Healthy diets

What Do Canada Geese Eat?

Nick A. Romero
By Nick A. Romero, Biologist and environmental educator. December 9, 2024
What Do Canada Geese Eat?

Canada geese are a type of goose native to North America, easily recognizable by the white stripes which bestride their black heads. Although native to the North American continent, they are migratory birds and have also been introduced to areas as far afield as New Zealand and Argentina. As with all members of the family Anatidae, they are water birds. Living on and around bodies of water influences their diet greatly. With such a wide population distribution range, they will also feed on different native plants. While mainly herbivorous, Canada geese will supplement their diet with other sources of food when necessary.

AnimalWised learns more by asking what do Canada geese eat? We discover the Canada goose diet, how it is influenced by their habitat and what problems Canada goose feeding habits can cause.

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  1. What is the Canada goose diet?
  2. What do baby Canada geese eat?
  3. What do adult Canada geese eat?
  4. How much does a Canada goose eat in a day?

What is the Canada goose diet?

Geese are birds with a great capacity for adaptation, especially when it applies to diet. This is very helpful in migratory birds since they will often need to change their eating habits according to where they land. All Canada geese are herbivorous birds, feeding mainly on plant material. As with other types of geese, Canada geese may supplement their diet with certain invertebrates such as worms or insects. Some may even eat fish. Non-plant material is not required for sustenance and it makes up only a small amount of the Canada goose diet.

As we have mentioned, Canada geese are a waterfowl species. They mostly live on and around freshwater bodies of water, although some have adapted to brackish areas. This means the vegetation they eat is influenced by their habitat. For example, they commonly eat grasses and sedges which can line the banks of rivers. They can also eat accessible aquatic plants, usually those growing near the shore.

In addition to grasses and leafy vegetation, Canada geese also eat grains, beans and seeds. This can be a problem if there is a Canada goose population found in agricultural areas. The geese can eat seeds which have been sown for crops or even remove growing crops from the ground.

They are opportunistic, so they will eat anything they can. While this is a problem for farmers wishing to protect their crops, it is also becoming an increasing issue in urban areas. Living in close proximity to human settlements has resulted in Canada geese scavenging in trash and even seeking out human food. These animals can become quite aggressive and have even been known to attack humans when they feel threatened.

In addition to the Canada goose, you can discover the different types of geese in the wild by reading our related guide.

What Do Canada Geese Eat? - What is the Canada goose diet?

What do baby Canada geese eat?

The young of all geese species are known as goslings. Their diet needs to be adapted to ensure their development and survival. Goslings are precocial, meaning their eyes are open when they are born and they are able to forage for their own food within hours of their hatching. Despite this, they still require their parents for protection and assistance. Canada geese are monogamous, with both males and females caring for the young.

As they are not yet fully developed, the diet of goslings differs from adult geese. They are still mainly herbivorous, but they cannot break down a lot of the plant material which adults can. For this reason, the diet of Canada goose goslings includes:

  • Tender shoots and leaves: this is the main food they consume during the first few weeks as they are soft and easy-to-digest plants that are rich in nutrients.
  • Insects and larvae: although less frequently, they also include this type of food which can be an important source of protein.

Many birds regurgitate their food to feed their young, but Canada geese do not regurgitate food for their goslings. Instead, they lead them to food-rich environments and encourage them to eat. They also protect them from predators.

Canada goose goslings also need constant access to water, something essential to facilitate the digestion of fibers present in plants. They learn to feed themselves mainly through observing their parents, whom they constantly follow to identify both safe areas to eat and suitable food sources.

You can find out more about how geese eat by reading out article asking do geese have teeth?

What Do Canada Geese Eat? - What do baby Canada geese eat?

What do adult Canada geese eat?

As Canada geese grow, they diversify their diet. They primarily do so by including vegetation that is more difficult for them to digest when they are young such as fibrous plants. While they are mainly herbivorous, they may occasionally supplement their diet by incorporating other food sources. This is evident in their opportunistic dietary habits. During breeding season, adult geese may eat more protein to prepare for the eventual birth of their young.

An adult goose's diet will also depend on availability. A key factor is whether or not the goose is wild. This is because wild geese are more opportunistic, while domestic geese have their dietary needs covered by their caregivers. Canada geese have never been truly domesticated, but there are some tamed or semi-domestic individuals.

While the Migratory Bird Treaty Act in the U.S. makes it illegal to own geese, there are exceptions. This is the case with birds being rehabilitated for release back into the wild or when they are unable to be rehabilitated. This does not mean you can keep Canada geese as pets without authorization.

What do wild Canada geese eat?

Wild Canada geese have access to a wide range of food options. Their diet may include:

  • Grasses and sedges: during spring and summer, these are the main food source for adult geese. Sedges are grass-like flowering plants which often grow along the edges of wetlands.
  • Seeds and grains: these are an important food source, especially for geese living in areas with cold winters. They often forge in agricultural areas for corn, wheat and soybeans.
  • Aquatic vegetation: Canada geese also eat roots, stems and leaves of plants that grow in the water. Even algae can be consumed, often serving as a dietary staple in wetland areas.
  • Crops: Canada geese frequently consume residual crops in agricultural regions, especially after harvest. They mainly feed on roots and leftover grains. This includes cornfields, soybean fields, and sometimes carrots or turnips.
  • Animals: especially during the reproductive season, some species include insects, mollusks, crustaceans and even small fish into their diet.

What do tame Canada geese eat?

Unlike the natural and varied diet of wild geese, domesticated geese depend on the dietary options provided by humans. Where legally kept, it is best to allow Canada geese to graze on plants available to them. No Canada goose will tolerate being kept in a home without access to outdoor areas.

With this in mind, the most common food available to tame Canada geese is the following:

  • Commercial feeds: special formulas for poultry can be provided that should have balanced combinations of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.
  • Grasses and foliage: these constitute the main food for geese that graze freely.
  • Leftovers: on many farms, Canada geese are offered leftover vegetables such as lettuce, carrots or corn, among others.

If you find a Canada goose in the wild, you must leave them alone. We should never try to remove an animal from their natural habitat. If you find an injured goose or an abandoned gosling, you will need to contact the relevant animal authority. They will be able to advise on what to do and provide information on a rehabilitation program to help them be returned to the wild.

Discover more about the difference between wild and domestic types of geese.

What Do Canada Geese Eat? - What do adult Canada geese eat?

How much does a Canada goose eat in a day?

The amount of food a Canada goose consumes varies depending on factors such as size, activity level and the time of year. Food availability will also have a significant impact on how much a Canada goose will eat in a day:

  • Adult Canada geese eat approximately 200 to 300 grams of food per day, though this amount can increase significantly during migratory periods as they build energy reserves.
  • Goslings consume proportionally more food to fuel rapid growth, primarily feeding on fresh shoots and grasses.

Before migration or winter, Canada geese increase their food intake to build fat reserves. These can sustain them during long flights or periods of scarcity.

If you want to learn more about members of the family Anatidae with our article explaining the difference between a swan vs. goose vs. duck.

If you want to read similar articles to What Do Canada Geese Eat?, we recommend you visit our Healthy diets category.

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What Do Canada Geese Eat?