Italian Dog Names - Male And Female

See files for Dogs
The arrival of a new dog at home is synonymous with happiness. However, adopting a dog also implies assuming certain responsibilities, such as going to the veterinarian whenever necessary, offering quality feed and applying positive training methods that are necessary for a dog’s well-being. With the adoption of a new dog also comes the fun task of choosing the perfect dog name!
Do you love the Italian language? We sure do! Italian a romantic and beautiful language and our list of badass Italian dog names is sure to offer you a wonderful array of dog names for you to choose from. Keep reading here at AnimalWised to discover our list of over 140 Italian dog names for both males and females.
Dog names in Italian: choosing the perfect name
Whether you have an Italian greyhound, a cane corso (Italian Mastiff) or a mixed Italian dog breed, we have some great Italian dog names for you to choose from. When choosing the perfect name for your dog, there are some things to take into consideration. Here are our top tips for choosing an ideal dog name:
- Opt for a shorter name of one or two syllables, which tend to be easier for dogs to learn and remember.
- It has been proven that dogs respond more positively to names that include the vowels a, e and i.
- Choose an easy-to-pronounce name.
- Avoid colloquialisms when naming your dog as they can be confusing.
We recommend that you AVOID renaming your dog. Therefore, it’s important that you are 100% happy with the name that you will teach your dog from when it is young.
Whether you are looking for Italian dog names for cane corso or other dog breeds, you’ll also love our article where we list all Italian dog breeds.
Italian dog names: male
Discover our complete list of male Italian dog names below:
- Abaco
- Achille
- Afro
- Ago
- Alan
- Alex
- Alfio
- Alvaro
- Amedeo
- Amo
- Amos
- Andrea
- Argo
- Arturo
- Attila
- Augusto
- Baffo
- Basilio
- Bello
- Biagio
- Bimbo
- Birillo
- Biro
- Biscotto
- Boris
- Bortolo
- Bruno
- Bullone
- Caio
- Camillo
- Carlo
- Catullo
- Cecco
- Cesare
- Ciriaco
- Ciro
- Coda
- Confetto
- Corallo
- Corsaro
- Cosimo
- Damiano
- Dante
- Dario
- Delfino
- Dennis
- Diego
- Dolce (unisex)
- Duccio
- Duilio
- Eco
- Edipo
- Elia
- Elio
- Elmo
- Enea
- Ennio
- Ettore
- Ezio
- Fax
- Ferro
- Fido
- Filo
- Fiocco
- Fulmine
- Fulvo
- Furio
- Fusto
- Gastone
- Gian
- Gianni
- Giulio
- Gildo
- Gino
- Giosuè
- Giotto
- Giove
- Iacopo
- Icaro
- Italo
- Ivan
- Kiko
- Kiwi
- Laerte
- Lapo
- Lauro
- Led
- Lello
- Leo
- Leone
- Lino
- Luca
- Matteo
- Mattia
- Mauro
- Max
- Mirko
- Miro
- Muzio
- Nando
- Neon
- Nevio
- Nico
- Nino
- Nunzio
- Odino
- Olaf
- Orazio
- Oreste
- Origano
- Orio
- Oro
- Orso
- Osso
- Osvaldo
- Pallino
- Paolo
- Paride
- Pelo
- Peloso
- Pepe
- Piero
- Pietro
- Pippo
- Pirata
- Pluto
- Polo
- Pongo
- Primo
- Pulce (unisex)
- Puzzle
- Quarto
- Quirino
- Quinto
- Radar
- Raul
- Robot
- Rocco
- Rodolfo
- Ruben
- Rudi
- Ruggero
- Sale
- Samu
- Sasso
- Savino
- Sci
- Scotch
- Scudetto
- Silos
- Silvio
- Soldo
- Spillo
- Ste
- Svevo
- Teo
- Tigre
- Timoteo
- Tito
- Tobia
- Tuono
- Ubaldo
- Ufo
- Ugo
- Ulisse
- Umberto
- Vale
- Vasco
- Vinile
- Walter
- Yago
- Yuri
- Zaccaria
- Zeno
- Zippo
Still haven’t found the perfect unique dog name? Don’t worry, our options are endless! Take a look at our list of strong dog names.
Italian dog names: female
And if you’ve just adopted a female dog, you’ll love this list of female Italian dog names:
- Ada
- Africa
- Agnese
- Alba
- Alice
- Amelia
- Anna
- Anto
- Armonia
- Asia
- Bea
- Belinda
- Bella
- Berta
- Betta
- Betty
- Bianca
- Biglia
- Bimba
- Boa
- Bobina
- Bomba
- Borchia
- Brenda
- Camilla
- Cartuccia
- Chica
- Ciliegia
- Clara
- Clelia
- Crema
- Dama
- Dea
- Diana
- Diva
- Dolce
- Dora
- Elisa
- Elsa
- Ely
- Emilia
- Emma
- Erica
- Eva
- Fanta
- Fata
- Fede
- Fiamma
- Fiore
- Flo
- Foglia
- Gaia
- Geltrude
- Gemma
- Giada
- Gilda
- Gioia
- Guenda
- Ines
- Iris
- Irma
- Italia
- Jessica
- Laura
- Linda
- Lola
- Luce
- Lucia
- Lucilla
- Luna
- Ludo
- Magda
- Mara
- Matilda
- Matilde
- Mia
- Mirta
- Miss
- Molla
- Molletta
- Muffa
- Musica
- Nebbia
- Neve
- Nives
- Nuvola
- Oliva
- Olivia
- Pallina
- Pangea
- Pelosa
- Perla
- Pietra
- Pillola
- Pipa
- Piuma
- Polpetta
- Prisca
- Pulce (unisex)
- Riga
- Rita
- Roccia
- Rosa
- Sara
- Sofia
- Sole
- Spilla
- Spugna
- Stella
- Stefi
- Tasca
- Tosca
- Tina
- Toga
- Toppa
- Trousse
- Vale
- Viola
- Zanna
- Zecca
- Zip
- Zita
- Zoe
For more great female dog names, read names for female dogs.
Badass Italian dog names
For more unique Italian dog names, keep reading below:
- Michelangelo
- Marco
- Mau
- Fran
- Franscesc
- Gio
- Giaco
- Fede
- Giuseppe
- Sandra
- Donatella
- Ceci
- Celia
- Angela
- Elina
- Grazia
- Alessia
- Paola
- Geppi
- Lorenzo
- Galileo
- Barba
- Versace
- Scapino
- Diabo
- Yra
- Jacob
- Lupo
- Vito
- Nonna
- Geppo
- Petruchio
Italian dog names
Still haven’t found the perfect name from our list of Italian dog names? Don’t fret, we have more options for you to choose from:
And if you have found the perfect Italian dog name from our list, please share it in our comments section below!

If you want to read similar articles to Italian Dog Names - Male And Female, we recommend you visit our Names category.