Animal training
286 articles

Cats can be scared of their human guardians for various reasons that can be environmental, behavioral or physical. It is very important to distinguish between a cat that is scared all of a sudden and a new cat being scared when they enter the home. It is common for a cat to be scared when they enter any new environment,...

Barking is the main form of canine communication. Even though barking is a behavior characteristic of the species, in some cases barking can become a problem. Barking, if excessive, can appear as a negative symptom or as a behavioral problem linked to insufficient or inappropriate training or education.

Unfortunately, the mishandling of Pit Bulls by some dog owners has caused pit bull dogs and their fellow friends to suffer an unjustified bad reputation around the world. Although it is true that genetic inheritance does influence the temperament of a dog, its behavior will depend fundamentally on its...

There are several reasons that can lead a cat to sleep in its litter box, such as: a stressful situation, the arrival of a new member to the home or the discomfort of its bed. Therefore, it is our obligation to analyze the situation, find the exact cause that motivates this change in their behavior and,...

A cat biting our ankles is a relatively common occurrence, partly because of their size. When we walk along the room and they are on the floor, our ankles are an easy target for them to attack. They don't usually cause much damage to the ankles themselves, but this behavior can be dangerous as it provides...

We're sure that playing with your dog is one of your favorite activities, be it a puppy or an adult dog. Play not only strengthens the bond between canine and human, but also constitutes as good exercise for both, allowing for a way to take advantage of time spend together having fun.
Sometimes a dog...

If you have adopted a hamster as a pet, you've likely seen it biting its cage from time to time. Even if you haven't seen it, you may have heard a hamster biting its cage at night, the metal bars reverberating the sound through your room. It is common practice for many hamsters, but it if it is done with...

Jealousy is not a personality trait reserved only for humans[1]. It is common to see many cats either gradually or suddenly become possessive over their human guardians. While some people may take this as a simple sign of affectionate attachment, a possessive cat can actually be a risk to themselves,...

People who are generally fearful or act cowardly in a given situation are called ‘scaredy-cats’ for a reason. Felines are known to become frightened at the drop of a hat. The cause can be seemingly innocuous stimuli such as dropping something on the ground or moving past them quickly. This isn't because cats...

Some cats are natural hermits. They somehow manage to find spaces in the house you have never even seen before, hiding away for naps or just some personal time. It's even common to spend all day calling their name just to find out they've discovered a cosy spot near the airing cupboard. However, some...

If it were up to some family members, they'd happily trade a brother or sister for more feline friends about the house. At least they don't take all the good cookies and hog the computer. They are affectionate, entertaining and full of personality. However, the more cats you have, the more responsibility...

There is no doubt that the question of how to introduce a second cat into your household is the most common among cat owners who consider that their best friend needs company. We know how difficult it is for us to adopt a single kitten, either because we love these beautiful animals, because we want to...

If you have one or more cats, you've probably been through this situation: your cat is licking you quietly... and all of a sudden they bite you! What has happened? Don't they like the massage and petting you were giving them? Why do they engage in this conduct?
In this AnimalWised article we will enter...

An aggressive ferret is a real problem for both them and us, their family. These pets are much appreciated around the world for their intelligence and restlessness, but in spite of that, sometimes this nice mammal can show hostile attitudes.
To solve this problem, the fundamental thing is to understand their...

Does your cat sleep a lot during the day and become a relentless adventurer at dawn? In part, it is important to understand that felines developed predominantly nocturnal habits during their evolution; and their senses (mainly their vision) allow them to perform better under dimmer lights, ensuring successful...

Cats are social creatures. They are active and curious (there's even a saying about it). Unless there is something medically wrong with them, this activeness needs to be expressed on a daily basis. Having an active and energetic daily routine which promotes health and happiness is necessary for a happy...

When you think of search and rescue dogs, our minds might go to stereotypes of a St. Bernard in the snow with a barrel of brandy around their neck. But rescue dogs come in many forms and perform their heroic duties on many terrains. Although we have yet to see a flying dog, there are even rescue dogs...

