Facts about the animal kingdom

Can Two Male Dogs Get Stuck Together?

Eduarda Piamore
By Eduarda Piamore, Expert in canine and feline psychology, education and training.. August 7, 2024
Can Two Male Dogs Get Stuck Together?

See files for Dogs

When a male dog mates with a female, the copulation process involves a period where the two dogs are stuck together. This is due to engorgement of the genitals and its purpose is to ensure that as much sperm as possible can be introduced to have the best chance of egg fertilization. When intertwined, the male usually turns away from the female and it can look like they are in distress. For dog owners who are not aware of this process, it can be a worrying sight. It is important to remember that this is a natural behavior and the dogs will resolve the situation naturally on their own.

Although there will be no chance of fertilization, male dogs are known to mount other males. This can happen for various reasons, but AnimalWised finds out can two male dogs get stuck together?

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  1. Can two male dogs get stuck together?
  2. What happens if two male dogs get stuck together?
  3. How to prevent two male dogs from mating

Can two male dogs get stuck together?

To understand whether two dogs can get stuck together when mounting, we should better understand this process. A male dog will get stuck with a female when mating due to their reproductive anatomy. In particular, this is a result of the anatomy of the male dog as the penis becomes engorged when ejaculating.

In order for the male dog to be able to release sperm and fertilize the female, swelling of the penile bulb occurs. This is at the base of the dog's penis which engorges to the point it locks in the vestibule of the female's vagina. The male will usually turn away from the female at this point to dismount. However, the swelling of the penile bulb means this cannot happen and they become stuck.

When the dog's penile bulb reduces to its original size, it is a sign that copulation has ended and the dogs can finally disengage. We explain more about this process and dog reproductive anatomy in our article on why do dogs get stuck together when mating?

For two male dogs to stay stuck together after mating, penetration and subsequent ejaculation must occur. While technically possible, it is very unlikely two male dogs will get stuck together. This is for the following main reasons:

Mounting does not always involve penetration

In most cases, a male does not mount another male with the purpose of penetrating him. The dog's natural instinct knows that reproduction with another male is impossible. For this reason, a male dog mounting another male usually has other motivations. This motivations include to relive stress, establishing dominance in the social order, behavioral problems or even simple play behavior. It is more common in sexually intact dogs when females in heat are nearby.

In these cases, we see that the male simulates the movement of mounting, but does not copulate with the other male. Since there is no penetration, it is impossible for the male to ejaculate inside the other male and become stuck.

Anatomical differences between male and female dogs

We should know that various mammalian animal species will practice sexual behaviors without any reproductive purpose. Dogs are no exception. Sexual relations between individuals of the same gender have been observed in almost all types of animals, from large primates to tiny insects.

These are homosexual acts, but they do not have the same connotations and motivations as homosexual behaviors in humans. They are often a result of complicated interactions in a social group. As explained above, they can be used to maintain bonds, establish dominance or even to play around.

It is possible a male dog can penetrate another male, but they would have to do so anally. Although it can be penetrated, the anus does not have the same structure as the female vagina. Anal muscles have greater elasticity, meaning even the engorgement of the male penile bulb during ejaculation means it would not necessarily become stuck.

Two male dogs allowing penetration

Arriving at the point of ejaculation between two male dogs would be very unlikely. The male being mounted would have to allow the other male to mate when them in the first place. They would also have to allow them to continue penetration to the point of ejaculation. Female dogs in heat want a male to penetrate them for fertilization purposes. It is very unlikely a male dog would tolerate this in the same way.

For us to better understand the limitations of a male dog mounting another male, you can take a look at our article on the differences between male and female dogs.

Can Two Male Dogs Get Stuck Together? - Can two male dogs get stuck together?

What happens if two male dogs get stuck together?

As we have explained, although a male dog can mount another male, they will not likely penetrate, let alone reach the stage where they can get stuck together. However, it is technically possible. For this reason, if two male dogs were to get stuck together, we should not try to separate them by force. Due to the anal elasticity described above, it is likely they will become unstuck immediately.

Since this hooking together is part of the ejaculation process, it is unlikely the other male dog will remain until this can happen. If it does occur that the dog remains stuck, trying to remove them could cause tissue damage to the dogs. As with females, the swelling of the penile bulb will go down after ejaculation is complete and the two will disengage.

Since these are two male dogs, it is impossible for this sexual act to lead to pregnancy. Only female dogs have a uterus and an entire reproductive system that allows them to gestate puppies.

Despite the unlikelihood of two males dogs getting stuck together, it is important to know this mounting behavior is not dangerous. This type of sex between two male dogs will not lead to any harm to their physical or mental health. Although it may be a demonstration of differences in the social order, it is not a moral issue. Many dogs will not welcome being mounted by another male and can even defend themselves, but this is a situation which will be resolved in the moment.

To learn more about these sexual behaviors in dogs, take a look at our article explaining whether a male dog can mount a female when she is not in heat.

How to prevent two male dogs from mating

Although the mounting itself will not cause any harm, the reasons why a male dog mounts other males can be negative. This is because some dogs may do it out of stress or frustration, especially those which have not been neutered. Mounting is usually a hormonal impulse, something which can cause disruption to the dog, their owners and other dogs they encounter.

For this reason, we need to understand the reason why the male dog mounts other dogs. With this in mind, we can look at the various ways to stop this behavior:

  • Castration: it is the only method of proven efficiency in the control and even the eradication of behaviors associated with sexual desire. In addition to mounting, they include escapism, marking and intersexual aggression. If your dog keeps trying to mount or if they become aggressive, neutering by castration is recommended. Learn more with our article explaining the procedure and benefits of neutering a male dog.
  • Physical and mental stimulation: making sure your dog exercises daily and has an enriched environment are some of the best preventative measures against stress. If a dog is not sufficiently stimulated physically and cognitively, it will lead to various behavioral problems, including excessive mounting of other dogs.
  • Training and education: training your dog is an excellent way to keep him physically and mentally motivated. Training sessions allow him to mobilize his entire body and gradually expand his cognitive abilities. In addition, a well-trained dog has a more balanced and reliable behavior inside and outside the home. This requires the use of positive reinforcement since improper training and scolding can lead to other behavioral problems.
  • Socialization: there are times when a male dog wants to mount other males simply because he has learned that this is an acceptable way to interact. The problem is that the other dog does not always find this type of interaction pleasant, sometimes triggering a conflict. To prevent this from happening, it is essential to properly socialize your dog as a puppy, preferably before his third or fourth month of life.

Last but not least, it should be noted that dogs can also perform a movement very similar to mounting when they need to relieve pain, burning or discomfort. This could be a problem with the genitals, but it could also be a hip or joint issue. If our dog is mounting due to a physical rather than a behavioral problem, it is vital we take them to a veterinarian for assessment.

Learn more about possible physical issues which can lead to mounting with our article on why my dog has a swollen penis.

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Can Two Male Dogs Get Stuck Together?