The 10 Highest-Jumping Animals in the World

All animals have evolved skills that help them survive in their environment. However, some animals have an extraordinary physical power that makes them true athletes. Some animals, for instance, can jump very high or for a very long distance. Of course, we are discussing animals without wings to fly.
How do they do it? The ability to jump is the product of millions of years of evolution. This reveals itself in their physical presence. Agility, long legs, strength and lightness have allowed these animals to adapt to unfamiliar terrains, escape predators and simply survive.
Stay with us at AnimalWised and discover the 10 highest-jumping animals in the world with pictures and see if you will be surprised.
- What animal jumps the highest?
- How high can impalas jump?
- How high can froghoppers jump?
- How high can cougars jump?
- How high can fleas jump?
- How high can dolphins jump?
- How high can tree frogs jump?
- How high can mountain goats jump?
- How high can rabbits jump?
- How high can kangaroos jump?
- How high can kangaroo rats jump?
What animal jumps the highest?
It is important to remember that we cannot apply the exact same criteria to each animal. The highest an animal can jump is relative to their size. For example, an insect may only jump a couple of feet, but relative to their body size it is the equivalent to a human jumping over a tall building. For this reason, when we ask what animal jumps the highest, we can't simply look at the height alone.
The highest-jumping animals are:
- Impalas
- Froghoppers
- Cougars
- Fleas
- Dolphins
- Tree frogs
- Mountain goats
- Rabbits
- Kangaroos
- Kangaroo rats
As you can see from our list of the top 10 highest-jumping animals, they come from all over the animal kingdom. There are mammals, amphibians, animals that live in the sea, animals that live on other animals and more. To find out more and see pictures of these incredible beasts, keep reading.
How high can impalas jump?
The impala (Aepyceros melampus) is an African antelope recognized for its incredible speed, similar to other ruminant animals. Although impalas do fall prey to predators like lions, they are certainly not easy to hunt. These beautiful creatures are too fast for many predators, who become bored of chasing and decide to seek out different prey.
In a single leap forward, an impala can jump up to 10 m (33 ft) forward and up to 3 m (9 ft 8) high. It's an impressive feat.

How high can froghoppers jump?
The family of froghoppers (Cercopoidea), known in their nymph stage as spittlebugs, are peculiarly-colored insects known for jumping 70 cm (27.5 in) high. This is about 100 times their body length.
Although froghoppers are relatively heavy, they are able to perform this feat by making use of all of their bodily strength. We may think of fleas as being good jumpers, but froghoppers are even better jumpers. Their speed is also incredible as they accelerate at 4,000 m/s, making them one of the fastest as well as highest-jumping animals in the world. Could you jump twice your own height?

How high can cougars jump?
Cougars, mountain lions or pumas (Puma concolor) are fast and powerful cats. These strong animals are amazing sprinters, and they can leap up to 5.5 m (18 ft) high. This makes them one of the highest-jumping animals in the world and the largest animal on our list of nature's highest-jumpers.
A cougar can reach speeds of 80 km/h (50 m/h) and has very powerful hind legs, although it can't maintain it for a long period. Furthermore, a cougar will spend much of its time stretching its legs, as if preparing for a marathon every day.

How high can fleas jump?
Fleas are an order of insects (Siphonaptera) that act as parasites to feed: they survive by jumping onto their hosts, biting their skin and sucking their blood. Once fed, fleas move onto a different host and bite again. They love to hide in the fur of dogs, horses and cats and, though they are tiny, you may see them jumping from one place to another.
Fleas move like they have been catapulted; this is because they have a spring-like mechanism in their legs. After they have finished feeding, fleas release their grip from the skin. While fleas are a nightmare for their hosts, one cannot ignore the extraordinary jumping abilities of these creatures. Dog fleas can jump up to 25 cm (10 in) high, which is 200 times their body length.
Since they can be a problem, we need to remove fleas on dogs to ensure their overall health.

How high can dolphins jump?
It is a spectacle to see dolphins fly through the air with their characteristic joy. Between one dive and another, a spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris) can jump up to 3 m (10 ft) high out of the water; this species in particular is also able to perform all sorts of acrobatics, including spinning while jumping into the air.
Dolphins can alternate long leaps with fast swimming near the surface: this is called porpoising. They jump for many reasons: to save energy, to communicate, to spot prey or simply to express themselves. Here you can learn 10 fun facts about dolphins.

How high can tree frogs jump?
All frogs often look like they are made from some kind of rubber, especially tree frogs, like those in the Hylidae family. Frogs are very flexible and their muscles have developed to jump about 150 times their own height.
Tree frogs always keep their hind legs flexed, and when they need to they use their entire strength to stretch them out fully for maximum power, like a spring. Here you can find a guide to preparing a terrarium for a green tree frog.

How high can mountain goats jump?
Mountain goats (Oreamnos americanus) love jumping from one dangerous rock to another. These animals are heavy, but very strong and agile. Mountain goats can jump down steep slopes and cliffs, and they can also jump distances of almost 4 m (13 ft) in length.
These animals jump frequently - and do so over long distances - without sustaining any injuries. This is because mountain goats have special concave and fully ergonomic pads on their hooves which cushion the fall, reduce damage and relieve pressure on their cloven hooves.

How high can rabbits jump?
Many people who have rabbits as pets and keep them in cages or enclosed spaces do not know that rabbits are animals that love to jump. In the ideal world outside cages, these adorable creatures of the Leporidae family jump to find food and escape predators, besides diverting obstacles. Some rabbits can jump up to 1.5 m (4 ft 11) high and 3 m (9 ft 10) long.
However, European hares (Lepus europaeus) can jump even higher, reaching 4.5 m (15 ft) high. This looks like nothing compared to the white-tailed jackrabbit (Lepus townsendii), which can jump more than 6 m (19 ft 8) high. Rabbits and their relatives are definitely among the highest-jumping animals in the world.

How high can kangaroos jump?
If one animal is known for jumping, it is definitely the red kangaroo (Macropus rufus), the largest in its family. Kangaroos jump to travel instead of walking or running. In fact, they can jump at a speed of 60 km/h (37 m/h).
These large marsupials can jump up to 3 m (10 ft) high, which allows them to get over all sorts of obstacles. Red kangaroos use their tails as a fifth leg that helps them move more strongly and quickly. Here you can learn more about the differences between kangaroos and wallabies as well as how far can a kangaroo jump.

How high can kangaroo rats jump?
These rodents have been earned their name as a result of their long hind legs, which allow them to propel themselves for each jump. Kangaroo rats (Dipodomys) can jump more than 28 times their body length, more than any other rodent. In fact, kangaroo rats can jump up to 2.75 m (9 ft) high.
Besides being adorable, kangaroo rats are among the highest-jumping animals in the world. Here you can learn more about the kangaroo rat as a pet.

These are the 10 highest-jumping animals in the world. What high-jumping animal is your favorite? Are they not on our list? Let us know by sharing your thoughts in the comments below.
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