Facts about the animal kingdom

10 Things that Dogs Love

Josie F. Turner
By Josie F. Turner, Journalist specialized in Animal Welfare. June 7, 2017
10 Things that Dogs Love

See files for Dogs

We all know that dogs love to play, be petted, eat all day, sleep and run on the beach. However, dogs have certain preferences and behaviors they enjoy that humans do not yet know about and are very specific to dogs.

Dogs have many activities that make them happy and enjoy doing. It is a simply a matter of instinct, nature and social preferences. So if you have a dog at home and want to delve deeper into the canine world, read this new Animal Wised article where we will tell you 10 things dogs love. I'm sure you didn't know about them until now!

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  1. Collecting trophies
  2. Eating alone
  3. Always being by your side
  4. Watching TV
  5. Making the bed
  6. Swimming
  7. Music
  8. Being productive
  9. Traveling
  10. Sleeping with you
See more >>

Collecting trophies

Dogs love taking personal items that are not theirs, especially if they are on your property. For them they are trophies because they are part of you (their favourite person) and carry your scent. As well as collecting them, they will often take them to other rooms and hide them in places like under cushions or in the laundry. They also have this tendency because they will do anything to get your attention, even if it means behaving "badly". They hide your stuff because they like interacting with you. It also stops them from getting bored, because it gives them something to do, as if they were on a mission.

Eating alone

Many human companions of dogs think their pet loves to eat while they are watched or they see food as a social event. Although some dogs like to eat when their owners eat, for the dog the act of eating is a personal moment. For a domesticated dog, you are the leader of the pack, so your dog will feel more comfortable eating in a private space where they can be sure that the alpha male won't steal their food- this applies to any food or treat. Don't be surprised if your dog takes what you give it into another room. You will see that it is its canine nature.

10 Things that Dogs Love - Eating alone

Always being by your side

Your dog is part of you in the same way that you are part of them.Being close to your side is one of the most common behaviours and is therefore another thing dogs love doing. These dogs are saying to all who approach "move, this human is mine!" They do this to minimise as much distance as they can between you, and to transfer odors.

This is a social-emotional-biological habit. Some experts suggest that this behaviour indicates protection on the part of your dog. They are working as a barrier to intruders while you provide a blanket of security, confidence and comfort to them.

10 Things that Dogs Love - Always being by your side

Watching TV

When they leave home, many people leave the television on to accompany the dog in their absence. Although dogs cannot see like humans, they appreciate the light, colours and sound a lot. For them it can be mental stimulation and therefore is one of the things dogs love. In fact, some experts claim that dogs really enjoy watching TV because it helps them relax and fight boredom. However, these same animal experts emphasize that television should not be a substitute for love, human attention and exercise. Don't miss our article on what dog's do when home alone.

10 Things that Dogs Love - Watching TV

Making the bed

Dogs love comfort just like people, and will make their personal space as perfect and relaxing as possible. To achieve this, the simplest way is to walk in circles a few times, as if they were making their own nest. By doing this, dogs spread their scent in the area, and make it clear that this is their territory. They also prepare the ground and temperature of the space.

10 Things that Dogs Love - Making the bed


Have you ever seen a dog swim? It is a scene full of joy because they look like they are enjoying it immensely. Swimming is an activity that most dogs love like no other, and they also have an amazing ability to do it so much better than most people. For most dogs, swimming it is a great alternative fun exercise to a walk at any time of day.

10 Things that Dogs Love - Swimming


Dogs undoubtedly love music. It stimulates them on an emotional and sensory level, and many people are surprised to find out that their favourite pets have a finely tuned ear. Classical music is calming for dogs. Heavy metal is agitating, but their favourite is vocal music, so now is the time to sing to your dog. When dogs howl, they pay special attention to what other dogs sound like, with a purpose of changing their tone so that theirs is unique and stands out from the others.

10 Things that Dogs Love - Music

Being productive

Dogs have a sense of natural purpose. They love accomplishing tasks and feeling useful and, through this, valued. Our pets have a natural inclination to work, otherwise, they will feel bored and restless. Tasks include finding the newspaper, retrieving a ball, shepherding a flock of sheep. Literally anything that makes them recognised and rewarded. Having nothing to do can make your dog feel depressed and suppressed in their very nature.

10 Things that Dogs Love - Being productive


Dogs do not like to stay home, they like to feel included and taken everywhere, so travelling is one of the things dogs love. They will accompany you anywhere! Some dogs even get inside the suitcase of their human companions because they know that they are going to travel and want them to take them with them. Dogs are not aware that they are dogs, they feel they are part of the family, equal, just like any other human being... and they are right!

10 Things that Dogs Love - Traveling

Sleeping with you

This is one of the things dogs love in the world. Sleeping with their human companion symbolizes not only the best time of the day, but of life. Letting your dog spend the night with you in your bed makes them feel privileged and part of your world because you are including them in your most personal space.

This does not mean that you let this become a habit or stop sleeping in your bed. However, do not isolate yourself from your dog, or close the door to your room every night while you leave them out. This will make them feel alone and neglected. A balanced solution is to, at least, let your dog be in the same room as you.

10 Things that Dogs Love - Sleeping with you

If you want to read similar articles to 10 Things that Dogs Love, we recommend you visit our Facts about the animal kingdom category.

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Sandra Fleming
What are the best clippers for grooming a small Chinese Crested?
(Powder--long hair)
i like these 10 things about dogs right now i am eating popcorn and i have seven dogs
Administrador AnimalWised
That's a lot! Sounds like you must be living in a puppy paradise, we're very jealous!
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10 Things that Dogs Love