Infectious diseases

Why Does My Dog Pee a Little Blood?

Josie F. Turner
By Josie F. Turner, Journalist specialized in Animal Welfare. Updated: August 27, 2024
Why Does My Dog Pee a Little Blood?

See files for Dogs

Blood in a dog's urine can be a worrying sign. It's called hematuria and is usually a symptom that your dog's health is impaired, possibly seriously. The most common causes can range from urinary tract infections (UTIs) to tumors, kidney stones to infectious diseases like parvovirus. Therefore, if you see drops of blood in your dog's urine or see that their pee is very dark, you should make a visit to the veterinarian as soon as possible. AnimalWised looks into why does your dog pee a little blood to discover what might be the possible cause as well as accompanying symptoms and how they might be treated.

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  1. Main causes of blood in your dog's urine
  2. Drops of blood in your dog's urine
  3. My dog urinates a lot of blood, what could it be?
  4. Why does my dog have blood clots in their urine?
  5. My bitch urinates blood, what can it be?
  6. My dog urinates blood and vomits
  7. Treatment for a dog who urinates blood

Main causes of blood in your dog's urine

The causes why your dog may have a little or a lot of blood in their urine are varied. This is why this is one particular symptom which should never be ignored. If we observe a reddish urination, although the animal doesn't show any other particular sign of alarm, we must take them to the vet to perform the necessary diagnostic analysis. This way they can determine whether it is an infection, organ failure or whatever it might be. Although the blood loss may only be in small amounts, it can be a very serious symptom related to a potentially fatal pathology, depending on the underlying cause.

The most common reasons your dog has a little pee in their urine are:

  • Cystitis: the inflammation of the bladder which can be caused by bacteria, stones, tumors or malformations.
  • UTIs: infections in the urinary tract, usually caused by bacteria.
  • Tumors: whether benign or malign, tumors can lead to the expulsion of some blood.
  • Stones: mineral deposits which build up usually in the kidney or bladder.
  • Poisoning: could be from various potential sources, often through ingestion.
  • Trauma: caused by a blow, fall or being hit by a vehicle.
  • Infectious diseases: such as leptospirosis.

This is why it is imperative to see the vet if you see this symptom in your dog. They will check for other symptoms and do the appropriate tests for a diagnosis. Once this is achieved, they will offer the best course of treatment to begin as soon as possible.

The presence of a little blood in your dog's pee can occur in several ways, depending on the underlying cause:

  • Droplets of blood which drip when the dog is urinating.
  • Blood with clots which take on a darker color.
  • Pure blood, as in the dog only seems to be urinating blood.

As hematuria is often accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea, it is very important to also be aware of any other symptoms which may accompany the blood in the pee.

Drops of blood in your dog's urine

When your dog's other behavior is relatively normal, but they have a reddish hue to their urine, it is normal to wonder if the color is actually blood or relatively normal pee. They may eat, play and behave normally, suggesting that they are otherwise fine. Regardless of what a dog eats, the color of a dog's urine should always be some shade of yellow. Any change in tone is indicative that something is not right.

The cases where a dog has difficulty urinating or presents drops of blood in their urine are generally associated with problems in the lower urinary tract. This includes the bladder, prostate and urethra, the channel through which urine is expelled. Similarly, problems with obstruction or bladder stones cause the mucosa to become injured and lead to bleeding. When this happens, the coloration of the dog's urine is modified and it adopts a rather reddish tone. However, these are no the only causes which explain drops of blood in the dog's urine. Tumors can also cause hemorrhage as well as prostate infections, although the latter only occurs in male dogs.

Infectious diseases such as leptospirosis or canine ehrlichiosis, commonly known as tick disease, can cause hematuria.

My dog urinates a lot of blood, what could it be?

When a dog urinates a lot of blood it means the clinical reason is serious and needs immediate veterinary attention. This sign could mean the dog has been the victim of an accident, has suffered a severe blow or maybe has been poisoned. In these cases, only a professional in canine health can determine which treatment is to be followed. Depending on the cause and/or the amount of blood which has been lost, a blood transfusion may be necessary.

Why Does My Dog Pee a Little Blood? - My dog urinates a lot of blood, what could it be?

Why does my dog have blood clots in their urine?

It's very important to pay attention to changes in our dog's behavior as well as examining urine and faeces regularly. in cases where you see blood clots in a dog's urine, we need to check for other signs such as apathy, loss of apetite or whiteness in the gums. Since these are indications that the dog suffers from internal hemorrhage or a serious infectious disease. Conversely, if the dog urinates with blood clots, but otherwise exhibits their typical behavior in terms of eating and energy, it's possible that the they have suffered a blow which has produced internal injuries in the bladder, genitals or some other organ.