Cats love playing and it is understandable. It is an essential activity for their well-being, as it prevents acute and chronic stress. Cats begin to play around the two weeks of life, first by hunting shadows, learning to coordinate.
Playing behaviors are very important for a feline, especially if...

The Yorkshire terrier is a small dog that is easily trained, it is not usually an aggressive dog. However, if they have received a bad education in the first months of life or have suffered a traumatic experience, they can become an aggressive dog that is difficult to treat.
If you have noticed a change...

When our dog is a puppy, we often let them sleep and play on the sofa. As they grow, however, this habit can create conflicts - and even destroy our furniture! Therefore, it's very important that we train dogs not to climb on things from a young age, especially if they are a larger breed.
Establishing rules...

A fairly common problem that dog owners need to resolve is pica: the consumption of things that aren't part of a dog's diet. For example, it's not uncommon to see a dog eating socks, shoes or plastic toys.
Pica is a compulsive disorder that not only ruins your possessions but can also endanger your dog:...

A dog is considered man's best friend. The bonds that dogs are able to create with people are hard to break, because they provide company and a loving and unconditional loyalty that is almost impossible to compare with other forms of affection.
However, who has not got angry with their a dog, whether...

Although there are extraordinarily docile cats, there are others who are nervous and even aggressive in the face of new situations, such as visiting the veterinarian. If, in addition, the cat has experienced such a trip before, and gone through relatively painful experiences in the process (such as...

Going for a walk is undoubtedly the best time of day for your dog. In addition to doing their needs, dog walks also allow them to feel stimulated and socialize with other dogs and / or people. Choosing schedules well is essential to ensure that you both have a quality walk and that their day to day life is...

Introducing our dog to friends and family is something that every owner should be able to do, however, some dogs can show insecurity and even fear when they approach unknown people and even people they have previously seen.
If this is your case, it will be important to consider going to a specialist...

Cats are animals that love to hide, especially in boxes, although they do not always do it for fun or in search of tranquility. There are some situations that will annoy your cat, even causing them stress, such as the arrival of strangers in your home.
Knowing why cats hide when people visit will not...

Did you know that in the wild cats spend 40% of their time hunting? For this reason, it is so important to dedicate hours of play and fun to our cat, since it is the only way they have to express their natural instinct. Thus, toys allow us to keep the animal entertained and busy for hours, decreasing...

It is no secret that cats are very neat animals, they do not only keep themselves spic and span but they also like to keep the places where they spend time tidy, such as their beds, litter boxes, feeders and other areas of the house. With this in mind, at AnimalWised we know that when a cat decides...

When you adopt a kitten, you have an obligation to teach them how to behave properly. This is so that when they live with you, life is nothing but a pleasant experience and you have a well-educated and happy pet at home. It is not acceptable for them to bite or destroy your furniture. It is also important...

A dog eating feces is not necessarily a problem, as long as it is infrequent and the feces itself causes no significant health issue. Frequent consumption of feces is serious health issue and eating feces which is contaminated with pathogens can be cause life-threatening diseases. The consumption of poop...

A scratching post is a necessary and essential item for any cat. Our pets need to vent, file down their fingernails, scratch and have a place that belongs to them. So, if you don't want to see your furniture disintegrate, a scratching post is the answer!
Cats scratch objects to communicate with other...

If you have a cat at home, then it is no secret that these animals, as well as being beautiful and good company, are also dominant beings. In some cases, they can even be capricious, so from the outset it is necessary to establish some ground rules.
It is very common to hear complaints from cat owners...

Playing with your cat is just as important as keeping them well fed and offering a comfortable bed to sleep. Without fun the animal will end up suffering from stress, anxiety or depression. To do this, it is advisable to set a schedule of games a day, and always follow the same routine to set a pattern.

