can a kangaroo jump?

Do you want to know more about Kangaroos?

If you are passionate about this animal and would like to learn more, we recommend our article on the differences between the kangaroo and the wallaby. Also, if you have interest in the kangaroos welfare, it is important to know about protection in their native land. While not an endangered animal, wildfires in Australia have decimated some kangaroo populations. You can learn more in this video below:

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How far can a Kangaroo Jump?