
What Is Calmatonine for Dogs?

Josie F. Turner
By Josie F. Turner, Journalist specialized in Animal Welfare. Updated: July 17, 2024
What Is Calmatonine for Dogs?

See files for Dogs

Taking care of our beloved pets means understanding that they have an emotional life and a variety of obstacles they face on a daily basis. Anxiety and stress are commonly encountered problems, resulting in excessive barking, destructive behavior, and withdrawal. Calmatonine is gaining popularity among pet owners who are seeking effective remedies outside the realm of traditional approaches to tackle these issues.

In the following AnimalWised article, you will learn everything you need to know about Calmatonine for dogs, including its uses, composition, and dosage.

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  1. What is Calmatonine for dogs?
  2. Composition of Calmatonine for dogs
  3. Uses of Calmatonine for dogs
  4. Dosage of Calmatonine for dogs
  5. Side effects of Calmatonine for dogs
  6. Contraindications of Calmatonine for dogs

What is Calmatonine for dogs?

Calmatonine for dogs is a specially formulated supplement designed to address anxiety and stress in our canine companions. It is a natural remedy that aims to promote a sense of calmness and balance in dogs, helping them manage their emotional well-being more effectively.

Calmatonine is made from selected herbal ingredients known for their soothing properties, offering a gentle and holistic approach to support dogs in times of stress or anxiety.

Calmatonine for dogs typically does not require a prescription. It is commonly available as an over-the-counter supplement or dietary product. However, it's always a good idea to consult with your veterinarian before introducing any new supplements or medications into your dog's routine.

We recommend checking out another article where we provide a detailed explanation of what separation anxiety in dogs entails.

Composition of Calmatonine for dogs

Calmatonine supplements for dogs contain a blend of natural ingredients known for their calming and anxiety-reducing properties. These ingredients may include:

  • Prunus cerasus concentrate (100 mg): this is a concentrated form of Prunus cerasus, which is the scientific name for sour cherry. It is included in the tablet for its potential calming effects.

  • Tryptophan (100 mg): is an amino acid that serves as a building block for certain neurotransmitters, including serotonin. It is known to help regulate mood and promote relaxation.

  • Valerenic acid (0.8 mg): is a compound found in valerian root, which is a herb known for its calming properties. The valerian root extract in this tablet is concentrated 18 times, providing a potent dose of valerenic acid.

  • Flavonoids (4 mg): these are beneficial plant compounds known for their antioxidant and calming properties. In this tablet, the passionflower fruit extract is specially concentrated four times to ensure a higher concentration of flavonoids, specifically vitexin. This increased potency enhances the tablet's effectiveness in promoting relaxation and soothing anxiety in dogs.

  • Inositol (50 mg): inositol is a naturally occurring substance that plays a role in neurotransmitter signaling. It is believed to help support mental well-being and alleviate anxiety symptoms.

Do not miss this other article, where we explain the use of passionflower for dogs, its benefits, dosage, and contraindications.

Uses of Calmatonine for dogs

Calmatonine has several uses and can be beneficial in various situations. Here are some common uses of Calmatonine for dogs:

  • Anxiety and stress management: Calmatonine can be beneficial in situations such as separation anxiety, fear of loud noises (e.g., thunderstorms or fireworks), travel anxiety, or general anxiety triggered by specific events or environmental changes.

  • Behavioral issues: dogs with behavioral problems, including excessive barking, destructive chewing, or aggression stemming from anxiety, may benefit from Calmatonine. It can help promote a calmer state of mind, reducing unwanted behaviors caused by stress or anxiety.

  • Veterinary visits: Calmatonine can be used as a supportive aid during veterinary visits. It can help alleviate the anxiety and nervousness often experienced by dogs when visiting the veterinarian, making the experience more comfortable for both the dog and the veterinary staff.

  • Adaptation to new environments: Calmatonine helps dogs adapt to new environments and situations, such as moving to a new home, adjusting to a new family member or pet, or staying in unfamiliar places.

  • Calming hyperactivity: dogs with excessive energy or hyperactivity can benefit from Calmatonine, as it may help promote a more balanced and relaxed state, reducing restlessness and hyperactive behavior.

It's important to note that Calmatonine is a supplement and not a substitute for professional veterinary care. If your dog is experiencing severe anxiety, behavioral issues, or any other health concerns, it's always recommended to consult with a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis and guidance on the most appropriate treatment options for your furry friend.

What Is Calmatonine for Dogs? - Uses of Calmatonine for dogs

Dosage of Calmatonine for dogs

Calmatonine is an oral food supplement available in tablet form, typically packaged in either 120-tablet bottles or blister packs containing 10 tablets. The recommended daily dosage of Calmatonine for dogs is as follows:

  • Dogs weighing up to 10 kg: Half a tablet.
  • Dogs weighing 10 to 20 kg: 1 tablet.
  • Dogs weighing 20 to 30 kg: 1 and a half tablets.
  • Dogs weighing 30 to 40 kg: 2 tablets.

Now, let's discuss how to administer Calmatonine to your dog based on the desired effect:

  • Occasional use: When you anticipate your dog will be exposed to a stressful situation such as fireworks, travel, or loud noises, Calmatonine can be given preventively. Administer the appropriate dosage between 30 minutes and 1 hour before the expected stressor to achieve a relaxing effect during that particular event.

  • Continuous use: if your dog experiences ongoing stressful factors like separation anxiety or changes in residence, Calmatonine can be administered continuously for a more prolonged anxiolytic effect. In this case, the supplement can be given for up to 6 weeks without interruption.

Do not miss this other article on 10 signs your dog is stressed.

Side effects of Calmatonine for dogs

Calmatonine for dogs is generally considered safe and well-tolerated when administered as directed. However, as with any supplement or medication, there is a possibility of side effects, although they are rare. Some potential side effects that may occur with the use of Calmatonine in dogs include:

  • Calmatonine may cause mild drowsiness or sedation in some dogs. This effect is typically temporary and diminishes as the dog's body adjusts to the supplement.

  • In rare cases, dogs may experience mild digestive disturbances such as loose stools or stomach upset. These effects are usually temporary and resolve on their own.

  • Although uncommon, dogs may develop allergic reactions to certain ingredients in Calmatonine. Signs of an allergic reaction may include itching, swelling, rash, or difficulty breathing. If any of these symptoms occur, discontinue use and seek veterinary attention immediately.

It's important to note that the occurrence of side effects can vary from dog to dog, and most dogs tolerate Calmatonine well without experiencing any adverse effects. If you notice any unusual or concerning symptoms after administering Calmatonine to your dog, it is recommended to consult with a veterinarian for further evaluation and guidance.

Contraindications of Calmatonine for dogs

Calmatonine for dogs generally has a good safety profile, but there are a few contraindications and considerations to keep in mind.

If your dog has a known allergy or hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients in Calmatonine, it should not be administered. It's essential to carefully review the product's ingredient list to ensure there are no known allergens for your dog.

Furthermore, dogs with certain pre-existing medical conditions may require caution or avoidance when using Calmatonine. These conditions can include liver or kidney disease, bleeding disorders, or any other health condition that may interact with the ingredients in Calmatonine.

Calmatonine may interact with certain medications, such as sedatives or tranquilizers, as it has calming properties. It's important to inform your veterinarian about any medications your dog is currently taking to avoid potential interactions.

This article is purely informative. AnimalWised does not have the authority to prescribe any veterinary treatment or create a diagnosis. We invite you to take your pet to the veterinarian if they are suffering from any condition or pain.

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What Is Calmatonine for Dogs?