Pit bulls are one of the most popular breeds exploited for dog fighting. For this reason, more and more people get the impression that they are dangerous.
In this article from AnimalWised, we will go through whether pit bulls are violent breeds, how to avoid dog fights and lastly, how to safely make...

The American pit bull terrier, or simply the pit bull, is a very well known breed. They are regularly considered to be one of the most aggressive dogs, often bought to reinforce security at home. But the truth is that they aren't responsible for this social controversy. Rather, they have been the victims...

Do you feel a sudden prodding on your face or wake up ten minutes before the alarm clock rings? If its your favorite furry friend that's waking you up every single morning and won't let you rest the amount of time you'd like to, you may be asking yourself why this may be, if you should worry or not, and...

If you have decided to adopt or foster an adult cat but you cannot socialize them with fellow cats or dogs, you have came to the right place. In this AnimalWised article we will tell you all the factors that influence the socialization of cats and your best options to integrate them into your home.

Few dogs are as faithful and loyal as the American Akita, with their evident protective instinct and willingness to go out their way for their human family. These are characteristics which need to be taken into account when you try to train them.
However, we should also mention that these dogs are naturally...

If you are fortunate enough to share your life with a dog and you want to offer them the best in life, you will need to get clued up on all their needs. For example, we always enjoy playing with our dogs, but are we aware of what things we can give them to play and which we cannot? Just as there are...

Cats may engage in the behavior of knocking or throwing things on the floor for various reasons. It can be influenced by their natural instincts and behavioral traits. It can equally be influenced by the level and quality of care they receive. Although many guardians think cats do not need training, they...

If you are thinking of adopting a schnauzer or if you already have one living with you, it is vital to know everything about the breed. Their character, their qualities and the best way to educate them from an early age. Through this, you will achieve an adult that is a balanced, sociable and happy dog.

Despite what many people think, cats are able to learn simple (and later more advanced) commands, as long as we use positive reinforcement.
AnimalWised are here to explain how to train your cat to give their paw, so that you can interact further and strengthen your relationship.
It is very gratifying to see your...

If a dog won't eat unless we are around, it can be a problem. Although it may simply be a force of habit, they might have issues with feeling unsafe, poor education or even separation anxiety. Diet is the foundation of canine health and a dog's approach to food is a reflection of their well-being. If...

If you live with a dog, you should know that taking them out on daily walks is more than just a healthy activity to do together. It enhances your relationship with one another and is also a fundamental activity which allows your dog to enjoy a full state of well-being.
Some dog breeds have different...

The Cane Corso, also known as the Italian mastiff, is one of the most impressive Italian dog breeds. In addition, they're easy to care for when using positive reinforcement.
If you are considering adopting a Cane Corso, or have one already, you have came to the perfect place. Keep reading this AnimalWised...

Socialization is the process by which dogs learn to relate to other dogs, animals and humans. Through socialization, dogs learn to get along with other pets and to differentiate adults from children. Habituation, on the other hand, is the process by which dogs learn to ignore environmental elements that...

Advice to prevent a dog from pulling the leash will depend on the specific case of each dog. This is not a widespread problem or down to a lack of understanding. It is, in most cases, a problem directly related to the dog's well being.
In this AnimalWised article we will give you the key to finding good...

Dogs can be destructive simply by being their lovely canine selves. If they hear the feed bag being opened, its easy enough for an excitable dog to knock something over in their haste to eat. They often don't know their own strength and can damage something while playing. It is important to distinguish...

To a cat, a hanging cable or wire is an enticing toy. The same goes for cords, rubber bands, ropes and ribbons - any hanging household item! For your cat it is the best distraction to play and do its thing with them. Your cat is probably a specialist in munching through electrical cords. They will have...

Dogs can be possessive with their toys: this is not a problem when they simply try to avoid us when we attempt to take them away, but it can become worrying when dogs growl or threaten to bite when approached. In that case, the dog is sending us a clear message: "This is mine, take another one".