
Propalin for Dogs - Uses and Side Effects

Laura García Ortiz
By Laura García Ortiz, Veterinarian specialized in feline medicine. January 14, 2025
Propalin for Dogs - Uses and Side Effects

See files for Dogs

Propalin is a medication used in veterinary medicine to relieve urinary incontinence. Its active ingredient is phenylpropanolamine hydrochloride (PPA), a sympathomimetic agent which acts to strengthen the urethral sphincter and prevent urine leakage. A weakened urethral sphincter is commonly the result of surgical procedures such as an ovariohysterectomy in female dogs, a form of sterilization commonly known as spaying. Propalin usually comes in an oral solution or syrup which is considered a safe drug. Despite its relative safety, side effects are possible. This is especially the vase when contraindicated for certain dogs.

At AnimalWised, we learn more about the uses, side effects and cost of Propalin for dogs. We understand how a veterinarian will determine the dosage, as well as what contraindications exist for its use in canines.

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  1. What is Propalin for dogs?
  2. Uses of Propalin for dogs
  3. How to give Propalin to dogs
  4. Propalin dosage for dogs
  5. How much does Propalin for dogs cost?
  6. Side effects of Propalin for dogs
  7. Contraindications of Propalin for dogs

What is Propalin for dogs?

Propalin is a drug formulated for veterinary use that contains the active ingredient phenylpropanolamine. This active ingredient belongs to the group of sympathomimetics, stimulant compounds which act on the sympathetic nervous system. It is used for the treatment of urinary incontinence, in a similar way to another sympathomimetic drug, ephedrine hydrochloride. The latter has slightly lower efficacy and safety.

In humans, phenylpropanolamine is used as a decongestant or appetite suppressant in treatments for obesity when used in high doses. In veterinary medicine, its main use is the treatment of urinary incontinence. While it can be used for felines or other animals, it is most commonly used for dogs. Female dogs are most prescribed Propalin, but it can be used for males dogs when deemed appropriate.

Learn more about the causes and treatment of urinary incontinence in dogs with our related guide.

Uses of Propalin for dogs

The active ingredient phenylpropanolamine contained in Propalin is a sympathomimetic drug whose mechanism of action consists of the direct stimulation of the smooth muscle of the urethral sphincter. For this reason, its main use is the treatment of urinary incontinence.

A possible complication of spaying or neutering in dogs is the weakening of the urethral sphincter and subsequent urine leakage. This urinary incontinence can be a result of reduced estrogen levels, something which does not affect male dogs in the same way. However, there are other reasons why sexually intact females may have a weakened urethral sphincter, such as congenital issues or other non-hormonal causes of inconintence.

Male dogs are not commonly prescribed Propalin for urinary incontinence. However, there may be cases such as congenital abnormalities, post-surgical complications or neurological disorders which may warrant its administration. This will be at the discretion of a qualified veterinarian.

Propalin for Dogs - Uses and Side Effects - Uses of Propalin for dogs

How to give Propalin to dogs

Propalin is most commonly administered orally via a syrup. The dose to be used is very low, so the dog should always be weighed before administering the medication to avoid the risk of an overdose.

As it is a sympathomimetic drug, Propalin can affect the cardiovascular system, altering heart rate and blood pressure. For this reason, it should be used with great caution in female dogs with cardiovascular diseases. It should also be used with caution in dogs with:

  • Liver failure
  • Kidney failure
  • Cushing's disease
  • Glaucoma
  • Diabetes
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Other metabolic diseases

It is also essential to rule out that urinary incontinence is due to anatomical alterations before starting treatment with Propalin. This is especially important in dogs less than a year of age..

Learn more about the causes of urinary incontinence in puppies with our article on why my dog pees a little while sleeping.

Propalin dosage for dogs

Propalin is an orally administered medication for dogs, the dosage of which is 1 mg of phenylpropanolamine per kg of weight. It is administered three times a day with food. In the case of Propalin syrup (40 mg/ml), this is the equivalent of 0.1 ml of syrup for every 5 kg of the dog's weight given three times a day. This dose corresponds to the content of the syringe that contains the product.

How much does Propalin for dogs cost?

Propalin is a drug which is not commonly sold under this trade name in the USA. In the US, it is most commonly sold under the name Proin. As Propalin, it is sold in markets such as the UK, EU and Canada. For this reason, prices can vary considerably according to each market as well as other factors. With this in mind, a general price guide is as follows:

  • UK market: £30-£50 for a 100 ml bottle.
  • EU market: up to €50 for a 100 ml bottle.

This drug can also be sold in 30 ml bottles which may be cheaper. Cost effectiveness will depend on the needs of the individual dog as some may only need a short administration period.

Propalin for Dogs - Uses and Side Effects - How much does Propalin for dogs cost?

Side effects of Propalin for dogs

Being a sympathomimetic drug, the phenylpropanolamine contained in Propalin can cause side effects resulting from excessive stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system. These commonly include tachycardia, increased blood pressure and proteinuria. In rarer cases, the following may occur:

  • Arrhythmia
  • Loss of appetite
  • Dizziness
  • Hyperactivity
  • Aggressiveness
  • Vomiting
  • Lethargy
  • Diarrhea

If you witness any of these side effects of Propalin for dogs, you will need to contact a veterinarian immediately. They can advise on whether cessation of its administration is the best course of action.

Contraindications of Propalin for dogs

As with most medications, there are a number of contraindications for the use of Propalin in female dogs. These include the following:

  • It should not be used to treat inappropriate urination caused by behavioral issues.
  • Should not be used in female dogs treated with non-selective monoamine oxidase inhibitors.
  • It should not be used in case of known hypersensitivity to the active ingredient or any of its excipients.
  • It should not be administered to pregnant or lactating dogs.
  • Special caution should be taken when administering the drug together with other sympathomimetics.
  • Its uses should be avoided in dogs with severe liver or kidney disease, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, hyperadrenocorticism or glaucoma.

Discover more about the different types of liver failure in dogs which can contraindicate the use of Propalin.

This article is purely informative. AnimalWised does not have the authority to prescribe any veterinary treatment or create a diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian if they are suffering from any condition or pain.

If you want to read similar articles to Propalin for Dogs - Uses and Side Effects, we recommend you visit our Medicine category.

  • Spanish Agency for Medicines and Health Products, CIMAVET. Package leaflet PROPALIN syrup, 40 mg/ml, dogs.
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Propalin for Dogs - Uses and Side Effects