Other presence of poisoning, tumours, stones or infections in any part of the urinary tract. Urine with blood clots is one of the most visceral signs your dog has ingested some sort of poison, such as rat poison. This will most often be accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. In general, the reasons why a dog pees a little blood or has blood clots in their pee are similar. The main difference is the seriousness of the matter or the amount of time the condition has been present. Essentially, it will be a symptom which determines the severity of the condition, especially when combined with other symptoms.

Sometimes the blood in a dog's urine acquires a sticky and dark appearance. For a better diagnosis, we recommend examining the rest of the dog for signs of bleeding in other areas, bruises or even wounds.

It's important not to confuse blood in the dog's urine with normal changes to the coloration of the pee. Some changes are not to do with the presence of blood. if the dog urinates brown or black, it can be the onset of severe kidney disease. This can only be determined by laboratory tests. Therefore, if your dog's urine is very dark for a prolonged period of time, you will still need to see a vet to determine any possible issues.

My bitch urinates blood, what can it be?

When a female dog (bitch) urinates blood, it can indicate that it undergoes some alteration in the inferior urinary tract, such as in infection, inflammation of the bladder, stones or tumours. However, it could also be related to their estrous cycle. Although this cycle is different for different bitches, the first one will always show bleeding. This can vary in heaviness, especially during the first phase. If you are sure that the dog is not in heat and yet urinates blood, it can be due to a uterine infection. The bleeding will likely be accompanied by a whitish secretion through the vulva (white flow), but could also have cystitis or a urinary tract infection. If the dog urinates blood and vomits, it's possible that problem resides in the kidneys. This could be an infection or stones, but go to the vet either way.

My sterilized bitch urinates blood

If your dog urinates blood, but has already been sterilized, then there is something else at work. If it happens not long after sterilzation, there is the possibility of infection or internal bleeding as a result of the surgery or anaesthetic. If your sterilized dog urinates blood as if it were in heat a while after the procedure, it's possible an ovarian remnant was left. This can reactivate the cycle. Similarly, it could be possible that the dog has eptopic ovarian tissue. This is when the tissue is generated outside the ovaries, possibly even from birth. In any case, visiting the veterinarian is important to treat this problem.

My bitch is pregnant and urinates bloood

The presence of blood in the urine of a pregnant dog is a cause for concern. Often, it will indicate that one or more of the fetuses have died. If it occurs during the first weeks of pregnancy, the uterus will usually be disintegrated and reabsorbed into the tissue. If this occurs, it is normal for some blood to appear through the urine. However, if bleeding occurs when the gestation is more advanced, their body can no longer reverse the problem and the deceased fetus will need to be removed. This is because it can lead to a serious infection for the mother and other fetuses.

My dog urinates blood and vomits

If your dog is a puppy and they urinate blood as well as vomit, it is likely to be due to a serious infection such as canine parvovirus. This is a potentially lethal disease if not treated in time. The main symptoms of this pathology are, precisely, vomiting and blood in the urine. It is most prevalent in puppies, unvaccinated or immunosuppressed adult dogs. It is a highly contagious disease that infects even healthy animals in just a few days and that, due to the symptoms, can be confused with other conditions. It is important to see a specialist as soon as possible as early detection can mean the difference between life and death.

The cases of adult dogs which urinate and vomit blood are often related to kidney problems. These may be stones, infections or tumors. These may have to do with the bladder or prostate, but a vet's visit will determine the cause.

Why Does My Dog Pee a Little Blood? - My dog urinates blood and vomits

Treatment for a dog who urinates blood

Since there are varying causes of a dog urinating blood, treatment will depend on the underlying cause. This will also vary depending on the affected organs, disease which causes the hematuria or whatever the disorder. In this way, only the vet can prescribe the most appropriate course of treatment after performing the relevant physical and laboratory tests. The animal may require intravenous or oral antibiotics as well as other drugs such as analgesics or antiemetics to relieve pain.

In cases of bladder or urethra obstruction, severe hemorrhage or tumors, the dog may need surgery. Likewise, it's also possible that a blood transfusion may need to be performed if blood loss through urine is particularly high.

This article is purely informative. AnimalWised does not have the authority to prescribe any veterinary treatment or create a diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian if they are suffering from any condition or pain.

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Why Does My Dog Pee a Little Blood?