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Inguinal Hernia in Dogs - Symptoms, Diagnosis And Treatment

María Besteiros
By María Besteiros, Expert veterinary assistant and canine/feline hairdresser.. Updated: May 30, 2024
Inguinal Hernia in Dogs - Symptoms, Diagnosis And Treatment
Image: http://marinduquevet.ph/

See files for Dogs

Inguinal hernia in dogs is a protrusion which can be observed in the groin area. This condition is more common in female dogs and can be caused by various factors including trauma, pregnancy and/or obesity. If you notice any inguinal hernia in dogs symptoms, make sure to consult your veterinarian as soon as possible, as it can be fatal if not treated in time.

For more about the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of inguinal hernia in dogs, keep reading here at Animals.

  1. Inguinal hernia in dogs: causes
  2. Ingual hernia in dogs: symptoms
  3. Inguinal hernia in female dogs
  4. Inguinal hernia in dogs: treatment

Inguinal hernia in dogs: causes

An inguinal hernia in dogs is defined as the protrusion of fat or intestines through an opening in the abdominal wall which should’ve closed as a puppy. Inguinal hernias in dogs are hereditary, meaning that if a dog’s parents have it, it could also occur in their puppies. This is why inguinal hernia dog breeding is discouraged. A delay in abdominal closure tends to promote the appearance of hernias.

Some dogs breeds hold a greater propensity to suffering from inguinal hernias. These dog breeds include English Cocker Spaniels, Pekingese dogs and/or Border Collies.

Inguinal hernia in dogs: causes

The causes of inguinal hernia in dogs can sometimes occur due to other causes which are not genetic. Some dogs develop these hernias from the development of a trauma, pregnancy or obesity. Inguinal hernias, like umbilical hernia in dogs, can trap bowel loops, which can also cause intestinal obstructions.

In addition, some hernias are strangulated, which occurs when blood supply to the hernia is interrupted by a constriction, known as a neck or hernia ring. In the case of female dogs, who are more commonly affected by inguinal hernias, the uterus can become imprisoned inside the hernia.

Ingual hernia in dogs: symptoms

The protrusion of fat or intestines is visible as a bulge of greater or smaller size. In the most severe cases, symptoms of inguinal hernia in dogs includes vomiting, anorexia, increased urination frequency, fever, lethargy, and pain.

There are different types of hernias in dogs,which can be classified according to their location. An umbilical hernia in dogs, for example, is located in the naval. An inguinal hernia in dogs is located in the groin, and a perineal hernias in dogs is located in the pelvic region. Umbilical and inguinal hernias in dogs are the two most common. These hernia types can also be differentiated according to whether or not they can be pressed inwards. If a hernia is not reducible, this may be a sign that the hernia is incarcerated.

Thus, any lump present in the above mentioned areas is likely to be a hernia. Its consistency can be more or less hard and, and there will be some which can move inwards while others remain fixed. In these cases of incarceration, and if your dog feels evident pain, we recommend going to the veterinarian as soon as possible, imprisoned hernias, if the animal feels pain when we feel it, we should go immediately to the veterinarian, because the hernia could be strangulated. This type of hernia would be considered an emergency, since it can cause renal or hepatic failure which can be fatal for the animal.

Inguinal hernia in female dogs

Although they can affect male dogs, inguinal hernias in dogs are more frequent in females.

Regarding age, sometimes it is not possible to detect an inguinal hernia in puppies and it is only when mature, that you may detect a lump in your dog’s groin area. In fact, it is not uncommon to diagnose inguinal hernia in older dogs. If a female dog is not spayed, she falls more at risk of developing an inguinal hernia caused by pregnancy, labor, or a uterus related pathology.

For more about uterus related problems in dogs, we recommend reading our article where we discuss why does my dog pee a little blood.

Inguinal hernia in dogs: treatment

Inguinal hernia in dogs diagnosis can be made by observing a visible bulge in the groin area. A veterinarian will also have to perform a general survey, determining the size and contents of the hernia. An ultrasound may also be required.

There are no home remedies for dog hernias. There are, however, many myths that hernias in dogs can be solved by bandaging a coin onto the lump, which is simply not true. These such myths can even be counterproductive and should be avoided.

Inguinal hernia in dogs surgery is often the only form of hernia treatment in dogs. If small, and the dog that is affected is male, it is possible to wait and see whether the hernia disappears alone. In this case, a follow-up schedule with a veterinarian will be necessary. One must bear in mind that additional factors such as trauma and/or obesity can cause the hernia to increase in size and become more severe.

An inguinal hernia in dogs surgery technique requires an abdominal incision and repositioning of the affected organs back into place. If any intestinal fragment is damaged, it must be removed and reconnected. Sometimes a graft may be necessary. Dog hernia surgery recovery and possible complications will depend on the characteristics of the hernia. In general, these such surgeries are successful and offer a dog a chance at normal life.

Inguinal Hernia in Dogs - Symptoms, Diagnosis And Treatment - Inguinal hernia in dogs: treatment

This article is purely informative. AnimalWised does not have the authority to prescribe any veterinary treatment or create a diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian if they are suffering from any condition or pain.

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Shirley Durbin
How long is recovery time for dog from inguinal hernia surgery done while being spayed.

Dog is 10 pound, 3 year old Pomeranian.
Image: http://marinduquevet.ph/
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Inguinal Hernia in Dogs - Symptoms, Diagnosis And Treatment